The fat man didn't think about it, he didn't understand the mystery yet, and he was wondering what the invention was aiming at just now, but he didn't hit.

Now after listening to my words, I finally understood, and immediately took the RPG back, and said:

"Mack, this plane is not so easy to fight!" "

That's natural, and what we have in our hands is not an anti-aircraft missile." "

Da Da Da~"

Just as I was chatting with the fat man here to find a way, another shuttle of bullets fell from the sky and landed in front of our car, knocking out a series of deep craters on the road ahead.

"Damn! I have to find a place to hide, this road is empty!" I

hurriedly looked around, and found that we had now reached the main city of Qingshan, and there was now a small fork in the road in front of me, leading to a small alley inside.

I don't have time to care too much now, so I just took the direction and drove the car into this fork in the road.

The width of this road is about 5 meters, and this road seems to be a bar street, and the shops on the whole street are filled with all kinds of outdoor tables and chairs, blocking the road more than 5 meters wide and only about 2 meters wide.

I didn't have time to dodge, so I just drove into it, knocking over countless tables and chairs along the way, but fortunately, the car was of reliable quality and didn't give me a nest at this time.

"Dao Chief, they're coming!" the

fat man said, glancing behind him.

"Da da da~

" Another shuttle of bullets flew over, knocking the tables and chairs on the street

"crackling" clean.

Since the alley is not very wide now, I have very little room to move around.

In other words, the probability of me getting hit is actually much higher now.

After the shuttle bullet, I saw in the rearview mirror that the helicopter had disappeared, presumably overhead as it had just passed.

Now it's turning around and flying in into this.

I saw the door of a bar in front of me open, and drove straight through the glass door of this bar.

"Bang bang bang ~ crackle ~ crackle ~ "

The entire tempered glass door was smashed by us, and our car was smoothly driven into the lobby of the bar.

"Fat man get out of the car and prepare for an ambush

!" "Understood!" After

saying that, the fat man and I got out of the car, and just as we reached the door of the bar, a familiar sound of the propeller of an airplane dancing came from not far away, and I looked at the seats on the street that we had knocked and staggered and said

, "Fat man, don't go out, let's go upstairs!"

Although we are now temporarily gone, the people in the helicopter can still tell from the seats that have been hit on the street and the water glass in front of the bar here that we may have driven into the bar.

And at this time, if the fat man and I went out from the gate of this bar to attack this helicopter, it would really be that I hit someone else's gun, and I would have lost my wife and soldiers.

At this time, the fat man wanted to rush out directly to give this helicopter an RPG, but when he heard me say this, although he didn't understand why for the time being, he still listened to the command and retreated back.

I grabbed the last RPG rocket from the car, and then I climbed up the stairs with the fat man to the second floor of the bar.

Since I judged that the flight altitude of this helicopter was estimated to be 4 or 5 stories high in this small alley, I climbed directly to the 6th floor with the fat man, and then found a nearby balcony and leaned out.

When we walked

to the balcony in June, a familiar propeller sound of "Tick Dada ~ Kick Tap Pedal ~"

came to our ears, we slowly pushed open the door of the balcony, poked our heads out of the balcony, only to see that the helicopter was hovering at the door of this bar, about the height of the 4th floor, and now, a soft ladder was being thrown down from the helicopter, and the helicopter was slowly descending.

"Damn, the fat man is not good, the people in this helicopter are about to be roped down, hurry up and serve a pot while the people inside haven't come out yet

!" "Understood!"

After saying that, the fat man picked up the RPG, then leaned on the balcony, faced the bottom from above, aimed at the helicopter, and pressed the trigger.


" "Coax~"

After knowing that I saw the helicopter below being hit by our RPG missile, I realized, Nima, if the distance is too close and it is blown up like this, the city gate will catch fire, and the pond fish

will be affected! The fat man and I are still on the balcony now!

The hot air rises and the cold air falls.

The explosion produced a huge ball of fire that rushed up the alley, which was only 5 meters wide.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I instinctively fell backwards, and then took the opportunity to grab the fat man who was still leaning on the balcony and pulled him down.

Just as we fell, a burst of fire came up from below, rushing directly to a height of dozens of meters, and all kinds of explosions erupted below.

I took a look at the fat man I had just pulled to the ground, and found that this kid's face was now burned black.

"Damn, fat man, are you alright!" After

I slapped him a few times, the fat man woke up in a daze and said

, "Damn, what a big fireball just now." "

Now I don't have any mirrors or anything here, and I can't describe how serious the fat man's face is, but it looks like he was just burned by the heat wave and smoke, and it shouldn't be very serious.

"If you're okay

, just get up and run away!" "It's okay~"

After saying that, the fat man climbed up, although the power of the explosion just now was very huge, but the impact force was in the lower layers, and our 6 arms here were not very badly damaged.

I climbed down the hallway with the fat man.

The fourth, third, and second floors of the building where the bar is located were all blown up by the helicopter and only half of the floor was left, and the corridors inside were also littered with cement stones and the wreckage of the plane.

"It's numb, our car won't

be blown up!" The fat man suddenly ran down, and I also felt a big bad thing in my heart, and it was very possible that our car would be blown up in this big explosion.

I followed the fat man down the hallway and ran down.

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