Before I knew it, it was already waning, the sun had already run to the sky west of Qingshan Town, the sun was not as hot as it was in the afternoon, and the moisture on the lawn was also dried in the afternoon.

The evening breeze blew slowly, and the cool breeze blew on Zheng Qian's face, and Zheng Qian also felt a little cool.

"Eh, it's too late if you don't go back. It

was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and Zheng Qian had been alone in the middle of the lawn all afternoon, standing or sitting, waiting.

And the thousands of zombies in the entire community and Zheng Yan are now safe.

But at night, Zheng Qian would never dare to spend the night here, so Zheng Qian also looked at the sunset in the west, and then looked around the community and found no trace of the fat man. I'm ready to go home.

"I'll take a look tomorrow~"

So Zheng Qian took a hurried step with a little disappointment and walked out of the Qingshan No. 1 community.

As the sunlight fades, the zombies in the entire community are also slowly activated.

This kind of zombie seems to be more sensitive to sunlight, so during the day, Zheng Qian can freely enter and leave this place I call the zombie cave alone, without being discovered by the thousands of zombies inside.

But after 5 p.m., the sunlight is already a little weak. The zombies in this community are now gradually recovering their mobility, and their activity is slowly strengthening, and even their sense of hearing has been strengthened.

Just when Zheng Qian squeezed out of the crack in the metal telescopic door at the gate:


a "bang~"

sound came out of this communication room.

Zheng Qian looked in the direction of the communication room. Since the sunlight is now in the west, this glass is no longer reflective, Zheng Qian was outside the community this time, and saw through this glass that there was a security guard inside with two eyes that were zombies with black holes, hitting the glass and grinning hoarsely at Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian was startled by this sudden voice, and when she saw this zombie again, Zheng Qian was so frightened that she shouted loudly:


Then, Zheng Qian ran desperately towards her hut, Xiaoya Village.

And the zombie in the back, after hearing Zheng Qian's call, immediately restarted the system, immediately activated the rage mode, smashed the glass at one end, and then crawled out of the hole.

At this time, Zheng Qian can see clearly, this zombie is not a black hole in glasses, but has no eyes at all, it is just two eye sockets, which are empty, and black blood is flowing out of these two holes, drawing two vertical blood tears on his face! Zheng Qian

, one panicked, accidentally stepped on a stone.


Suddenly, Zheng Qian fell into the mud, and her ankle was sprained at this time.

Zheng Qian didn't care about the pain in her feet, and turned around to see if the zombie had followed:

And this zombie, who seems to have determined Zheng Qian's position now, is slowly touching this side like a blind man.

Zheng Qian hurriedly endured the pain, got up from the ground, and staggered towards the opposite side of the road.

At this time, after listening attentively for a while, this zombie also walked in the direction of Zheng Qian.

At this time, Zheng Qian also understood that this zombie seemed to be blind. It's all based on sound localization.

However, this Zheng Qian has not yet mastered my plan to attack the west at this time, just thinking, try not to make a sound, so that this zombie will not find himself.

So Zheng Qian is now walking as little as possible without making a sound, leaning on crutches (the wooden stick for self-defense has been used as Zheng Qian's royal crutches), and slowly walked towards Xiaoya Village step by step.

Zheng Qian walked while looking at where the zombies were following behind.

Unexpectedly, the zombie behind was a stalker, and in which direction Zheng Qian went, this zombie would follow.

Zheng Qian was also a little anxious, and when she suddenly looked behind, she accidentally inserted her crutches into the slope outside, and all of a sudden, the crutches rolled down the small slope, making a clicking sound.

Zheng Qian was startled at first, she didn't expect this scene to appear, and she didn't know what to do all of a sudden.

But what she didn't expect was that after hearing this continuous rapid sound, the zombie thought that the prey was now running below, in order to prevent the prey from running, the zombie actually ran towards the slope without hesitation

, "Bang bang bang ~

" The zombie ran to the edge of the slope, did not stop the car, stepped on the slope with one foot, and the whole person just rolled down the slope with "bang bang bang".

Only Zheng Qian was left standing there stupidly.

However, just when the zombie was rolling downhill, Zheng Qian saw that another zombie crawled out of the communication room in this community.

Since there was a little distance from here, all Zheng Qian couldn't care about it at this time, so she hurriedly threw her legs and ran towards Xiaoya Village.

However, the zombie that ran out of the communication room did not rush towards Zheng Qian, but also ran down the slope. Then both of these zombies rolled down the slope.

Good things come in pairs.

"Why are all the zombies coming out now?" Zheng

Qian limped towards Xiaoya Village.

"Could it be that these zombies only move at night?" Zheng

Qian couldn't help but think of this after comparing what happened today.

I just want to say here that what Zheng Qian said is not bad, but it is only half right.

From Xiaoya Village on Castle Peak Road, there is an undeveloped land in the middle, most of the land here has been sold to developers, but it has not been officially developed yet, so now it is overgrown with weeds, and there are several construction sites that started early, and now they are also surrounded by white walls.

So there aren't many people here, and it stands to reason that there won't be many zombies.

Zheng Qian went home this time, and on this road, she really didn't encounter any zombies again.

When Zheng Qian rushed back to her residence, she was worried about one thing in her heart, that is, the drunken zombie last night, that is, the zombie who kept hitting Zheng Qian's security door last night, would be back now, waiting for her in front of Zheng Qian's door.

When Zheng Qian rushed to her residence, she found from a distance that the drunken zombie from yesterday had not come.

Zheng Qian breathed a long sigh of relief, but Zheng Qian didn't dare to delay, so she hurriedly took out the key from her backpack and opened the security door of the house, and then rushed in and closed the door in a hurry.

After a tiring day, Zheng Qian picked up the kettle on the table, poured herself a slow glass of water, and

drank it "gurgling".

After drinking, Zheng Qian turned her face to the sky and lay down on the bed. sighed and said

: "Fat brother, where are you?


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Fatty: Zheng Qian's little sister, don't worry! The fat man will step on a colorful shared bicycle tomorrow to pick you up "The Strongest Reserve of the Apocalypse" This is my novel, interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select the serial below!

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