When I walked around the first floor, Zheng Yan and the fat man had already climbed to the second floor through the wooden staircase in the hall on the first floor. I don't know what they were doing yet, but when I did, I regretted that I didn't get home sooner.

The staircase is still made of wood, with two long thick pieces of wood as a skeleton on both sides, and then a plank in the middle.

This staircase is still relatively steep, and walking on it, it squeaks. But from the outside, the staircase is still good, not too moldy, and not much bitten by termites.

This kind of wood is afraid of mold and rot, and second, it is afraid of termite pests.

I went to the second floor, which also has two rooms. But now it has been carved up by Zheng Yan and the fat man...

The building near the water gets the moon first, and this side is really a chess mistake and loses all the games. This precious room was robbed by a fat man.

I had to climb to the third floor and live...

It's not mainly about how good the room on the second floor is, it's mainly because there is a beautiful Zheng here, which is much better than me being lonely and lonely on the third floor.

The room chosen by the fat man used to be a child's room, the bed in it was relatively small, and there was a pictorial of Salted Egg Superman on the wall, and there was a writing desk in front of the window against the south, with some books on it. There was a bed on the west side, and then nothing else.

Zheng Yanxuan's house looks like the master bedroom, which is more spacious and has a larger bed (Nima, I'm worried about the bed). There's also a dresser inside, and there's a big wardrobe against the gable that can hide people, and hehe, there's also a writing desk against the window.

On the desk is one of those very old cookie boxes. Zheng Yan is now busy cleaning up the room. I looked outside and silently ran to the third floor.

There are also two rooms on the third floor, one of which is piled up with a lot of miscellaneous items, including wood, steamers, iron pots, bamboo, etc.

In the other room, some clothes were hung, and some large bamboo weaving made of bamboo was placed. Li Amin also put some dried vegetables. This room was relatively empty, so I decided to sleep here.

In another room there was a bed made of folded bamboo, so I moved the bed and opened it and put it in this room, and I threw all the other miscellaneous items into the other room.

This bamboo bed is probably made by the man himself. Anyway, sleeping in it is the kind of "except for the horn that doesn't sound, everywhere else rings", hehe.

But fortunately, this thing did not collapse, and it can continue to function as a bed.

After a while, I heard the fat man shouting below: "Nanyang handsome guy, where is

the toilet?" Nima, it's really a weird thing, I basically looked at this room, this building, and I didn't find a toilet!

"I didn't find it either," I replied. And then the smoke slipped downstairs, and it was a haunted house. Don't the people who live here in TMD?

I'll quickly meet with the fat man and Zheng Yan, and in case of haunting, I can take care of it.

With the loud crashing sound of the wooden staircase, I went downstairs and walked into the fat man's room.

"What are you running, be careful

that the stairs have collapsed for you" The fat man was still complaining, estimating that he was afraid of going upstairs just now due to his weight problem, for fear of collapsing this staircase, so he was also worried when he saw me making such a big noise.

"Don't talk about it, fat man, have you found it, this house TMD doesn't have a toilet, you said that this person who used to live here, is TMD not

" Hearing my feudal superstition, Zheng Yan also walked over from the next room and said-

"Where is there a sullen man who dances the gods, you don't engage in feudal superstition here" Zheng Yan unceremoniously told me that I was a sullen man. Numb, where is Lao Tzu sullen, I won't talk to Zheng Yan for the time being, I hurriedly asked:

"Zheng Yan, what's the matter" Zheng Yan

didn't find this toilet for a while, so now she is also dragging her cheeks, thinking, and didn't answer for a while.

The fat man muttered softly, "Damn, the temple demon is windy, and the king of Chi Qian is eighty, it won't be really haunted."

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