Zheng Qian cautiously slipped through this gap into this Qingshan No. 1 community.

Walking into the community, there is a walking path about 3 meters wide on each side of the fountain.

The concrete-poured walking path in this neighborhood is now covered with yellow fallen leaves, and it seems that no one has cleaned it for a while.

Zheng Qian walked along this walking path, stepping on the thin fallen leaves, and walked into the community.

Through the circular walking path of the community, Zheng Qian arrived at the residential area behind the community.

There is a large lawn here, and the north, east, and west sides of the lawn are rows of buildings, and the south side of this lawn is naturally the grove at the entrance of the community.

With Western-style architecture, beautiful environment, and quiet atmosphere, Zheng Qian is also the first time to see such a beautiful high-end community, and she can't help but feel a little happy and excited.

"Eh, I just asked where the fat brother lived, but I didn't ask how many units I lived in...

Zheng Qian felt a little self-reproach and regret.

"If only I had asked more clearly,"

Zheng Qian walked from the west lawn to the east lawn. I kept looking at the neighborhood with my eyes.

Since Zheng Qian learned from the radio that these zombies are sensitive to sound, Zheng Qian didn't dare to shout fat people here. For a while, Zheng Qian didn't think of a good way to find the fat man, so now Zheng Qian is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

After turning around on the middle lawn, Zheng Qian didn't think of any good way, so she simply found a small waterway manhole cover on the lawn and sat down.

Because the entire lawn is wet now, but the cellar manhole cover on the small waterway in the center of this lawn has been dried by the sun, so Zheng Qian also chose to sit down here.

Put down the small wooden stick brought from Xiaoya Village in his hand, take out the instant noodles in the backpack, open the instant noodles, add the powder seasoning packet, crush it, and eat it dry.

This morning, Zheng Qian walked almost 4,5 kilometers away, and ran into two zombies in fear. I'm already hungry now.

I was busy walking just now, but now I have arrived in this community, but I have lost the direction of my search again and again, so I decided to sit down and eat instant noodles.

Zheng Qian was eating instant noodles while thinking, "Is the fat brother still here?" "If he is still here, where will he be?"

Zheng Qian looked around while eating instant noodles

, "Eh, by the way, if the

fat brother

is still in this community, then you must pass by both sides of this lawn, and I will wait here."

So Zheng Qian made up her mind and decided to wait for the fat man to appear on the cellar manhole cover in the middle of this lawn.

In early summer, as soon as it was close to noon, it became unusually hot and dry.

It was already 11 o'clock, and the sun was high in the sky, and the sky was as clear as a deep lake, and there was not a single cloud on it.

Beneath the clear surface of the lake, in the open lawn sheltered by not a single tree on all sides, on the black iron hot manhole cover, sat a little girl with long hair, snow-white skin, delicate and thin about 24,5 years old. I was holding a backpack on my head with one hand to block the glare of the sun, while using the other hand, in front of my eyes, to look around the neighborhood.

This somewhat scorching sun was shining on the grass, and patches of water vapor rose on the grass, and this water vapor surrounded Zheng Qian, and it was unbearably hot.

The hot sun shone on the black iron manhole cover in the middle of the lawn, and the whole manhole cover was like a frying pan with a low fire underneath, making it difficult to sit up.

Zheng Qian was surrounded by the water vapor of the supermarket coming from her face, her head was dizzy, and she couldn't see things in the distance very clearly. And at the bottom, the cellar manhole cover where Zheng Qian was sitting has almost roasted Zheng Qian's ass now.

"It's so hot~"

Although it is unbearable heat now, Zheng Qian still doesn't want to leave here, because this community is relatively large, and only this location can you see the whole picture of the whole community, and if you are in other places, you may miss something.

The water vapor in the air is okay, the cellar manhole cover under this butt is getting hotter and hotter now, and Zheng Qian can't sit still. Hurriedly got up, took out the kettle from his backpack, raised his head, and poured some water on his head from it.

Water flowed down Zheng Qian's hair and cheeks all over her body.

"Mmmm~ It seems that I can only stand in the future, this weather~"

On this day, Zheng Qian was so persistent, stupid, and was exposed to the blazing sun for a day on the cellar manhole cover of the central lawn of this community. In the hottest time of the afternoon, Zheng Qian was willing to water her hair to cool herself down, and other times, she endured it.

Just standing stupidly and waiting.



The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of paid words: Zheng Qian: I'm waiting, your return!"The strongest reserve of the apocalypse" This is my novel, interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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