"Dao Chief, do you want to blow up this door with a grenade?"

I knocked on the door, and a very dull sound came from behind

the door, "I guess it can't be exploded, mainly because the space here is too open, there are no obstacles, and the power of the explosion will be dispersed, and this door is relatively thick, so it is estimated that it can't be exploded." "

What then?"

I looked up at the ceiling, and now there was a central air conditioning outlet above our heads, and generally speaking, the most critical infrastructure in the computer room, in addition to electricity, was the air conditioning cooling system. Otherwise, the machines in the computer room will be burned out by the heat every second.

"Fatty, the air duct of the central air conditioner above our heads, I guess it is connected to the air duct in the computer room, and we can climb in from here.

I looked at the central air conditioner above my head and said to the fat man.

The fat man also raised his head at this time, and returned a little embarrassed:

"It's not impossible to climb in, I'm afraid that this ceiling will collapse!" "

Who told you to climb in?" I'll go in as soon as I go in, and then I'll open the door for you after I go in."

"Uh-huh, that's very good!Dao Chief, this ceiling is quite high, it is estimated that there is a 4,5 meters, how can you climb up?"

I patronized and wanted to climb in from the air conditioning ventilation duct, but I didn't expect that the height of this underground floor is very high, and the ceiling reaches the ground, at least there is a 4, 5 meters high, and now that we are in the corridor, there is nothing around us to lend us to climb up, so it is almost impossible for us to climb to the air conditioning vent above.


" This climb is quite difficult, but I am also a little deflated leaning against the wall,


the wall made a crisp sound.

"Is this?"

I hurriedly stood up straight from the walls of the computer room and the corridor, knocked on the wall with my hand, and the wall immediately emitted

, "Bang bang bang~

" A crisp echo

, "Damn, install such a good door, but the wall is still a single-story structure! This kind of wall can fall down with one kick, God help me!"

I said with a smile while knocking on the wall.

Of course, I'm still exaggerating a bit here, this wall is not papier-mâché, although there is only one layer of brick and cement, but it is also a wall, how can it be kicked with one foot.

After hearing my words, the fat man didn't say a word, and flew up to kick this wall,


The front wall shook and made a muffled sound.

"Dao Chief, it seems to have an effect!" said

the fat man, ready to take a few steps back, using the inertia of the sprint, to give another kick to the wall.


" Suddenly, the door of the computer room on our

side made a "ding~

" sound, and then slowly opened to the side, and out of it came out of a thin old American engineer wearing blue overalls, yellow goggles, a little angry, and shouted at us with a confused face:

"What are you doing!" (You two immortals, what are you doing!).

I laughed at the fat man, and then, the two of us immediately flew towards this little Luo Luo, three times five divided by two, and pressed him to the ground in seconds, saying:

"Save The World!" (Lao Tzu is here to save the world!)

In order not to alarm the others, the fat man and I immediately escorted the engineer into the central computer room.


When this gate detected that we were entering, the whole gate immediately beeped and closed.

“Don't kill me. You can do anything you want me to do。 "(Don't kill me, you can do whatever you tell me to do!)

The engineer was also a little frightened when he saw the two of us in full armor, and pleaded.

"Tell us how to destroy this central computer room!"

"Just destroy the storage array, where all the data is stored in the storage array." "

Good!Show me the way!" (Very good, show me the way!)

"here!" After

saying that, the engineer led us to an independent house in this computer room, and after opening the door, we saw that there were almost more than 100 racks in this computer room, and the racks were full of hard disks.

Since this computer room is mainly filled with hard disk arrays, the sound of the cooling fan is not very loud. After walking in, the fat man saw the scene in front of him and was surprised:

"I'm a good man, so many hard drives, it's still a bit difficult

to destroy them!" "It's easy! Just throw a few grenades into it, the fragments generated by the explosion of the grenade, pay attention to destroy most of the hard disks here."

"Good idea!" Before

I could say when the grenades would be lost, the fat man couldn't wait to uncover the two grenades from his belt and pull the fuses.


I hurriedly walked out of the room with the engineer in tow, and fell to the ground.

"Coax~... Coax~"

After less than 5 seconds, two huge explosions erupted in the computer room, blowing up the doors of the disk array room.

When the explosion was over, I hurriedly got up, went in to take a look at the situation inside, and found that now the smoke was billowing inside, and the racks inside were blown up.

By this time, the fat man was already holding the engineer outside, saying,

"Money!Give me!" (Money!), brother!,

and the engineer reluctantly pulled out a large handful of green bills from his pocket. As soon as the fat man saw so much money, he was overjoyed, touched the engineer's head and said

, "Good boy!Have tang!" (Obedient good boy!Have candy!)

I checked it, then took out the AK rifle, and rushed at the few racks in the corner that were still intact, it was a shuttle bullet over,

"Da Da ~" "Da


Anyway, the server in the computer room is very noisy, so I can't hear it when I pass by now. In addition, the fifth basement floor seems to be far away from the upper floor, so I am not too worried about being exposed.

As soon as I finished packing up the disks, I switched to a magazine and prepared to leave. Looking at the smoke billowing here, and a few racks burning, I suddenly thought of something, so I smiled and said:

"It's going to rain!"


~" Just after I finished saying this, the entire computer room turned around to start the fire shower system

, "again and again~"

sprayed water downward, and the other machines in the computer room also stopped running at this time.

After we were done with that, the engineer suddenly said to us

, "Once the computer room stops running, the people on it will soon know. You'd better run earlier." "

I'm sorry, but you're worried. All of them have been blacked out." (Don't worry about it, all the above have been blacked out)

The power above has been cut off by us, and the computer can't be turned on, who will know that the network in the computer room below is faulty, hehe.

As I walked out of the Disk Array room, the engineer shivered as he looked at the AK rifle in my hand. I smiled and suddenly thought of something

!"Disaster Recovery in Two Places and Three Centres!Tell me others!"Disaster Recovery in Two Places and Three Centres!"Usually

this kind of confidential and important documents will be placed in two places, backed up by each other, the computer room here was destroyed by us, but the other computer room! Brother is a programmer, I still understand this truth, and I was almost fooled by this engineer!

And at this time, the fat man also found out, this person seems to have something to hide from us, so he immediately slapped him down. However, the fat man grasped the strength better, and he didn't directly stun this kid.

When this kid saw that we were all ruthless characters, he immediately pleaded

, "Sorry, I said, Come with me." (Excuse me, come with me.)

As he spoke, he covered his face with one hand and pointed to the room in front of him that had been sealed off by a black iron door and said

, "This is the backup database, but I don't have access to it." (This is the backup database, but I don't have permission to go in)

"the eggs!Look for death!" After

the fat man heard the words of this kid on the side, he immediately became ruthless, raised his AK rifle, and was about to smash it down!

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