As soon as we look at it, let's take a look at what Comrade Aso is doing now?

It has been a week since the disinfection operation.

On the morning of this day

, in a small village in the jungle of the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia, in a stilted thatched hut

, Comrade Aso, the former leader of the UBM special operations team and the former captain of the United States Navy SEALs, after eating a plate of egg fried rice, gathered a total of more than 50 men under his command and said,


I've been checking the weather forecast every day lately, and it's been raining a lot of time in Little Raccoon City lately.

After my precise calculations, the radiation measurement should now be at a safe limit (really, hehe), it's time

to go back! We have to go back to our hometown before another new team

of UBM gets the evidence data! Once they are asked to destroy the evidence, then the soft egg company of UBM really can't fall, and we will never be able to go home in a normal name!

Give everyone 5 minutes, tidy up your things, and get ready for action!move!move!"

Because when the Resident Evil occurred at that time, these special combat team members did not choose to resist to the end for the sake of the company in order to save their lives, but retreated bravely from the rapids and disappeared directly to play. Therefore, in the official view of UBM, all these people have died in battle, including the bereaved family condolence money. Therefore, these people can't return to China normally, otherwise if they are found betrayed by the company, they will face the pursuit of top killers and endless civil lawsuits! In this way, they can go back in the open, and they can even be regarded as heroes.

When the time comes, it can be said that it is the rapid stream that bravely retreats from the precipice, and when he sees the company doing illegal things, he does not choose to go along with it, and after getting the evidence, he hands it over to the state, but instead reports the company's illegal behavior. In this way, it can be whitewashed openly. That's right, this group of people is such a cheat!

UBM has buried an offline super artificial intelligence system, the Red Queen, deep under 1,000 meters underground at the Chengdong Research Base in Little Raccoon City. In the event of an emergency, the Red Queen directly cut off the communication system, and all the data was stored in a bunker 1,000 meters underground. It also contains evidence of wrongdoing by UBM's in-depth research, all of which are preserved in intact below. So as soon as this data falls into the hands of the state, then UBM is finished. After all, no matter what country it is, it is illegal and anti-human to engage in such biological and chemical weapons.

So this time, in addition to bringing down the company's Asuo, the boss of UBM also sent another special combat team to try to destroy the data.

Five minutes later, 50 of Asuo's men were assembled, divided into 5 tuk-tuks, and drove towards the border of the Celestial Empire.

Tuk-tuk is a three-way car, because it is a diesel engine, and it is a single-cylinder, so step on the accelerator down, will make

a "Tutu Tu ~"

sound, although the performance of our rural common tricycle, but this is really a tricycle on the body welded a roof, and then on the frame to get two long rows of benches, so that it has become a tuk tuk that can be engaged in illegal passenger transport.

Due to the limited funds of the Assos, not walking back this time is already a good treatment.

After Asso sold the Golden Desert Eagle pistol, the money left now is only about 10,000 yuan, and it is estimated that it is not enough to buy a train for such 50 big men to go to Little Raccoon City.

However, our comrade Aso still exerted a strong subjective initiative, and after arriving in the city, he gathered his subordinates and went directly to the construction site to work for a day.

The foreman of the contractor here, seeing these more than 40 big men, one of them is tall and big, and his arms are thicker than his thighs. At the beginning, I thought the underworld was making trouble.,Later, I didn't expect it to be a part-time job.。。。

The construction site is now short of people, and the ones sent to the door will be accepted.

There are more than 40 foreign migrant workers mixing cement and moving bricks on the construction site, which can be regarded as being recorded in the history of this water project.

successfully earned 20,000 yuan, which was just enough for the travel expenses.

Aso and his party set off for Little Raccoon City.

The first stop - Qingshan


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Thank you for the gift support of Brother dellxd!Since I am updating another short Taoist novel "Yuxi Strange Realm" on the headlines, this novel has been updated recently. Here's an activity: if the total number of gifts given to me by readers in one day reaches one reminder, then I'll add another chapter. Another novel is wonderful to recommend

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