It doesn't seem good to stay on this roof all the time, and after a cigarette, I guess Zheng Qian has cleaned the pots and pans, and I am ready to go downstairs.

The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and when our doomsday RV is built, it will not be too late to talk about the westward expansion.

Moreover, this matter seems to be our established thing, so I don't need to emphasize it here.

When I arrived at the kitchen on the second floor, Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, and the fat man were already busy, sitting at the dining table together, as if drinking tea.

"Did you just hear a car passing us?" I

asked casually.

Zheng Qian hurriedly returned:

"Dao Chief, not yet, I've been here all the time, and I haven't heard any movement outside. Then

he handed me a cup of tea.

"Mm-hmm, thank you!" I

took a small sip, this should be black tea, it seems to have a little milk added to it, but now it's the end of the world, milk should not be available, it is estimated that it is milk powder.

But this taste is similar to Hahawa milk tea, mellow and delicious.

"Uh-huh, are these people just cleaning up the battlefield?"

Actually, I have one more sentence below, and that is - they don't come to collect the bodies of their companions.

But now that there are two girls here, I am afraid that they will not be able to stand it if they say it so directly.

In fact, in the end times, this kind of thing is really sparse and ordinary.

In times of peace, we have a state and a society to protect us, so we rarely come into contact with such things. But when it comes to the end of the world, especially now in the infected zone, it will be completely weak and strong, and no one can protect you except yourself.

Anything that happened, no one knew. It's a little difficult for everyone to take care of themselves, who will cover you.

At this time, the fat man put the cup on the table, and then said:

"It's hard that people haven't gotten up yet!" "

Hehe~ You think everyone else is like you! It's almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and it's night in a few hours, who sleeps and sleeps until now."

And I'm going to Lin'an so late, and now it's only 3 or 4 hours before it gets dark, and these people rushed over from Qingshan, so it will take a lot of time, and they have to rush over again, so I guess these people won't come. "

Then, Michigan. Shall we go to Lin'an for a vote? Anyway, we are close here! Three hours is enough!"

the fat man took the initiative to ask.

"Whit, when did you kid be so active!"

But when I thought about it, what the fat man just said did make sense.

Now, it may be one of the few safe points in time for us.


First, it is only 3 or 4 hours before the evening, and people who are far away from here will not go to Lin'an at this time, because it is too late to rush back before dark. So now there are no other people in Lin'an City, mainly UBM people. And after we arrive in Lin'an, we don't have to worry that the UBM people will kill them, after all, it's already late. Nobody will come here.

Second, it only takes 10 minutes to drive to Lin'an, drive faster, and the time can be less. So, for us, it's too late to come back to the world now.

To be honest, this is safer than going to Lin'an tomorrow morning, because you don't know, tomorrow this UBM will have convulsions, thinking about going to Lin'an to clean up the battlefield or something.

After taking a sip of milk tea, I looked up at the sky outside the window, and it was still very bright. After looking at his watch again, it was exactly 2 o'clock

in the afternoon, and he said to the fat man: "Fat man, you are really a talent! Go to the armed forces department of the county town to borrow some weapons and ammunition to use." "

All right!" the

fat man put down his teacup, and then prepared to get up.

The fat man is the kind of person who has a phobia of severe lack of firepower, and whenever he goes out, he will bring almost all the equipment and ammunition of his belongings.

This time, he actually thought about moving the heavy machine gun to his small van...

"I said fatty, it's useless for this heavy machine gun to get into the car, the recoil is so strong, if you fire a shot, the car will fall apart.

"When I watched TV, didn't that old and beautiful soldier have this heavy machine gun installed on the car?"

"Numb, pig's nose with green onions, and elephants! "


"How many more rockets do we have?"

"That's all three."

"It seems that it is really impossible not to get some weapons and ammunition today. "

The fat man and I loaded the generator with gasoline and put it in the car, and then we brought four angle grinders and two plug-in boards.

We brought 2 RPGs, a grenade launcher, and 2 AK47 rifles, 8 magazines for ammunition, and 10 magazines for the fat man.

I brought 4 grenades, two of which were flashbangs. The fat man brought 6, most of which were high-explosive grenades, and some shock bombs. (

Stun grenades, also known as sonic booms, are non-lethal weapons used to subdue an opponent with as little permanent bodily harm as possible. The main principle is to use loud noises to create a dizzying sensation and intimidate the enemy. Non-lethal bombs that incapacitate the enemy are often used in operations in enclosed spaces, such as urban counter-terrorism.

In addition to these hot weapons, the fat man also brought a 2,30-pound crowbar, which could be used to fight zombies and pick locks. Hehe.

I brought a Vajra shield, which is not very easy to hit, but fortunately, it can block bullets.

Angle grinder, this equipment is mainly used to deal with the iron fence of the ammunition guard room in the armed forces.

Ammunition depots, to be honest, I haven't been to this kind of place either.

But haven't you ever eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run? This kind of place to store weapons and ammunition is something I've seen a lot in Hong Kong movies and movies on Lao Mei's side.

Generally speaking, this room is a metal door with a password, a little more advanced, and fingerprint recognition, even voice recognition, and pupil recognition.

The weapon room can only be entered after the computer has been verified.

After entering the weapons room, there is a shelf of all kinds of weapons and ammunition next to each other.

However, it is not yet available directly. Why?

Because often in this room, there is a pass! That

is, the whole room is surrounded by a huge stainless steel iron cage, and the weapons and ammunition we want are in the room of this stainless steel encased room.

This room, on the other hand, is usually locked with a mechanical key. And it often requires two keys to be used at the same time to open it.

This is to prevent weapons and ammunition from being stolen by gangsters after the computer system is breached.

Without these two mechanical keys, even cracking the outside range system would be useless.

In Lao Mei's movies, or Hong Kong movies, there will be a big man with computer technology and hacking skills in this kind of team that steals weapons and ammunition or gold and silver treasures.

The man was hiding obscenely in a broken car in the rear.

Don't underestimate this car, it has the most advanced computer equipment, as well as various satellite communication equipment, monitoring and listening equipment.

Then this big guy is here to operate as fiercely as a tiger, remotely control those little friends, hack the building, crack all kinds of systems, show them the way, open the door for them, and so on.

Of course, our team also has such a powerful computer boss, as long as everyone knows who it is.

But now that the times are over, things are not so complicated.

After I put a few angle grinders on the road, I beckoned the fat man to get in the car and set off quickly.

Just when the fat man started the car and was about to leave, I saw Zheng Yan hurriedly running down from the upstairs, I thought there should be something, so I beckoned the fat man to stop first

, "Zheng Meinu, what's the matter?"

"Bring this!"

Zheng Yan didn't say a word, and gave us the two walkie-talkies he was carrying.

"Isn't it far away, there is no signal?"

"The first radio station of the UBM mercenaries can be found here, and there should be no problem with this equipment of ours~"

I suddenly remembered, yes, last night, I was still listening to their radio conversations in the house.

"Oh oh! I remember, I set up the signal reception amplifier on the roof, I forgot. Okay, if you have something to do, contact us through this!"

"Okay, if you have something, remember to talk to us inside. "


I laughed, the old man still wants you to protect me, but the people are also kind, so I smiled and replied

, "Well, a word is a certainty." The

author has something to say:

Dao Chang is going to do something!

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