But what surprised me was that after I replied, Zheng Yan didn't reply to me?

This is a very unusual thing.

At the very least, I have had dinner and I am so well that I am still hungry.


Just as I was standing at the entrance of the cave with the fat man to discuss, the walkie-talkie suddenly rustled. I whispered

: "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here

!" and then took the walkie-talkie off his shoulder, and after less than 3 seconds, a familiar but very surprising sentence came from the walkie-talkie:

"Dao Chief, fat man, please answer when you hear it!" "

What, didn't I already talk to Zheng Yan just now? Why are you still calling us like this? Didn't they receive the signal? I

hurriedly pressed the reply button and said

, "Received it, can you hear

it?" And at this moment, Zheng Yan's happy voice suddenly came from the other side of the walkie-talkie:

"Wow! Great, I finally got in touch with you! Where are you?"

It's hard to put into words, now it's cool outside a cave.

"Oh, when are you coming back?"

"It's almost time, the fat man and I will go in and get a confidential document later, and then we'll be ready to come back." Oh, by the way, didn't I reply to you just now? Didn't you receive it? Also, it doesn't seem that my side is in the direction of Lin'an, how did you contact us?"

Haha, teach you a trick, I'm on the roof of the building now, while turning

that antenna, while shouting, so that the signal can be covered 360 degrees without dead ends?" "Zheng Meinu, yes! I want to do it, so that my iron pot antenna has become a 360-degree radar with no dead ends, perfect!".

"It's just that this thing is a bit heavy and a little hard to turn.

"Eh, be careful, now that you're in the right direction, you can go straight downstairs to the room and talk to us with an antenna." Stop lying on the roof. "


~" "Oh, by the way, what direction is the iron pot antenna aimed at now?" "

It's the north side, why did you run over there?" "It's dark and you can't

see the road clearly. You go down first, and we'll get back in touch later. "

Okok, be careful!"

"Mm-hmm, be careful, too. The

fat man was on the side at this time, pretending to be cute but disgusting and said:

"You have to be careful~"

I hurriedly extinguished the signal, lest Zheng Yan hear such disgusting words and think that I said it, wouldn't that be my glorious image, which will be ruined soon.

"Fatty, work!" "Outside

, I don't dare to use the flashlight, that's because it's too conspicuous to use the flashlight outside at night, but once you enter this cave, you can use the flashlight unscrupulously.

Because here, the space is relatively confined and you can't see anything inside from the outside.

The mouth of this cave is about 2 meters wide and 3 meters high.

The opening is so wide that it seems to have been specially treated.

The terrain inside was also relatively flat, so I turned on my flashlight and walked inside.

Walking towards the inside, there was about 5 or 6 meters, and after passing through a stone gate about one meter wide and two meters high, the entire hole in front of me suddenly opened up.

Inside was a huge space, and when I shone a flashlight at it, I couldn't find the top of the

cave, and the whole cave expanded to the east, west, and south, the size of a football field.

"Oh my god, this is so big! This Dr. Charlie is probably the reincarnation of a groundhog, what a master of burrowing!

"It's good to have a little geographical knowledge, this is originally a cave, but the entrance is just repaired by Dr. Charlie, and the inside is completely natural. "

This huge rock cavity in here is very huge, and I stand in it, but I don't feel depressed at all.

But the ground inside was not as flat as the road from outside, and there were rock barbs standing upside down everywhere. There are also barbs that stick vertically into the rocks below.

On the ground inside the entire cave, although this Dr. Charles did not set any signposts for us, but from the entrance of this cave, we can still faintly see that there is a sheep's intestine path, leading from our feet to the depths of the cave.

As the saying goes, there is no road in this world, and when there are more people walking, there will naturally be a road.

So this path may have been walked by people, such as Dr. Charlie. But it's also possible that the zombie ladies came out. I'm more inclined to the latter.

"Chief, how do you get there?"

"There's a path ahead, but it may not be a human who walked out. "

Oh oh~ It doesn't matter if others come out or ghosts come out, I'm going to take a walk today!" After

saying that, the fat man carried this RPG and was about to walk towards this pile of rocks, I hurriedly stopped:

"Wait, observe first." "

The fat man is now thinking about becoming a big hero, and has been embraced by countless exotic beauties and local beauties, and his enthusiasm for work has been greatly improved, but in order to prevent this kid from doing things too actively and causing a big disaster, I immediately stepped on the brakes for the fat man, and said:

"The great man has a cloud: we must despise the enemy strategically and attach importance to the enemy tactically! "

It's been a while since we've been in this hole, and the fat man and I are already getting used to it.

I adjusted the spotlight of the flashlight to concentrate the light into one point. Then, he picked up a flashlight and shone it on the top of the hole.

The fat man and I squinted and looked up.

I saw that the ceiling of this cave was about 3 or 50 meters above the ground, and the top of this cave was covered with all kinds of large and small stone cones, and I didn't know when they would fall.

The fat man and I carefully walked through the rock barbs and crawled through them towards the middle area.

"Dao Chief, why is there such a stone cone here, if one falls like this, it will be over.

"Well, in the cave, try not to use weapons, especially AKs and RPGs, these two are particularly noisy.

At most, use cold weapons, otherwise, such a stone cone formed 10,000 years ago, the foundation is already not solid, and if it is shaken like this, it will fall nine times out of ten, and it will give us a 10,000 arrow through the heart, then there is no place to hide. "

Uh-huh, understood. "

It took us about 10 minutes to cross this stone cone hill from this sheep's intestine path, although this distance is not very far, but this road is really difficult to walk, and the fat man and I only have a flashlight, so we must rely on it a little tighter, so as not to take care of it at that time.

After walking 3,40 meters to the front, an underground dark river in front of us was horizontally placed in front of us, saying that it was a river, but in fact the width of the river was only more than 2 meters wide, as for the depth, I didn't dare to try it.

Because the power of our flashlight is really a little insufficient now, and I can't find the bottom of this river, I don't dare to try the depth.

I used a flashlight to walk around the edge of the river, but I couldn't find a place to cross it.

"Dao Chief, what are you looking for?" the

fat man asked as he watched me walk around with his flashlight flickering.

"A place to cross the river. When

I turned around, I found that the fat boy was already standing in the middle of the river, smiled at me and said

, "Just wade through it, this river is not very deep, but the water is a little cold." With that,

the fat man ran towards the opposite bank.


I looked left and right and there was no good way, so I ran over the river as fast as the fat man crossed.

As the saying goes, as long as I run fast enough that my feet don't sink, then the water won't get my shoes wet.

But the reality is that I'm choking on TMD too much, Nima, if I don't get out quickly, my feet will get arthritis sooner or later.

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