I turned around and said with a smile

, "Is it interesting, is it not interesting?" "

Neither is it boring!"

Zheng Yan tied a flashlight to the head of the bed, holding a pen to write her doomsday notebook, and returned to me without raising her head.

"Haha~ Zheng Meinu's speech is becoming more and more interesting!" "It's

true that I'm in the end of the world now, but being in the end of the world doesn't mean that at night, there are demons and monsters and zombie mutants everywhere outside.

In fact, the most common situation is that one is desolate, and the other is desolate.

And this feeling of loneliness is more pronounced in places where there has been more human activity.

In the wilderness, it is less obvious, because there are no people in that kind of place. Resident Evil happened, and at the end of the day, if no one informed him, he didn't know what was going on outside.

And Lin'an County, of course, belongs to the former. This kind of city, in the apocalypse, is the most lonely.

You can't stay in it for too long, otherwise it will be very depressing.

I talked in bed for a while, and then I vaguely heard the fat man open the door and walk in, and then I went out again in a vague way, went to the next door to take a shower, and then went back to the house, lay down and fell asleep.

When I woke up and looked at my watch, it was already noon the next day.

Of course, my fat fat man hasn't woken up yet. In the room, it's just me and the fat man right now.

It is estimated that Zheng Qian should go downstairs.

My mobile phone has been plugged into the power strip by Zheng Yan and charged, and my clothes and the fat man's clothes have been washed and dried in the aisle outside the door.

"Hehe, these two little girls are quite attentive, they know that they don't hang their clothes outside~"

I picked up the clothes hanging in the corridor outside the door with my hands, and walked towards the next room, which is also a standard room, and now it is used by us as a washroom and kitchen.

Since the place we are staying in is a small hotel, there are toiletries in every room, which is also very convenient for our life.

Coupled with the fact that this small hotel also has a solar water heater, and the next water source on the mountain, to be honest, living in this place, life is still quite cool.

From the cabinet in the bathroom, I took out a disposable toothbrush and toothpaste, opened it, and walked around the house while brushing my teeth.

I saw that on the dining table in this room, which we had converted into a dining table, there was an alcohol stove with potatoes and beef squatting on it, and on the other side was a pot of freshly cooked food. A few stainless steel dishes and chopsticks for eating have been washed and put aside.

"The meal is ready, what about the people

?" I brushed my teeth as I walked out of the washroom and kitchen, opposite the washroom was the corridor and stairs, I leaned against the corridor and shouted down

, "Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, are you there?"

At this moment, suddenly from the room opposite our room came a faint voice that seemed to be Zheng Yan's.

I immediately walked over there, and when I got to the room, I found that it was empty, and the balcony outside was open, and on the balcony was the big killing weapon that I and the fat man had placed yesterday, the heavy machine gun.

"It can't be from below, is it?"

I brushed my teeth as I walked inside, it

was already midday, and the sun was already above my head, so the sun was no longer shining in the room facing north.

However, when I walked out of the balcony, I could still feel the dazzling sunlight at noon in early summer.

Since I had just woken up, my eyes were still a little overwhelmed by the bright light.

I squinted against the balcony and looked into the distance.

This hotel is built by the mountains and the water, oh no, the provincial road.

To the south, there is a courtyard, and to the south is the provincial road.

To the north, on the other hand, there is a small river, almost 4,50 meters wide, and the depth of the water is not very deep from here.

There is a small vegetable field in the north that Zheng Qian said yesterday, I lowered my head, and it is indeed true.

In the backyard of this small hotel, that is, to the north, there is only a small vegetable patch in the hotel and the river, about 15 meters long and 10 meters wide.

And now, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, two little sisters, are bending over in this small vegetable field below, not knowing what vegetables they are picking.

"Two beautiful little gardeners, are you catching insects, or are you weeding?" I

asked, after spitting out the foam of the ointment, looking down.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were originally working below, but when they heard someone shouting at them above, they immediately stood up, looked at the top, and said:

"We're going to plant something, now summer is coming~"

I nodded and listened to Zheng Qian's return below, and poured the water in the water cup in my hand into my mouth and rinsed my mouth.

"Dao Chief, don't rinse your mouth here! I'll be done with you if you spit out!" Zheng

Yan saw it, and hurriedly stopped him a little anxiously.

Nima! Forgot that this was not a bathroom.

I'm glad you're not done with me!, I muttered to myself, and walked back inside.

I don't know, what these two little girls grow. I'll say hello later.

I hurriedly turned around, went back to the bathroom, and started my personal hygiene again.

After I finished washing up, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian also climbed up from the basement.

At this time, the fat man also woke up, muttering

"It's so fragrant, what is there to eat~"

and walked over from our bedroom next door.

"Hurry up and wash up!" I

replied in disgust.

Zheng Qian saw that everyone was up, so she walked to the table and served a bowl of rice to everyone.

This time, Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan made a potato beef stew with a few green vegetable leaves in the middle.

The old rule, this beef is not fresh beef, but soaked with beef jerky.

The potatoes were scavenged from the storage room on the first floor of this small hotel, and as for the greens, I guess Zheng Qian also got them from the small dishes outside the basement.

While I was eating, I thought of Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian planting vegetables below in the morning, so I asked

, "Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, what kind of vegetables are you planting below?"

After Zheng Qian heard this, she immediately returned:

"Oh, we found several bags of seeds in the basement of this hotel in the morning, including cucumbers and tomatoes. I saw that it was time to sow cucumbers and tomatoes, so I called Sister Zheng Yan and went to the open space below to plant these seeds. "

Do you like to live here?"

I saw Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, who were still eating, and asked with a smile.

Zheng Qian smiled and returned:

"Well, this place, Sister Zheng Yan and I both think that it is the most comfortable one to live in in our previous bases. You see, there is hot water for bathing, tap water for cooking, there is a relatively hidden and safe vegetable plot to grow vegetables, and the rooms in this hotel are also comfortable. "


I replied with a soft hum.

In fact, it may not be long before we have such a comfortable life. But now that everyone is eating, they still don't say anything at this juncture.

If there's anything to talk about, I'll talk about it later.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from "Brother Sheep and Wool"!

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