"Dao Chief, you said tonight, should we get out of here first? If your plane is too TMD smart and attracts this monster, it will be too late then. The

fat man asked, after watching me maneuver the plane and climb it up.

I saw that the plane was already climbing steadily, so I pressed the climb button, thought for a while, and returned:

"Other places are more dangerous than here, and now we know that during the day, the noses of the zombies in Lin'an City are particularly bright." It's so good here that under the cover of some smell, if you run to other places, even if you can avoid this giant zombie, you will inevitably be besieged by the dog-nosed zombies of Lin'an. Moreover, I deeply suspect that this giant zombie

is the same zombie we encountered during the day!" "Dao Chief, how is it possible! The zombies we encountered during the day were not as big as they are now. "

The fat man returned.

"Uh-huh, but, have you thought about it, that giant zombie is made up of small zombies

?" "Is there such a thing?"

said the fat man with a little surprise, and sat down on my side, ready to listen.

In this matter, I am also bold guesses, careful verification, oh no, I am too lazy to verify, because there is no need to touch this mold. I just want to get some gear and get on the road, so I'm just making a bold guess here.

I looked at the rising altitude display on the screen, cleared my throat, and said

, "Just now, when the arm of this giant zombie was blown off by our grenade and gasoline, I found out this problem, it was not a hand at all, but a pile of zombie corpses, and these corpses looked absolutely exactly like the zombies we encountered during the day.

And when we see the body, there are all kinds of zombie components on the body of this giant zombie, and I think no zombie will collect other zombies as accessories and wear them on their bodies. And this is no longer a problem with accessories, but all over the body! It can only show one problem - that is, this giant zombie is composed of those slow-moving thin zombies during the day. "

I was full of joy and told you about the problem I had just considered.

"However, if he is composed of small zombies, then there is no need to form a human form, he can form other shapes, such as a circle, which is much more complicated than combining a human form, so I think this should be a whole.

Zheng Yan asked after listening to my narration.

"The giant zombie is our translation from the English letters on that wall, maybe what he actually means is countless zombie aggregates, but they are relatively large. And actually, did any of us add it? We just saw a dark shadow, and an arm, and part of the torso. "

Oh oh"

Before, everyone didn't know what this thing was, and they were a little scared.

But now, after listening to my explanation, everyone is a lot more relaxed, especially the fat man, as soon as the fat man heard that it was composed of those little zombies, he immediately took over the conversation and said:

"What the hell did I say, it turned out to be a puddle of mud! It seems that there is no need to run, these zombies are coming, Lao Tzu will carry a crane gun to a shuttle, and make sure to beat him

to pieces!" The heavy machine gun can also be lifted to a large size, and the younger generation admires it, hehe.

"You TMD, don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf here! The three stinkers have beaten Zhuge Liang, and a single zombie is indeed not a threat to us, but if there are so many people at once, it still forms such a collective, and if TMD still has some IQ, it will be difficult to deal with!"

I hurriedly poured the arrogance of the fat man, so as not to underestimate the enemy at that time.

"What do you mean?"

Zheng Yan listened carefully for a while, and now she also asked.

"Biological neural networks! It's not for nothing that every zombie is brought together. In the past, we just encountered the corpse emperor, and through pheromones, we controlled hordes of zombies in the air and acted in unison. And this time, so many zombies spontaneously formed a collective, which shows that these control behaviors do not come from the outside, but from the inside. That is, these zombies are likely to be formed spontaneously. It's like our body.

The big ones, from the arms, to the torso, to the head, each in its own way. Each cell, from the smallest to the other, performs its own task. We humans control the body through the nervous system inside the brain, through the nerves.

And this giant zombie, I don't think it has a head. This kind of creature also exists in nature, such as earthworms! All cells in the whole body are nerve cells, so that the whole body forms a neural network.

Now this zombie, I also have a deep suspicion, can form such a complex coordinated action as swatting mosquitoes, this giant zombie should have formed a biological neural network.

Zheng Yan thought for a while,

and immediately whispered to me: "Can you be simple and clear

!" "Well, it's okay, what I want to say is that this giant zombie may not have a low IQ and is

difficult to deal with!" When I said the word "difficult to deal with", my voice was lowered a lot, and my confidence was really not enough.

It's still very simple to deal with the kind of zombies who don't have IQ and only want to eat people, just create a trap or just blow your head out.

Because that kind of zombie has no thoughts, doesn't know how to dodge, goes straight and has no thoughts.

But if the zombie has a strong attack and a bit of intelligence, it's hard to do.

A corpse emperor zombie who is 3/4 crippled, we almost received a box lunch, let alone this giant zombie.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the magic pen sent by the brother of "Look at Wukong"!

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