Although, due to the urgency of the situation at the time, the fat man and I did not put Dr. Charlie in the ground. When I first came out, I still felt a little reluctant to go.

But now that I think about it, the whole mountain, the entire karst cave that was formed over 10,000 years has now collapsed. The fat man and I blew up a mountain and made such a big grave for Dr. Charlie, this pomp and circumstance are big enough to think about.

And those mysterious zombie ladies are staying in the cave, living or dying, by Dr. Charlie's side.

The fat man and I are going to wash off our clothes, hiding our merits and fame.

In the future, when social order is restored, and the environmental protection agency investigates who blew up the cave in this mountain, then I will definitely be the first to stand up and say that I am a hen.

The road down the mountain has been washed away by these mudslides and there is no trace, and the fat man and I have no choice but to follow which road is better to walk.

The fat man was pressed by the soil for a while, and now his legs and feet seemed to be a little unsharp, so he walked behind

, while I was holding a mobile phone and flashing light, walking in front. I didn't dare to go too fast, for fear that the fat man behind me would lose it and I would have to go back to him.

"Dao Chief,"

the fat man shouted from behind. I hurriedly stopped, and shone behind me with the flash of my phone.

"What's the matter?" the

fat man was now about 4 or 5 meters away from me behind me

, and as he staggered down, he said in a little panic, "We've been walking down for a while now, and I remember that we didn't go this far when we came up." The

fat man then said

, "Dao Chief, won't

we get lost again?" "Now the air is full of dirt and dust, and the visibility is very poor, and in the mountains, it is really possible to get lost, but we came from the foot of the mountain, and theoretically as long as we keep walking down, we will definitely be able to reach the bottom of the mountain."

"Oh oh~"

I see that I am a little tired from walking with the fat man now, so I suggested that the fat man take a rest here first, and then continue to hurry.

So, we found an exposed rock and sat down with our backs to each other.

The spiritual food in the pocket was all broken in two, and some was crushed into powder.

I found two of them that were relatively intact, and pointed them out in turn, giving one to the fat man and me.

Since I came out of the Xiangyun Hotel at noon, until more than 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, the fat man and I have not eaten any more. Now this person is really tired, and he is supported by such a little spiritual food in his hands.

After sitting down and resting for a while, the fat man and I both calmed down. His physical strength was also restored.

However, the dust in the air does not seem to be abating, and the visibility is getting worse and worse.

"I'm copying, what's going on now...

Before I could finish speaking, a cold fog suddenly floated up from the bottom of the mountain, and the dust that swept the air rushed up.

"It's foggy~"

I sat on the rock, let the mountain breeze below blow, and my face changed color.

Originally, there was still 5 or 6 meters of visibility, but now when the fog comes, the visibility drops to only about 1 meter in an instant.

It's not a question of getting lost, it's a matter of safety.

Because visibility is so low now, it's a bit dangerous to go on like this.

For example, there is a cliff in front of you, but you don't have time to observe it, thinking that it is a flat ground, and if you step down, there will be no regret medicine.

And in this environment, it is especially easy to get lost among teammates.

In the current environment, there is another big hidden danger, that is, when we are attacked by zombies, the time left for us is very short.

1 meter or something, rushing over and biting you, trying to dodge, it's really difficult.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the fog:

"Woo Woo ~ Woo Woo ~ Woo Woo ~"

It was like the sound of a very sad big sister crying by the river. Of course, in the middle of the night, there should be no big sister who has nothing to do and runs to the river to cry.

Therefore, there are only two truths, one is the statement of the fat man, there are female ghosts, and

the second, the correct answer I estimate - this is the collective shouting of a group of zombies, not a zombie.

And the reason why it sounds like a girl crying is because it is far away, and it is mixed with the whistling sound of the mountain wind, which is why it sounds so strange.

I glanced back at the fat man, who was too frightened to speak now, so I whispered

, "The zombies of the four major factions are besieging Guangmingding, fat man, we have to hurry down the mountain!"

"Mmmm, this voice sounds weird and scary."

"It's okay, we're still some distance away, and we haven't come here yet. Fatty, visibility is so bad now, I'm going to turn on the lights.

I whispered.

"What's the light?" I

took off a flashbang from my belt, came to the fat man's eyes and shook

it, "Damn, Dao Chief, this thing won't blow us all up, right?" "

It's okay, the sun is no stronger than this grenade's rays, as long as you don't look at it squarely and detonate in an open place, it's okay." Later, I will put it in my hand, pinch it for 3 seconds, and then throw it into the sky, and then it will blow up, this brightness, just to make a small sun. We had about 5 seconds, but it was enough to look at the terrain and find our way back.

With that, I stood up, pulled the fuse of the flashbang, and pressed it in my hand

, "3,2,1

" I lost!

Although it was an open space, it was absolutely impossible to look directly at it

, "Fatty, close your eyes first!"

I hurriedly shouted. Because our eyes are now accustomed to the dark environment, if they light up so suddenly, it is estimated that it will be unbearable, so it is better to close our eyes and go too far.


The flashbang exploded about 3 seconds after I threw it, and it happened to be in the valley above our heads, and a light flashed in front of my eyes.

I hurriedly opened my eyes, and now the flashbang was still falling and burning in the air, illuminating the entire valley white.

The flashbang lit up longer than I expected, lasting about 10 seconds.

The way down the mountain, and the house where Dr. Charlie lived, were well observed, and the routes and locations were already in my mind.

However, the scene on the west side of the mountain made me and the fat man dare not come out now, and only wanted to run away.


The flame of the last flashbang fell, and the entire valley returned to a dead silence, and occasionally there were a few sounds of girls crying.

"Don't run yet!" I

slammed to my feet, and then ran down the hill.

The fat man didn't dare to delay now, so he hurriedly followed, and his waist was not happy and his legs were not painful.

"Dao Chief, is that a locust

?" "Locust, you are big! The zombies can't tell the difference, but they are far away, and after less than five minutes, when they rush to the front, they will know!" "Damn, it's

all over the mountains!"

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