"Aren't you letting me go in and sit down?" Chi Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, sit inside..." Inoue Sakura took a picture of her forehead after saying this, "This is originally your house, Xiaofeng."

Chi Feng just smiled and did not speak. After the four of them came to the living room, Chi Feng raised his hands and brought the kettle and water cup over. Inoue Ying, the province, was busy again.

For Inoue Ying Baixue, she knows that Chi Feng has a sister who is not related by blood. She usually has a good relationship and lives in a house.

"Xiaoxue, call Auntie." Bai Xue touched Qi Chuanxue's face. Qi Chuanxue turned to look at Inoue Ying and cried out: "Hello, Auntie."

Inoue's cherry face turned red in an instant, she was still an unmanned girl, no matter how hard she could eat it, she was just an aunt in her twenties, which is too fast.

Chi Feng immediately introduced: "This is my wife Nagawa Baixue, you can call her Baixue, this is my daughter Qi Chuanxue."

Chi Feng briefly talked about the ten years since he left. Inoue Ying thought he was dreaming, but Chi Feng was actually ten years old. No wonder he has both his wife and children.

Inoue Ying was a little bit unspeakable, he was joyful, some lost, and mixed.

But after seeing Xiaoxue, Inoue Ying feels that Chi Feng is very happy. Xiaoxue looks very cute, much like Chi Feng.

"Sister Ying, this house will be yours from now on, and I will go out and buy another one."

When Chi Feng said this, Inoue Ying's mood also became depressed. Now Chi Feng has a wife and children, so naturally she wants to live with them, and her own sister seems a bit redundant.

The vicissitudes of life changed so quickly, Inoue Sakura still couldn't react, she smiled reluctantly, showing that she understood.

After Chi Feng left with Bai Xue, Inoue Ying went to open a bottle of red wine by herself, poured it into the glass and considered it alone.

After arriving in Bosu City, Chi Feng opened a five-star room for Bai Xue and let them play in the hotel. By the way, Bai Xue took Xiao Xue to meet the world.

Chi Feng is now very relieved of Baixue. No one in this world can threaten their mother and daughter. Qi Chuanxue's current cultivation base is already at the fourth level.

It can be said that even a god-level powerhouse is not Qi Chuanxue's opponent, and it may be a little funny and scary to say it.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Walking far away, Chi Feng could smell the scent of barbecue. Chi Feng walked into his barbecue shop quickly and found that the business in the shop was very good, and he was very busy.

"The boss is back!" Pingyuan Xiongda yelled directly in the store, his tone very excited.

A few seconds later, a figure rushed upstairs and quickly came to Chi Feng, who turned out to be Shinos.

"Master, why did you leave without telling me or taking me?" Shinos felt that Chi Feng had become more mature, and he was unspeakably ordinary.

Everyone gathered around for a while, Chi Feng waved his hands quickly and said, "You do your thing first, and the guests are still there."

Everyone has returned to their posts. Some guests even know Chi Feng. One of the guests came to Chi Feng in three or two steps, holding Chi Feng’s hand and saying, "Senior Chi Feng, please help. The world."

Chi Feng frowned. Why would it be just a guest saying such things to him?

Shinos asked the guest to return to his seat, and then he said to Chi Feng: "This year is very turbulent. In the first month after you leave, the dark age has come."

"Are there any rooms available on the second floor?" Chi Feng asked.

"Yes, master, let's go upstairs and talk." Shinos followed Chi Feng into the unmanned box. Chi Feng raised his hand to restrain him, and then asked: "Tell me, what's going on in the dark age? "

There was a ray of light in Shinorth's eyes, and a 3D stereoscopic image was immediately shown in the void, and all the events that happened in various places during the year were played out.

At the same time, Senos said: "This year, the Dark Age has come. Although the Villain Alliance has been defeated, the Villain Alliance has come alive again because of the addition of the strong. Even without AFO's control, the Villain Alliance is now very powerful."

"One more thing, as far as I know, the Hidden Gate is uneasy now. Many Hidden Gate people have appeared in the world, and some of the Hidden Gate children have worked in reality," Shinos said.

Chi Feng learned that many professional heroes had been killed, and the professional heroes were a bit empty. It seemed that there were more bad guys than good guys, and it looked like a dark age.

"Master, your barbecue restaurant has been attacked several times, but they were all blocked by Senior Shenquan, but now Senior Shenquan is injured. I don’t know where you went. If you don’t come back, we don’t know if this restaurant can still It drove smoothly." Shinos felt helpless at the end.

Chi Feng's face was angry, but the next moment he recovered his calm, "It's okay now, I brought back a person who is enough to quell any dark forces in the island country."

Chi Feng came back from Jiyuanlu with not only Deadpool, but also Bai Lei. Bai Lei is a veteran god-level powerhouse. Now his strength is at the peak. Everything can be solved with his shots. .

As for the hidden gate, Chi Feng intends to solve it personally. After all, the strength of the people in the hidden gate has surpassed that of supernormal people, and even the country may not have a way to deal with the hidden gate.

It’s just that Chi Feng finds it strange that for so many years he has not seen the Hidden Gate go out of the mountain, but he has set foot in the world this year after he left. There is absolutely a problem in this.

Shinos didn't ask too much, as long as Chi Feng came back, everything would be resolved.

In the evening, Chi Feng and the friends in the store returned to the hotel after having a meal. On this day, Bai Xue took her daughter around in Hosu City. Xiaoxue ate a lot of snacks and bought some toys.

Chi Feng lay in the bath, looking at the scenery outside the window thoughtfully.


At this moment, there was an explosion. Chi Feng's eyes could see a building a few kilometers away exploded, and his consciousness swept over. Chi Feng clearly saw a group of people in black clothes robbing the building.

The strength of these men in black is at the level of the Seven Saints, and the people they commit are ordinary people.

Chi Feng shook his head. It really was a dark age. This kind of thing basically didn't happen several times a year ago. As a result, it happened just after he came back today.

I picked up my mobile phone and made a call, "Hey, Ida-san, you will be responsible for the safety of Hosu City from now on. I think you also know the current situation today. Now I will tell you the coordinates. Go there to clean up. Several people."

"I have inherited the will of my brother Ingnim anyway, not to mention Hosu, as long as I can do it, I will do it." Ida Tenya's firm voice came from the phone.

After Chi Feng hung up the phone, he sent the coordinates of the accident site to Ida Tenya, so he didn't need to worry about the next thing.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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