After cleaning up the monkey, the fat man and I roughly determined the next route.

This elevator only goes to the fourth basement floor, and if you go to the fifth basement floor, you must take another separate special elevator, which is at the exit of the fifth basement floor, and is controlled by two tall mercenaries. Everyone who enters the fifth basement level must pass several levels of identification.

However, these mercenaries are obviously tired of this job, so from the monitoring, these two people are just acting over there.

There are policies above, and there are countermeasures below.

The makers of this rule do know the importance of the computer room and other infrastructure equipment on the lower five floors, so they will arrange such a few layers of identity verification, but when the people hired below carry it out, it is a different scene, let these two two-legged mercenaries do this, and the power of these lines of defense is greatly reduced.

"Fatty, out of the elevator, the first card access control, we should have no problem entering, after this access control, it is the second fingerprint detection access control guarded by the two mercenaries. When the time comes, when you get here, you can pretend to have food poisoning and just fall to the ground, and then I'll take care of the rest. "

Haha, understood!"

"Pretending to be a little bit."

"Are you doubting my acting skills?"

"Haha, it's good to know, it's good to know, hurry up!"

After arranging the plan, the fat man and I immediately walked out of the monitoring room and locked the door.

Walking out of the monitoring room, there is a long corridor paved with white tiles, from the first basement floor to the fourth basement floor, the elevator is at the end of this corridor.

Now the fat man and I have just sneaked out of this monitoring room, along this corridor, in the direction of the elevator. At this time, a tall American girl who was almost 1.8 meters tall, wearing a black hip-wrapping professional skirt, black stockings, 8 cm black high heels, wearing a white low-necked shirt, and a large number of folders in her arms, was limping and walking a little unsteadily, and just walked towards us.

I saw her blue eyes staring at us in a daze.

Oh, wrong thing, staring at me.

"I'll copy!"

I shouted softly.,Isn't this girl the one who was beaten by me yesterday.。。。

"Nima, she won't recognize me!" I

said silently in my heart, and unconsciously clenched the AK rifle in my hand

, and at this time, the fat man thought that his peach blossoms had arrived, and walked up with a smile, staring at the girl, and said hello:

"Hello! Beautiful girl, have dinner?" (Hello, pretty girl, can you get to know each other, can we have a meal together?)

The beautiful girl also turned her eyes away from me

at this time, and replied to the fat man: "No way!"

and then walked away

to the front, at this time, the fat man touched the ash of his nose, and scolded and said in the back:

"Ma Dan, Lao Tzu invited you to eat to give you face!

"What's the noise, hurry up and get down to business!"

I said to the fat man, and then hurried to the front, and as he walked towards the elevator, he thought:

"At that time, I seemed to be a masked hero, although this girl saw my body, but could not see my face." And this time I came in in the clothes of the UBM special operations team, so I don't think this girl recognized me. But why did she stare at me like this? Is it because Lao Tzu is handsome?"

I have a faint feeling that this girl will become my henchman in the future. But now at this critical juncture, these things should be put aside first, go to the fifth basement first, and get the central computer room in the right place!

When the fat man and I arrived at the elevator, I took advantage of the waiting for the elevator and looked at my watch, and now it has been almost six minutes since we entered this base.


The elevator door opened, and two researchers in white coats and folders came out of this elevator door, and they walked out of the elevator while chatting in English. From the words of one of the researchers, I could hear them arguing:

"It's too dangerous. (This thing is too dangerous.) )

“Yeah,But we have no way back。 (Yes, but we don't have a way back.) )

“I think ,We should do something。 (I think we should do something.) )

“Shut up,If you want to live, shut up。 "(Shut up, if you want to get out alive!)

What's dangerous? I guess it's a new biochemical mutant, these scientists have a bit of a conscience, thinking about pulling back from the precipice.

I think that not every researcher in this experimental center is a vicious Frankenstein, and most of them are good, but they are forced to engage in this kind of research that endangers humanity here due to various pressures from the umbrella company.

The power of each of them is limited, and naturally they cannot fight against multinational companies such as Umbrella.

Thinking of this, I suddenly figured out one thing, in fact, the people here and I don't actually have a deep hatred, in the end, they either come here to make money or are forced to come and work. These people, in the final analysis, are still scattered. I don't know if there are many people in it, like Dr. Carey, who are in Cao Ying's heart and Han, and they can't wait for this umbrella company to close down as soon as possible.

In other words, when the time comes, these people will open the door for me to make it convenient? Turn a blind eye to me anyway, and I and the fat man will take the blame.

But time is a bit tight now, and I don't have time to do any Mission Impossible operations here, so I can only try my luck.

After the fat man and I got on the elevator, we directly pressed the button on the

fourth basement floor, "Click~Squeak~"

After the elevator door closed, we descended to the fourth basement floor. On the way, the second and third basement floors did not stop, and by the time the door opened, we were already on the fourth basement floor.

When the elevator doors open, the scene inside is very different from the basement level.

Each room is built with tempered glass as a curtain wall. All rooms are transparent to the outside.

Through these glasses, we can see that some of the researchers in the room are doing all kinds of biochemical experiments.

In one of the larger operating rooms, there is a group of researchers in chemical protective suits who are performing a life dissection on a zombie.

And this zombie doesn't seem to be dead yet, constantly struggling on the operating table, but because it has been tightly tied to the operating table with a rope, these struggles are in vain.

In the other experimental rooms, there are a few strange-shaped zombies in captivity, some resemble monkeys, some resemble bats, some resemble hunting dogs, almost all of them are here, if it weren't for these researchers in biochemical suits in front of me, I would have thought this was a cosplay scene.

On our trip, we didn't have much interest in these all kinds of zombies, but the various zombies imprisoned here seemed to be quite interested in me and the fat man, and they all lay down in front of the glass and stared at us.

The two of us hurriedly grabbed our rifles and walked along a passage on the side towards the special elevator to the fifth basement floor to the southeast, leaving this place of right and wrong.

Fortunately, these researchers were busy doing their own work and didn't notice the two of us, so in less than 1 minute, the fat man and I came to this elevator.

I pressed the button of this elevator and found that there was no response, and after a closer look, I found that this elevator seemed to be going to swipe the work card.

So, I swiped the badge we brought in, and after the red light flashed twice on the elevator, four words were prompted on the screen: insufficient permission.



The author has something to say

: What should the big guy do? Reveal it: I urgently need to give all kinds of gifts to open it!

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