If only I had a shovel next to me, I don't have a shovel all over my body, but there is something similar to a shovel, and that is the stainless steel shield.

This thing has been trapped behind me by the quilt, used for self-defense.

Looking at it from afar, it looks a bit like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Not to mention, the mudslide attack just now also blocked several knives for me.

This thing, to be honest, is a good thing, but the problem is that this thing is really a bit heavy, and it is quite laborious to use. Perhaps, it will be more convenient for a person with a big waist like a fat man to use it.

"Fatty, are you okay?"

I asked the fat man who was showing half of his head as I shoveled the fine soil down the mountain with this 20-pound stainless steel shield shoveling down the mountain.

"It's not a big deal, to be honest, it's pretty warm in the soil. "

The fat man is now holding a spiritual food in his mouth, and he doesn't have the hands to take it out to speak, so he can't speak very clearly.

While digging the fat man, I thought about the gains and losses of entering the mountain this time. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said indignantly:

"Crazy egg, fat man, we are afraid that we have been busy in vain, this Dr. Charlie pointed at the entrance of the cave so casually, who knows where this kid has gone."

"That's it, I'll have to go to Charlie's old man's hometown to search for something later, otherwise I'll really be blind." "

That's it!" I

hurriedly responded.

Who are the fat men and me, how can we do these loss-making transactions, and we will go to Dr. Charlie's house to search for them later, this little life is almost lost here, and I don't take any more, it's a bit of a shame.

I was afraid that there would be too much movement here, and the zombies in the vicinity would be attracted, so I quickened the pace of digging, and after about 5 minutes, the upper half of the fat man's body had been dug out by me.

But the closer this one got to the dirt below, the stronger it became, and it was very laborious for me to dig it directly with my shield.

But fortunately, the fat man's 2,30-pound crowbar was always tied to his body, and I untied it from him.

Insert the sharp end of a crowbar into the dirt and then pry it up and down to loosen the soil, which also makes it easier for me to liven up.


I raised the crowbar and slammed it into the ground. I don't know what I touched below, but suddenly,

a loud sound of "dong ~"

came up from underground. My hands were numb, and my heart was stunned

, "I'll copy it, I won't hit the grenade." "

I think about it, we don't have any other metal objects on us, that is, only grenades.

Then this thing underneath is likely to be a grenade left by the fat man.

There is also the possibility of RPG rockets.

Whether it's a grenade or a rocket, if you hit one, the fat man and I have to go to the sky.

"No~ I don't even pin the grenade to my waist. "

What about your RPG?"

"RPG just now, most of the houses outside the barrier, there are two more on my back, I have already beaten one, and the other one does not know where it was washed away. Michichi, you're not going to hit an RPG, are you?

"It's possible, if you smash this RPG thing, I don't know if it will blow up?"

I scared the fat man half to death when I said this, and I saw that he hurriedly tried to climb out, but he just couldn't get out.

"Don't be so afraid of death, I'm still digging for you on the side!"

I whispered, then pulled the crowbar out from underneath and dug it down carefully with my shield.

From the hole that my phone flashlight inserted through this crowbar, it doesn't look like an RPG, because there is a silver metal plane underneath, and the phone flashlight shines down, reflecting a dazzling silver light on it.

In the middle of this metal plate, a small hole has been smashed by our crowbar.

"This... Damn, fatty, it's

Dr. Charlie's suitcase down here!" I'm now talking about Dr. Charlie's suitcase, and I'm complaining about returning empty-handed this time, and when I came for nothing, I didn't expect God to give me such a surprise.

"Really, fake. "

The fat man's upper body has been dug almost by me, and his hands can already swing flexibly, so he dug down in front with me with his hands

, so that by the way, the fat man can also pull out his legs.

This time we had the momentum, and the digging speed was much faster, and after about 3 minutes, I was able to pick up the things under this under my belt.

It was a metal suitcase, the size of a 15-inch notebook, and a thickness of 5 centimeters.

The front of the suitcase was poked out by me with a crowbar, and the flashlight of my mobile phone shone into it, and it was empty, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

It's a suitcase with a code, I tried it, and it's already locked.

In other words, if you don't have a password, you can't open this suitcase.

"Dao Chief, can you open it and take a look?"

"There is a password, but I can't open it."

"Wouldn't you just open it if you gave him a stick?"

"Hehe, if this is really the suitcase in Dr. Charlie's mouth, then such an important thing in it, Dr. Charlie must have designed it with precautions." If you force it open, you probably will destroy the contents of it.

"And this kind of thing?"

"It's a trivial thing to ruin something inside." I suspect there is a self-destruct device, or a bomb, that will detonate if the password is wrong or if it is violently disassembled.

"Then let's not tear it down.

"Well, I don't know where this suitcase popped out of this suitcase this time, but I think this thing is generally very stable, such as the impact of such a distance just now, and there is nothing else. So I don't think it's a big problem for us to carry this thing with us. "

I didn't want to open this thing here

, because I only had a mobile phone in my hand, the battery was a bit hanging, and the lighting was limited. I want to be very big dirt dust in the circumference again.

In a place like this, opening this suitcase, even if there are no dangerous goods in it, it would be difficult to do it if a few pieces were lost.

Second, I don't have the key to this suitcase, and I don't want to be too lazy to guess riddles with Dr. Charlie, and I just want to go home

early for dinner, so for now, it's better to call it a day early.

"Fatty, let's see how to deal with this thing when we go back, call it a day first, this thing will be very lively later, the zombies in ten miles and eight towns and the mercenary gate of UBM are estimated to be coming soon. "

Uh-huh, Dao Chief, what about those RPG rockets

?" "Why are you mentioning him when they've been washed away?" Anyway, we still have a cart of weapons and ammunition underneath, so what's the panic. "


After speaking, I carried a suitcase, a stainless steel shield on my back, a mobile phone and a flashlight, and the fat man used a crowbar as a crutch and walked down the mountain together.

This wave of Dr. Charlie has a lot of unsolved mysteries.

The biggest of them is what method this Dr. Charlie used to domesticate so many zombies for his use. If this method is mastered by us, then the zombie crisis will not exist. I wonder if we can also master the perpetual motion machine technology by the way.

The second question is, where did this Dr. Charlie get so many girl zombies, and what were these girl zombies like when they were alive. What are they?

The third point is that, judging from the tone of the UBM special combat team, these girl zombies were not brought by the UBM scientific research base, but by Dr. Charlie himself. So, these neatly dressed girls, who changed their clothes. Or rather, Dr. Charlie is somewhere, experimenting on them.

Doing experiments in my own home, although this is reasonable, but, Dr. Charlie's house, I have searched, UBM people should have also searched, and there are no other suspicious rooms.

If you do an experiment in this huge cave halfway up the mountain, although it makes sense, but I have also seen it here, and it is basically the original appearance of the cave, and there is nothing special about it.

So I have a deep suspicion that behind Dr. Charlie, it seems that he is not just a stage name senior researcher at the UBM Aoyama Research Base, but has another identity.

As it stands, Dr. Charlie seems to be a good man.

The man is also good at his words, but before he died, he did not disclose the relevant information, but only pointed to the location of his suitcase to us in a friendly way, and did not specify the exact location.

All kinds of questions make me have to wonder what the real purpose of this Dr. Charlie is.

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