The fat man said, "I'll copy", and

then he didn't give up and took the badge, and continued to swipe it

on the side of the elevator door, "Bibi Bi~"

After the red light flashed twice on the elevator, the screen still showed - insufficient authority!

"Ma Dan!"

After the fat man

finished speaking, he was going to pick up the AK rifle to smash the elevator.

"Eh, stop me! It seems that this fifth underground floor is not for ordinary people to enter

!" "Dao Chief, what should we do? Do you want to smash such a curfew!" "

If you smash it, no one will want to go in." "

I looked around this elevator hall and found that on one side of this elevator room, there is a strong electric well and a weak electric well. It seems that the electricity from the generator room downstairs is drawn from here to supply the entire building.

The fat man and I came in this time, originally to do sabotage, this time I saw this strong electric well, weak electric wells are all together, then the destruction is much easier.

I used the butt of my gun to pry open the strong electric well, poked my head in, looked down from the inside of the strong electric well, and found that the space in this strong electric well was enough for me and the fat man to climb down from it.

"Dao Chief, you're not going to tell me to climb down from here, are you

?" said the fat man, pointing to a lightning sticker on the distribution box of the strong power well.

"This kind of way of stealing chickens and touching dogs, how can Lao Tzu walk, even if he climbs

down, it is from the weak electric well on the side, and from the strong electric well, his life is not guaranteed!" "Haha~ Dao Chief, say it, I know you have a way again!" "

Mmmm, since we can't go down, we have to move the rescuers and change the banner! Come, fatty, we blew up this strong electric well! When the whole building is out of power, naturally someone will drive an elevator for us to go down to overhaul the generator room." When the time comes, the black light will be blinding, and it won't be a matter of seconds!"


After saying that, the fat man untied a grenade from his belt and was about to throw it in, but I hurriedly stopped:

"Eh, eh, I said blow it up, this is a strong electric well, as long as we short-circuit this distribution box, it will naturally blow up, and we don't need to do it."

"Then what's the matter? Bubble pee?"

"Hehe, more than 10,000 volts of voltage, that will turn you into a roast chicken! Let's turn on the strong current distribution box, and then throw the wet clothes in, and make sure that as soon as you throw them in, they will be fried" "

That's not pee!"

After saying that, the fat man planned to untie his clothes, but when he thought about it, how could he make his own clothes to do things, at least he had to be reimbursed! So the fat man walked around, and finally took a white coat in the hallway.

Then we did some further processing of the white coat, and then I picked up the dry corner, approached the power-hungry distribution box, and threw it into it.


The moment I left my hand, the distribution box exploded, with dazzling sparks and a huge explosion sound, blowing up the entire distribution box.

"I'm copying! It's so powerful!" After

a blinding burst of fire, the entire floor instantly darkened. The emergency power supply in the corridor began to work, emitting a faint green light.

After the fat man and I had done all the good things, we hid outside a room on the side of the elevator room, lit a cigarette, smoked it, and waited quietly for the maintenance master to arrive.


" After we waited for a long time, we didn't wait for the maintenance master who came down from above, but this elevator was a


sound, the elevator door opened, and two or three maintenance masters wearing yellow electrician uniforms, carrying electrician bags on their shoulders and wearing electrician spotlights walked out of it. The fat man and I didn't dare to delay more, and took advantage of the moment when the black light was blinding, and slipped into the elevator before the elevator door closed.

There was a maintenance master who seemed to hear some movement behind him, but he only glanced back, but he didn't pay much attention and walked away to the front.

The power supply of this elevator is separately powered, so it can still operate normally, I pressed the button on the fifth basement floor, and the elevator started and went down.

"Chubby, get ready to start your show!"

"Dao Chief, isn't there a power outage now, what else are you going to perform?" "

The fifth basement floor, it may be an independent power supply. "

Oh oh!" The

elevator ran for about 20 seconds before it gradually stabilized

, "Nima, why is this fifth floor underground buried so

deep!" "I don't know, digging so deep, Nima doesn't need money!"

Just when I was discussing with the fat man how much the project would cost, the elevator opened the

door with a "ding"


The fat man and I weren't ready yet, so we went to the fifth basement floor.

As I expected, the lights on the fifth basement floor were now bright, and there was no sign of a power failure, and the two mercenary men guarding the door were also sitting on chairs, cross-legged and watching us come out of the elevator.

I gave the fat man a color, the fat man immediately understood, so he took a step and walked forward, when he walked to the first access control of the card in front, the fat man suddenly choked his neck with both hands, and then painfully retreated the foam to the outside, and then slowly fell down.

Then, I immediately ran to the front, ready to pick up the fat man.

And the two mercenaries who were still at the gate just now, when they saw the scene in front of them, immediately rushed over and shouted:

"What's wrong?"

"I donot konw?" (Oh my hen!)

Anyway, at this time, don't make up any reason, just say that I don't know, my purpose is to get their attention, not some reasonable explanation.

"Send him to the infirmary!" (The mercenary over there said

to me!) "Ou, help me!He's too heavy!"

and at this time, the fat man deliberately pretended to be in great pain, turning over on the ground.

As soon as they saw that the matter was no longer something I could do alone, the two mercenaries put down their guns and turned over in this direction, and the two of them hurriedly picked up the fat man, and just as they were about to send us away, I had already kicked their guns far away while they were helping the fat man, and pointed their AK rifles at their backs from behind and said,

"Stop!Listen to me or I kill you."

"Ou!Man, what are you doing?" These

two mercenaries were put together by us for such a plain reason, and they didn't understand what the two of us wanted to do for a while, so they asked me.

“Shut up,I。。。 (Shut up, or Lao Tzu...)

Before I could finish what I was talking to, the fat man stood up and kicked one of the mercenaries in the head with a scud, and the mercenary flew up to the side. The other man couldn't dodge, and hit his head with the head of the person who was kicked away, and collided together, with a "bang", and in an instant, both of them fainted.


Verbos," the fat man muttered from behind, and then stepped forward and searched the bodies of the two soldiers, snatching up two pistols and a dagger, and some green dollars.

Then the fat man tied them all four with their belts and threw them into the warehouse on the side.

After the fact, the fat man divided my pistol, of course, he kept the dollar for himself...

"Fatty, that's interesting

!" "Of course, you can't forget your old age when

you're rich!" "Mmmm, it's rare to talk to you, hurry up and get down to business!"

I looked at the map, and now our location is about 100 meters away from the computer room, because the fifth underground floor is some equipment room, so there is no one else here except for some operation and maintenance personnel.

Therefore, on the way from the elevator hall to the central computer room, the fat man and I did not meet any UBM Tsingshan employees.

Before the fat man and I arrived at the computer room, we already heard the beeping sound of the cooling fan in the computer room. I'm a former back-end software development engineer for a wedding industry platform, and I'm very familiar with this kind of server beep.

"Can't be wrong, this is it!" We

ran all the way to the door of this computer room, it took less than 30 seconds in total, the door of the computer room, is an electronically controlled telescopic door, on the side of the door, there is a card machine, the card I and the fat man are holding in our hands, even the elevator can not be swiped, let alone this telescopic door.

I looked at my watch, and now it's been 10 minutes since we came in, plus we have destroyed the power system on it, and it is estimated that it is also very fast, and you will find that it was man-made, and there is not much time left for us.

Now we are at the door of this computer room, facing this electronically controlled telescopic metal door, and there is no way to do it.

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