"Dao Chief, then what should we do now?"

It was Zheng Yan who reacted first, and Lin Yuan Xianyu might as well retreat and weave a net. Instead of worrying about being scared here, it's better to do something and prepare in advance.

"Well, grinding guns in battle, not fast and light. While the zombie was still near, we prepared our weapons. However, if the zombies do come, then you don't need to panic too much. Because, the zombies haven't found us yet, and before the zombies find us, all we have to do is to keep absolutely quiet! Do a good job of soundproofing and noise reduction, just hide in this room. "

Okay, I'll go to the next room to move some quilts, and I'll block the door when the time comes~"

After hearing my words, Zheng Yan immediately got out of bed and walked out of the door.

At this time, Zheng Qian also hurriedly followed, and said:

"Sister Zheng Yan, I'll go with you!" Other

things may not be very good at these girls, but when it comes to hiding cats, the girls are still good at it, telling them to hide and not make a noise, they can still do it.

In the end of the world, although it is said that this hotel is safe for the time being, but now it is night, the word safety is still very good, so I said to the fat man:

"Fatty, you go out to help them!"

"Why am I going to move a quilt?"

"It may not be safe here at night, you go to take a look." "


The fat man immediately understood my intentions, so he replied, walked to the door, took a crowbar, and opened the door and walked out.

Now I'm the only one left in the room, and the room is a lot quieter.

As the minutes passed, the helicopter also climbed to an altitude of almost 500 meters and then stopped climbing, I don't know if it was because there was a maximum altitude limit in the program or because it was about to run out of power. It stayed at this height.

I don't want to really run out of power and fly back uncontrollably, so I might as well control the plane myself, so I know how I exposed my target.

Because if you let it go, the plane will lose altitude on its own and fly back. This is also a very normal thing, after all, at the beginning of the program setting, the programmer must have thought so, flying lower, it must be safer, even if it runs out of power and falls down, it will not damage the aircraft.

With this in mind, I took direct control of the plane and flew back to the east.

Less than 3 minutes after I flew, the battery warning light turned on, and at this time, the plane activated the automatic return system, and the on-board computer took over the flight.

However, the flight data is still transmitted back in real time. According to the data that has been transmitted, the altitude is constantly decreasing, but the noise of the aircraft is much smaller.

This shows that the on-board computer is now controlling the plane to reduce the flight altitude in an orderly manner, just as I expected. And it is also reducing the lateral flight speed, which is estimated to be a lot lower speed for endurance, so the noise of the propeller is also much smaller.

I see that now, it is meaningless for me to operate this remote control here, so it is better to take advantage of the 10 minutes or so that this plane flies over, and hurry up and make some preparations.

Thinking of this, he immediately dropped the controller, picked up the flashlight, pushed open the door, and went directly down to the first floor from the corridor.

When I walked to the corridor, I saw a flash of light below, although I could basically determine that it was the fat man below, but I was still a little panicked, because I didn't bring an AK rifle this time, if it was someone else below, then the confrontation would be lost. I leaned against the anniversary wall and asked,

"Fatty, are you down there?"

There was a loud voice

from below: "Uh-huh!"

When I heard the return from below, I immediately relaxed and hurried down the hallway. Since it's night, the lighting here is not very good, and it is still a little panicked to climb up and down in such an empty building on such a night.

But when I walked down and saw the familiar figure below, I relaxed again.

"What are you doing?"

"Get some ammo." "

Here we pee into the same pot, the heavy machine gun is not enough ammunition, move it up first, and then fight the zombies, then it will be enjoyable." "

I don't talk nonsense with the fat man, I picked up a box of heavy machine gun bullets from the corner of the wall and prepared to walk upstairs.

This box of heavy machine gun bullets is about 7 or 80 pounds, and an adult can barely carry it. After the fat man saw me walk up, he also walked towards the second floor with a box in his left hand and a box in his right hand.

"I said fatty, why haven't you moved up here after going down for so long, and you're lazy down there?"

"That's not true, I want to open it down to see if it's a heavy machine gun bullet inside."

"Didn't we already dismantle two of them? It was full of heavy machine gun bullets.

"Oh, that's what I thought just now, but when I picked up a box, I shook it and found that it seemed to be able to move inside. "

Oh ~ true or false?" The

fat man said that the ammunition box that can move, there is no doubt that it is this on my shoulder, just now I went down and picked it up, carried it on my shoulder, climbed upstairs, and did not weigh this ammunition box carefully, after the fat man said this, I put this ammunition box off my shoulder, and then shook it in my hand, and found that TMD is really moving.

"Dao Chief, I'm not wrong. I don't know what's in there!" said

the fat man as he walked.

"It doesn't matter what good stuff he has, it should be that the ammunition can't be wrong, or it's a grenade.


Now to be honest, I don't have that much time to guess this kind of boring thing, all I want is to prepare weapons and ammunition immediately, and prepare for the arrival of giant zombies.

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