Last night's Lin'an, after a zombie war, can be called a classic of dog-eat-dog. In the end, it ended with a happy ending of both defeats.,So far, the battle against the giant zombie series,That's the end!And all kinds of anecdotes,UBM's motives,Some people don't seem to bother to care anymore.,But is this really good?Sometimes,It's better to think more! Because,The future... (I won't reveal it.)

After the matter was temporarily closed, the Taoist chief insisted on going west for the sake of the country and the people, and went to the defense line to hand over the information at hand to the state. And from here to the defense line, there is at least 500 kilometers, and it is impossible to walk through, only to get a car here in Lin'an. In the apocalyptic crisis, all the belongings are carried on your back, so getting an RV is also an essential thing.

Therefore, the doomsday RV series has begun. Look at our Taoist, what kind of RV will this car be built, what modifications will be made, and what interesting things will be encountered in the middle?

——After the long inscription

finished eating, Zheng Yan continued to plant vegetables in the vegetable field at the back of the building, and the fat man seemed to follow, saying that he would instruct and guide people from the city like Zheng Yan how to do farm work.

And Zheng Qian is here in the kitchen, washing the dishes and chopsticks with a clang.

I'm not interested in growing vegetables or washing dishes. But seeing that everyone is working hard, it is not good for me to stand here alone.

So, I excused myself to smoke outside and walked away.

Naturally, you can't go downstairs, and when Zheng Yan sees it, you will be arrested to do coolies.

And on this floor, I can't stay, because although Zheng Qian won't ask me to work in the kitchen, I'm still embarrassed.

So, I went upstairs and climbed all the way down.

Before I knew it, I had climbed to the roof.

Pushing open the tin gate on the roof, a smell of early summer came to your face.

It's not very hot, it's not very cold, and I really like it.

I found a small stool, sat on the flat roof, leaned against the corner of the wall and smoked a cigarette facing north.

To the north of this building, there is a vegetable patch below, but I am on the roof now and cannot see what is below.

A little farther away is a small river, winding and winding, flowing through here.

Further to the north, there is a large area of farmland, which is intertwined. But now it looks like there is nothing growing in the field, and there are weeds everywhere, one by one.

"If it was in the past, it is estimated that it is already the busy season for farming, and it is time to plant rice~"

I looked at the distant scene and estimated the current season.

Actually, I don't know much about this kind of farming, agricultural seasons and the like, but now I suddenly feel it, and it is also because I am touched by the barrenness of this large area of farmland in front of me.

It's good to take care of the elderly here, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian also seem to like this place very much, and the fat man looks like he doesn't care about anything, if he wants his ideas, he can do it anywhere, as long as he eats and lives.

Before, that is, before Resident Evil, my thoughts were similar to this, to find a secluded and safe solid place to hide, and then take care of myself in the apocalypse, low-key and happy.

I remember that at that time, I also stocked up on a lot of entertainment facilities, such as satellite TV and karaoke.

As for the base, I also did my best, making two bases, one is a large flat in a luxury community in the urban area of Little Raccoon, and the other is a small villa halfway up the mountain in the suburbs of Qingshan.

These two places, the reserves and materials of any one place, are enough for a few of us to survive in the apocalypse for several years.

Later, after saving Zheng Qian's little sister at Qingshan No. 1, we began to live a life of displacement.

In one place, you always have to run away if you don't stay for a while.

At that time, instead of crossing the defense line and going to the rear, the thing I thought about was actually to find a safe place to hide and live a good life.

Because then, I didn't think that the big rear, now it's safe. And where we are now, is safe.

After learning that we had stumbled into Dr. Carey's cottage and obtained the UBM's scientific research materials and secrets that Dr. Carey had collected, I changed my mind.

Moreover, since then, the few missiles of our J-20 in Qingshan have also given me a lot of confidence.

Therefore, it was decided to march to the west, find a way to reach the western defense line, and then hand over the materials in hand to the country.

First, it is for the sake of the ego, after all, behind the western defense line, everyone is united with greater strength and a greater probability of survival.

Second, it is also for the sake of the greater self, that is, for our motherland. If the information in my hand is handed over to the state, it can speed up the research of antiviral serums, so that if we can research something to restrain the zombie virus as soon as possible, then we can remove these zombies as soon as possible and return to our homeland.

Next, I want to make this matter clear to Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian. This can be a bit of a hassle, after all, heading west is a lot of unknowns and very risky.

I'm a little embarrassed to bring it up to them, but I have to talk about it sooner rather than later. It's better to make it clear as soon as possible, after all, I think it's much more important than doing something meaningful for the country and the people than to live here.


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Friends who haven't followed me yet, remember to follow me. I will post pictures and videos from time to time. There are our lovely young ladies inside, as well as apocalyptic scenes, and the latest plot introduction~ Thank you for your support!

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