After crossing this small underground river, there is a clearing, and after walking almost 4 or 50 meters in front of it, there is a vertical upward stone wall, and now we are on the other side of the cave.

And the previous path also spread here and disappeared.

"Dao Chief, there is no road ahead. "


Originally, I thought that by following the path that Dr. Charlie or these young ladies had walked, I might be able to illuminate the location where Dr. Charlie placed confidential information.

But unexpectedly, this road seems to be impassable.

Because at present, in front of us, it is just an ordinary stone wall. I smashed a few rocks from the side, and found that this wall was completely serialized with the whole mountain, and

there was no reverberation at all.

And look at this stone wall, some weathered rocks, falling down as soon as they are flicked, this stone wall is also naturally formed, and it has not been touched so far to prevent it.

So for now, looking for clues from this path, it seems that this road is not working, and it is completely impossible.

That can only be found in another way, and that is analytical.

So, I sat down on a flat rock, and the fat man walked up and down in front of me at this time, and when he saw me sit down, he asked,

"Eh, Daoist, aren't you looking for it?"



" "If you want to find it, you can take the flashlight, and you can look around and take a look." "

Uh-huh, okay!" "

Now the fat man's enthusiasm for work, that is quite high, I look at this kid's rare diligence now, so I gave him the flashlight, in case he finds some clues, then I also save a lot of effort.

Inside the cave, it was very quiet now, except for the small underground river on the side, which made the slightest sound of water.

So I stayed here quietly, and it was fairly safe, because I knew anything near me.

So, I carefully took the ins and outs of this operation.

I revisited what happened to me and the fat man.

First of all, it was me and the fat man who drove to Lin'an to engage in weapon storage, and met the zombie lady in white for the first time on the road.

Then, after the fat man and I came back from Lin'an, after setting up a barricade and getting rid of the zombies in Lin'an, on the way back, I encountered this kind of white-clothed young lady zombie for the second time.

Then, because the road was slippery in the dark, the fat man and I didn't dare to turn on the headlights, and we accidentally drove the wrong way and drove to the edge of the bridge.

Then, a zombie or something, under my car, burst out laughing. It scared both me and the fat man.

Then, a large group of zombie ladies rushed towards me and the fat man's car, and the fat man and I drove away.

By accident, I drove to the gate of Dr. Charlie, and after entering the house, I found the manuscript of the treasure map of the pit daddy left behind by Dr. Charlie, as well as information that Dr. Charlie may have been placed under house arrest or even killed. The fat man went to a Dr. Charlie's leather coat.

Then there was such a large group of innocent zombie young ladies in white downstairs who performed for us, the Morse Code Dance.

Then, I cracked the code of these young ladies, and the mystery is that I want to chase these girls. Keep up.

Then the fat man and I came to this cave surrounded by these young ladies.

Then I was guided by the path and crossed a river to the stone wall here.

That's how things are going now.

Earlier, that is, the mystery of the young lady, it will definitely not be wrong.

So now the mistake is that I didn't find Dr. Charlie's secret information, it must have been after me and the fat man entered the cave.

What happened after entering the cave, first of all, the sheep intestine trail, here Dr. Charlie, in the prompt copy, is not mentioned, but I judged it myself.

If Dr. Charlie told us to follow these zombie ladies, but these zombie ladies, it seems, mistook the fat man for Dr. Charlie, and now he is at the door. Didn't come in.

"I'll copy it!"

I suddenly figured it out! I had made a mistake with the fat man, Dr. Charlie had actually told us where he had stored his information, but we were clever enough to follow the path here.


hurriedly stood up and shouted

, "Fatty, fat, I know where this thing is hidden!"

But now the whole cave is pitch black, there is no light, and there is no fat man.

I was about to shout a second time when a deep voice came from about 3 or 40 meters to my right:

"Don't shout, I'm here, something is coming!"

I quickly covered my mouth when I heard the fat man's words. I pricked up my ears and listened.

Sure enough, in the direction of our north, there was a rustling sound, and it sounded like a large group of people running over there.

The sound is getting stronger, which means that these things are getting closer and closer to us now.

I helped my way to the back of the rocks on the side, hoping that this place would get in his way.

Hemp eggs, now it's big night, who TMD boring ran into this hole.

Just as I was scolding my mother in the back, suddenly a voice came from the underground river where someone fell into the river:


" "ou shut!so cold!" (Oh,, it's so cold!)

Nani, the beautiful man, the UBM special forces, or- Dr. Charlie

, although the situation between me and the fat man is very bad now, but it is not very bad. At least, it's people, not the kind of ethereal thing.

Man, I still have a way to solve it, and if there is really something supernatural happening in this kind of place, something that science can't explain now, then I won't be surprised.

Immediately after, another man's rough voice came: (The following content, the original text is English, I will help you translate it into Chinese for free.) No thanks, just send me a gift.

"You're blind, you!"

the rough man yelled at his men, then changed his tone to a gentle and flattering tone, and said to the other person

, "Dr. Charlie, take people's money and eliminate disasters for others."

The boss of our UBM also gave you a lot of benefits, and arranged such a good villa for you, and also arranged a beautiful sister nanny maid for you.

Gives you the best research facilities, as well as the highest access to the Castle Peak Research Base.

Now there is a fire at the Aoyama base, and some materials have been burned.

In fact, we know that you must have saved our research materials here, so you can hand them over honestly, so as not to suffer from the flesh and skin. "

It seems that these people drove Dr. Charlie here and did not pass by Dr. Charlie's residence. Otherwise, we will definitely find our car. Now that they didn't notice us anyway, I continued to listen quietly from behind me.

After the man finished speaking, a deep voice came

: "My house, haven't you searched it! Computer, notes should have been taken away, right?"

Immediately after, the big man laughed again and said:

"Hahahaha~ Hahahaha~ Hahahaha~

Don't think I don't know, your actions are under our surveillance.

Every weekend, we often see you, going in and out of this cave alone, and seeing a large group of beautiful women going in and out with you, at first I thought that you were doing something here to move the palace, the wilderness savage, the wild survival and so on. And don't come in and disturb your Yaxing.

Once, however, I saw you running in with a suitcase. It's nothing, it's not a tool for survival or recreation in the wild, but the problem is that when you come out, the suitcase is gone.

Let's be honest, what's in the suitcase.

We also know from your research materials and equipment records that you seem to be studying antibodies to T virus and G virus now, which our boss said is also useful to us, so we just turned a blind eye to your research, but I didn't expect that in the past few days, you suddenly destroyed all the relevant materials in the laboratory.

This makes one wonder about your motives.

Whoever knows the times is Junjie, Dr. Charlie, hand over that suitcase. "

There's no suitcase

, you're wrong!" "Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb in front of me, don't think that I don't dare to touch you!"

After speaking, the man suddenly picked up the gun and swept it forward,


You TMD have nothing to shoot, these bullets TMD all hit the top of the rock I was hiding from, fortunately I hid behind this rock just now, otherwise, this damn TMD is really wronged.

I was worried that the stone cones would be shaken and fall, but I didn't expect that there was no sound of the stone cones falling from there now, which was good.

If the stone cone inside is really caused by this kid to fall and block the exit, then we really have a hard time.

After this man swept the shuttle bullet, he said with a smile:

"Hahahaha~ To be honest, I can't move you, you are one of the few super-first-class virology experts in our group, and no one can move you without the approval of the boss." But

we can't move you, it doesn't mean that we can't move your family, haha~" "What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, we will never take the lives of your family." After all, I'm also in it for the money. But I've heard that your daughter is pretty and my brothers and I like it. When the time comes, we all have to talk to her about our feelings.

"Shameless! I advise you to get out of this UBM company and stop working here, do you know what the current boss of UBM wants to do? He wants to ruin the whole world!

Do you have parents and children? They will all die under the T-virus and the G-virus. If you let me go, the people of the world will be grateful to you when the time comes.

"Don't be verbose, my hometown is in the United States, and these zombies won't drift across the ocean, I'm afraid of an egg! Little guys, this kid doesn't say anything, you search for me, I don't believe in such a small place, I can't find it!"


The author has something to say

: In this situation, I can't help but chant a poem: Far up the cold mountain stone path slopes, Loulan sand grains ask for rewards.

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