Asso and his party went around and around in bumps, and worked for a day halfway, so after a total of three days and three nights, they finally arrived at the periphery of Little Raccoon City.

But since the Resident Evil has now broken out in this place, no one wants to send them over at all.

Ah Suo was still very reasonable, and told the bus driver to send us to Little Raccoon City, and then took out the gold and dollars he had hidden in Aoyama, and then thanked him heavily.

But the bus driver will believe this kind of nonsense, and when the time comes, you will run away and find someone, and there are zombies in that place now, so he said:

"Eat! Decrepit boy, why don't you say that you

are Qin Shi Huang!" After all, Aso and his party are from the United States, and they naturally don't know about Qin Shi Huang's money. But the previous sentence - "Eat" Aso still understands.

"Take it!"

Aso whispered.


the bus driver didn't understand, and was knocked unconscious by a hammer from Chekov in the back.

There is true knowledge in the fist, who has the big fist, who listens. This bus driver really doesn't know how to lift, there are 4,50 big men, you dare to scold people like this...


Who will drive?"

At this time, a monkey ran out and said

, "Report to the captain, I drove the tuk-tuk."

At this time, Chekov on the side said disdainfully after hearing this:

"Huangkou child, can the tuk-tuk be considered a car? Comrade Che Guevara-Bissosky, you get on!"

So Chekov sent Peso to

drive, "Che Gueva Bissosky, the name is with the word driver, he is a natural driving genius, let him drive so that he will not overturn! Is there anyone who is not convinced? Hahahaha~".

Numb, Aso thought that the peso recommended by Chekov was an old driver, but he didn't expect that it was just a name with the word Ski, and he almost went up to knock Chekov on the head in anger.

Just as Asso was about to have a seizure, Biso hurriedly stood up and reported

: "Report to the captain, I have driven the Topol-M strategic missile launcher for several years, and it should be no problem to drive this bus

!" After listening to this, Asso relaxed a little and said:

"There is Comrade Lao!" Fortunately

, this Chekov is quite reliable, and he recommended a missile launcher, otherwise I won't cut you!

After going around and around the defensive line, we arrived at the blockade area, where most of the roads are still very empty, but some roads are lined with all kinds of fleeing cars.

There are some zombies in some cars. But now Ah Suo and his party just want to rush to Qingshan, so they don't have time to care about these ghosts and wild monsters on the road.

When we arrived on the outskirts of Aoyama, it was already the middle of the night. Due to the large traffic jam, Asuo and his party, which also changed from mechanized infantry to infantry, rushed towards the halfway point of Qinshan Mountain.

Asso saw that it was still a bit dangerous to travel at night, so he told everyone to sleep in the bus and set off on foot tomorrow.

The next day, when Asso's group of 4,50 people felt halfway up the mountain, it was already Friday of the second week after the crisis broke out, that is, almost two weeks had passed.

Aso was too full of money because he ran away last time, so he didn't have time to carry any belongings, only a Golden Desert Eagle pistol that he carried with him.

Then the group was smuggled to the Golden Triangle through an informant arranged by Asso in advance. Then Asso sold the pistol for $20,000 and lived in the Golden Triangle.

This revisit to the old place of Aso Castle Peak Base is not to see the scenery. Rather, it came from the strategic reserve that he had placed here before. The main thing is still to put weapons and gold dollars here.

It was already noon when Asso and his party climbed from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

"The villagers are even more timid and don't dare to ask anyone.

When Asso was also about to reach his strategic reserve room, he stopped and took out his golden desert eagle from his bosom and held it in his hand.


the bullet was loaded. Although this mobile phone is made of pure gold, it does not mean that this thing can only be appreciated, in the final analysis, it is a real gun! It can also be used to kill.

As for this Golden Desert Eagle pistol, why Asso sold it and got it back, that's another story. All I know is that the night before he returned home, Asso was drugged in the well in that village, and I don't know what happened next. I only know that Asso has never been to the Golden Triangle since then.

Asso took his pistol and walked towards his pantry,


Aso shouted to the back when he saw the door open.

Although there are many people now, no matter how high his kung fu is, he is also afraid of kitchen knives!

Among the 4,50 people now, only Asso has a small pistol, and the others have no weapons at all. So at this moment, Asso was also shocked to see that his storage room had been opened.

However, the bigger surprise is still to come!Hehe


The author has something to say:

I am updating another short Taoist novel "Yuxi Strange Realm" (heavily recommended) in the headlines, so this "The Strongest Reserve" has been updated recently. Here's an activity: if the total number of gifts given to me by readers in one day reaches one reminder, then I'll add another chapter. Students who didn't pay attention, headlines searched for Nanyang Dao people

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