If we use one word to describe the current situation, it will be a thousand moments; and if we use a poem to describe the problem we are facing, it will be that the clear water flows eastward to this point! The clear water

rushing down from the upper reaches reaches the bend of the entrance of Xiaoya Village in Qingshan Town, and it hits straight to the opposite cliff. After that, it made a 90-degree turn and continued to flow eastward.

The water is flexible, and it doesn't happen to hit the cliff, but our boat is not flexible, and rushing at this speed is definitely going to be a big deal. When Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian saw the sharp and sharp cliff behind them and were about to crash over, they were so frightened that they all screamed!


Unexpectedly, after this kid squatted down, he immediately shouted,

"Everyone squat in the cabin!"

and then Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were also immediately shocked by the fat man's voice. He immediately did so, and squatted down in the cabin.

"Prepare to hit!" The fat man didn't forget to remind him when he was about to collide...


I was in the water behind me, and I could see all of this clearly.

"Nima, it's really a fool. God forbid, God forbid!"

Because the fat man weighs more, and the water flows to the edge of this cliff, it will become turbulence, and the boat will also swing in the direction of the current, not to mention kicking the cliff wall to buffer, it is extremely difficult to even stand up, and it is not good to accidentally get fish in the river!

So the fat man chose to squat in the cabin in a hurry to stabilize the center of gravity, so as not to hurt himself and Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan.

As for whether the ship will be silent because of the impact, it can only be hope, God forbid.

When the fat man shouted, ready to hit, the hull of the ship had been turned around by the turbulent current, I looked outside, at this time the fat man and two beautiful women, it is estimated that it is more exciting than riding the playground pirate ship. And after less than 3 seconds of such an exciting experience,

a crisp sound of "cluck~click~"

hitting the cliff rock came from the front. The first impact passed, and the ship was still in good shape.

But in less than 1 second, the second impact came!


This time the impact part is that the material of the ship's side part is not as reliable as the bow, and it directly clicks all of a sudden, hitting a big hole in the center of our ship's ship. The water flowed in an instant.

And the fat man was staying in the center of the ship at this time, and was hit by such an impact. However, it didn't hit the fat man's body directly, but the fragments of the ship's board poked the fat man's arm, and a small wound was drawn on the fat man's arm.

"Damn!" Before

the fat man could say a dirty word, in an instant, the water in the river poured in.

"Numb, the boat won't sink!" As

the waves rose and fell, the river also poured in together. The water level in the center of the ship is now almost 20 centimeters. The hull of the ship was pressed to a height of only 30 centimeters above the water.

At this time, Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan were on the bow side of the ship, firmly holding the ship's board and not daring to move.

After being stunned for about 10 seconds, the fat man also came to his senses, and hurriedly took off the bulletproof helmet on his head, took it in his hand as a temporary water scoop, and kept scooping water outside.

After this section of clear water flows east to this dangerous road, the front is Xiaoya Village, the river in front of Xiaoya Village I know, although the water flow is also very turbulent, but here fortunately, the river is straight and straight, and it will not turn like the peak loop in the ravine just now, and it is much safer.

At this time, the bow of the boat also stabilized forward, Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan also hurriedly ran to the center of the boat, scooped the water outward with their helmets, and the three of them worked together to stabilize the boat, so as not to sink now.

But this safety is also relative, because now, although the fat man is trying very hard to scoop water outside, it is a drop in the bucket. I surfaced in the back and looked at it for a while, and found that the boat that the fat man and Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were sitting on was now slowly sinking.

"Gotta find a place to get ashore quickly, gotta find a way to get ashore quickly!" Since

I have been under the water for about 10 minutes now, the cold river water has cooled my brain very well, and now I can finally start the "overclocking" calculation

! If there is only one person on the boat, it will be much more convenient for a long time, just stand up when the boat is close to the shore and pick up the trees and stones on the shore. Or find a flat spot and just jump off.

But now there are so many people, because of the weight of the boat, if you want to stop the whole ship and then disembark one by one, it is almost impossible! But

there is one situation, and it is possible, and that is - there is a pier, and there must be a strong enough cable. When the time comes, as long as you trip the cable over the boat, it will be no problem!

However, this small river is not a golden waterway, so where can I find some dock cables?

If I had, I could have swam over and throw the rope back into the boat.

The second way is that when the time comes, when I get to Qingshan Lake, that is, a very large lake in the central area from Qingshan Town to Little Raccoon City, the river water will become very slow when it reaches here, and when the time comes, I can rescue them one by one, or I can directly push the boat and push it ashore!

The third method is to find a nearby place where the water is slow and the water is shallow, and I am under the water, pushing the boat, pushing the boat from the deep water area to the shallow water area. These are also some of the more feasible ways that I think.

Anyway, the fat man and Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan are still saved, it's just a matter of time. Thinking of this, I slowly let go of my hanging heart. Then a fierce man swam up from under

the water, chased after him, and shouted: "Don't panic, everyone

, hold on, I have a way!" Since I am now floating in the river, I can't hold on to the water for long, and I have to go with the waves, and choose to surface with the ups and downs of the waves, or fish under the water.

Originally, I wanted to climb on the boat, but seeing that the ship was now overwhelmed, I had better not go up, otherwise the boat would sink before I could wait for Qingshan Lake.

As I swam forward, I paid attention to the nearby place, whether there was a place where the water was shallow, so I could pull the boat ashore!

After a round of looking, I found that it was almost impossible to find a stone or a tree on the shore to go ashore. Because all the banks of the river here are made of granite and cement, and there is no place to start.

"It's not really going to Qingshan Lake!" "It's

about 10 kilometers away from Qingshan Lake, and it is estimated that it will take 2 to 3 hours to float there. Swimming in the water for 2 or 3 hours was something I had never experienced before. If I really have to swim for so long, I won't get exhausted, and then it will be very dangerous.

As soon as I thought of this, I hurriedly adjusted my swimming style, so that I would no longer be a fish under the water or fight the waves. Instead, he lay on his back on the surface of the water with his feet forward and his head back, pretending to be a dead corpse, and just floated down with the current.

"Dao Chief, are you dead?" the

fat man shouted at me when he saw me floating behind him.

"you... "

As soon as I was excited, my body lost balance, and my head sank in an instant, and I drank a sip of river water before the swear words could come out.

I hurriedly adjusted my posture, glanced up again, and said calmly

, "What's the noise, Lao Tzu is sleeping!"



The author has something to say:

The sand grains in the Loulan sky carry our memories! If you think it looks good, please send a small gift to the sand grains, thank you very much. Activity 1, send a reminder to add a chapter, activity 2, as long as the brother who gives the gift can leave your own permanent mark in this novel. For millions of people to admire!

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