Now, the fat man is sitting in the middle of the boat, and I, Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan, are sitting in the bow of the boat. So the bow is heavy and the stern is light. We're going to be able to keep the bow forward in such a way -- a fart.

After Lin'an City, when we arrived at the cold canyon in the mountains upstream of Xiaoya Village, the drop of the river began to widen, and the water began to become extremely turbulent.

In an instant, our bow sank all at once.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were sitting on the bow of the boat at the time, so the two of them were drowned by the splashing water, and the two lovely innocent girls were soaked with water all over their bodies.

But fortunately, we had a fat man sitting in the middle hall behind us, and when the bow of the ship fell into the water not long after, the stern of the bed also fell, and under the pressure of the fat man's gravity, the bow of the ship finally resurfaced from the bottom of the water after a big bump, but at this time, the bow part of the whole ship was seriously flooded.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian have all become soup chickens, oh no, they are chickens soaked in the soup. Because the bow of the whole ship was full of standing water.

"Fatty, you hurry

to the stern of the bed, the bow of the ship will sink if it goes down like this!" I hurriedly instructed the fat man to go to the stern to press the cabin, because now the weight of the bow is very huge, and if it goes on like this, the bow will inevitably sink to the bottom.

"Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, you hold on to the side of the boat, and then slowly climb to the middle of the bed, and when you climb over, try to lower your center of gravity. "

At this time, I walked two cabins from the middle to the front, ready to go over and pick up the two lovely girls.

And just as I stood up and walked forward, our small boat suddenly hit a rock at the bottom of the water, and the whole boat made a 180-degree turn in an instant.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are now lying on the boat, so there is no danger at this moment, but at this time, because I stood up and gave me such a sudden moment, I felt like the world was spinning and light-headed, and I was thrown out of the boat like this.

With a "poof",

a fierce man with his head down and feet up burrowed into the turbulent river.

I didn't even have time to react, so I was dumped...

Luckily, I didn't hit any rocks when I fell.

"I'm going to be finished!"

I thought I was going to die soon, so I panicked and fluttered around in the water.

But after a while, I suddenly thought of something, and I immediately calmed down

, "TMD Lao Tzu

can swim" Thinking that I can swim, I didn't panic so much, but now I'm not very anxious to float up from under the water.

I turned my head, opened my eyes under the water, and looked for a boat on the surface.

Unexpectedly, because under the water, I was being pushed downstream by the water, and there was no speed of the boat floating on the water, so when I found our boat, the boat was already more than 10 meters away, and this distance was still widening.

"Dao Chief!Dao Chief!Dao Chief!~~~"

The shouts of Zheng Yan, the fat man and Zheng Qian kept coming from the water, especially Zheng Yan, shouting and shouting with a crying tone.

I think it's about the same now, it's better to float up and report safety first, in case Zheng Yan's little beauty wants to be martyred later, then wouldn't I be guilty! Haha.

"Let's go

!" Since Zheng Yan and the fat Zheng Qian's boat is now drifting downstream, I just need to swim downstream, with the help of the power of the current, swim with the water, don't be too easy!

I kicked my legs, and floated up from the bottom of this crystal clear river, and after surfing the surface, I took a big breath and shouted:

"I'm fine!"

After shouting, I was pushed and sunk by the water waves.

After Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian on the boat heard my shout, they immediately let go of their hanging hearts.

"I said, what level is the Taoist chief!Dao chief, by the way, let's touch a

fish up!" Because the speed of sound in the water is faster and farther than in the air

, so at this time, I can hear the fat man and Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian's speech on the boat clearly, "Nima, at this time, I still want to ask Lao Tzu to touch the fish for him!"

But I can't scare the fat man under the water, so I have to endure it, and I will go up to him to settle accounts later.

A kick, with a stroke, I floated up from under the water again. By this time, I was already 5 meters away from the boat.

Under the water, I could see more clearly that our boat was drifting with the tide on the water, and it was running very unsmoothly. But I was very comfortable swimming below the surface, and the water quality here was super good, so I could see far away, and I didn't want to get on the boat.

"Am I a fish!"

I thought, underwater. Haha~

It's hard to say whether I'm a fish or not, but Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian and Fat are definitely not a fish. If one of them accidentally falls off later, it will be absolutely impossible to save their lives, so I have to get on the boat quickly, and I can't be playful anymore.

On one side, I was swimming freely and refreshingly under the water, and on the other side of the water, the fat man and Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were not as leisurely as me.

Every time you turn a corner, you have to experience a fear, and every time you cross a rock or a whirlpool, you have to experience a period of horror that the world is spinning and the boat capsizes at any time.

When we were about to turn a col below, the water rushed straight to the side of the mountain, and with us this leaf boat, it was about to collide with the opposite mountain, because we had no oars, so if we were to load it so straight, the boat would have to dismantle.

I can see all of this clearly under the water, but the fat men Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian who are on the boat don't know it yet. I hurriedly rushed out of the water and shouted:

"Be careful of the rock wall behind! The boat is about to fall apart!"

At this time, the fat man and Zheng Yan hurriedly turned around to see that the boat was only 10 meters away from the rock wall.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the reminder sent by the elder brother of "Jiang Guangyou Jiangting of Hong Yuan"! I want to say, in fact, you are very good, but you yourself do not know.

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