(If the merit is complete, you can finish the work!)

I suddenly remembered that the fat man seemed to have walked into the room of the gas station alone, and I didn't know what this kid was doing in it, so I asked a little curiously: "Fat man, what are you doing sneaking into someone's gas station


just now? "

I already know what the fat man is going in for.

It seems that the fat boy went in to scavenge something, but the old man was penniless, just a mouthful of hair in the house, and he didn't get any benefits.

"My fat man is kind-hearted, although this old man's attitude towards me is very hateful, but I still see that he is so poor and sour, so he left a lump of gold on his bed, even if it is a greeting gift.

"A lump of gold, when did you kid become so generous!" I said, when did the

fat man come so generous, and we only have gold nuggets, how can there be a lump of gold!

" Yoneda said,

and the fat man laughed.

"You are a lack of morality!" It

is estimated that after the old man woke up, he entered the house, and when he saw Yoneda Gong on the bed, he estimated that he would kill this fat boy.

After the fat man finished pulling Yoneda, he felt that he had taken revenge just now, and after laughing obscenely for a while, he asked

, "Dao Chief, you said that all these people ran there, and we walked out so easily."

"It's normal for the trees to fall and scatter, but if you don't do it, you're dead."

"Dead, it's impossible, we saw so many people outside just now."

"yes, where did these people out

there?" "There's not going to be another

base, is there?" "Damn, there really is! I

forget, the video of Dr. Carey that we have seen said that there are two bases, a research base and a production base.

Our demolition plan should be a research base. And the production base is not here, because so far, we have not found any signs of undead fighters.

"I didn't touch it, that thing, I don't want to touch it again." The

fat man said with a little palpitation.

"There's an RPG, what's the panic about, Chubby!

" "Uh-huh~"

After speaking, the fat man bent down, lowered his head, and went under the seat in front of him to find the RPG he put here.

At this time, I stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the north of Qingshan City.

Just now, it rained for a whole morning, and finally stopped, and Qingshan Town gradually became clear from a cloud of fog, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing a blue sky.

"Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick ~"

Suddenly there was a very regular ticking sound from behind us, getting closer and closer to us.

"Fatty, look at what's coming with you from behind. "

Since I was driving now, I couldn't see anything in the rearview mirror, so I asked the fat man to poke his head out of the window to see what was behind me.

"Could it be that UBM's followers are coming over?"

the fat man asked in wonder, then rolled down the window and poked his head out

, "Da ~ "

Suddenly there was a sound of machine gun fire from behind, and the bullets also flew over the right side of our car, making almost 10 potholes 2,30 cm deep on the asphalt road. If our car is fired, it is estimated that it will disintegrate in seconds.

"I'll copy it!" Heavy machine gun!

" And at this time, the fat man immediately retracted his

head and said: "Damn, Lao Tzu's head was almost reimbursed, Dao Chief, the helicopter behind is catching up!" The

fat man said while panickingly pulling out the RPG launcher from under the seat in front of him, loading the RPG rocket, and saying with a mouth that was not clean:

"Grunt~." (The curse word has been omitted), numb, see if Lao Tzu doesn't shoot this plane down!"

After installing the rocket, the fat man took off his seat belt, and the whole person leaned out of the window, carrying the RPG on his shoulder, towards the back of the car, aiming at the helicopter flying behind him and pressing the trigger.

At this time, I also saw this helicopter in the rearview mirror, which was about 200 meters in the air behind us, flying straight towards us.

"Numb, if this is compared to the flight speed, my little car can't compare to the helicopter behind, and when he catches up, there will be another shuttle, then we will be reimbursed in seconds." "


~" only heard a "whoosh" sound, and the rocket on the fat man's shoulder flew towards the helicopter behind.

At first, the helicopter had not yet reacted, not knowing that we still had such a powerful weapon in our hands, and only when it saw our rockets flying towards him and the helicopter radar missile alarmed him, the helicopter made a maneuver to roll to the right.

It's a pity that it's already too late.

By the time the helicopter started rolling, our RPG rockets had already reached the helicopter's location.

You know, the speed of this RPG rocket is 300 meters per second, from the time we launch it to the arrival of the rocket, counting the initial acceleration process, it only takes 2 seconds.

Just when I thought the plane was about to be shot down by us, something unexpected happened.

Unexpectedly, our rockets flew directly under the plane, and did not hit the plane, but directly passed through the bottom and continued to fly away towards the south.

"I'll copy it!" After

the fat man finished firing the first RPG rocket, he hurriedly took out the second RPG from under his seat and prepared to load it, and try it again!

I see, our RPG is not an anti-aircraft missile after all, and it has no target tracking and ballistic correction functions. So we are now more than 200 meters away, so we beat it, in fact, the difficulty is a fight with the difficulty of 100 steps through the Yang.

Although the helicopter is also a big target, but it is so far away, and the helicopter is moving in real time, not an anti-aircraft missile, it is really difficult to hit this helicopter.

In addition, our strength has been exposed just now, and the helicopter pilot should also know that we have heavy weapons in our hands, so it is estimated that we will maneuver and fly when we fly, so it will be more difficult for us to hit.

I saw that the fat man had now loaded the RPG rockets and was about to give him another shot when he leaned out of the window, so I hurriedly shouted:

"Fat man, don't fight, it's hard to hit, save ammo! Let's dodge first!"

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