As the saying goes, I don't do bad things in my life, and I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

Fat Man and I, two good young people of the era, naturally didn't do anything bad, so in the end, the two of us are not very afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

I just think it's a little scary to suddenly come so suddenly and be shocked.

"Fatty, did you hear that?" I

watched as the fat man also cleverly got up and leaned towards me.

I took a breath and asked slowly.

"Damn it, Dao Chief, there's really something knocking on our window outside. Dao Chief, what should we do?"

the fat man and I slowed down a little, and now there is no movement outside.

The moonlight came from my side, and since the fat man's side was not facing the sun, I couldn't see what was outside his window now.

"If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move! There are windows in the way, what are you afraid of!"

I said softly.

It's been almost a minute now, and there's been no movement outside except for the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

The fat man and I are slowly relaxing now.

We have a window in the way, what zombies do you want, it's still a little difficult to get in.

This kind of car glass may not be able to be broken with bricks, let alone if a zombie wants to use his hands or head to break it.

And our Tefu pickup truck has a very high chassis, and if the zombie hits, it will not be able to exert its strength, so the actual protection level of this car is much higher than the protection level of a small farm yard.

What's more, this pickup truck has another advantage, that is, if there is a situation, you can run away directly

! "Fat man, hearing is false, seeing is believing! Even if there is something pretending to be a ghost outside, then let him go, we will stay in the car, pissed him off, and see what other tricks this thing has." "

The fat man is also reflecting now, TMD's window on his side is intact, although it is not bulletproof glass, but this window is not something that ordinary zombies can destroy. It was safe to stay inside, so I went back.

"It makes sense, you want to trick us into opening the door, but there is no door! Dao Chief, let's continue to sleep!" After

speaking, the fat man lay down again.

Although the fat boy said it lightly, he didn't dare to look out of his car window now, for fear of seeing something terrifying and unknown, so he simply closed his eyes and lay down.

After a halche, he went back to sleep.

But now I am boldly staring out the window of the fat man's car, and it is now dark because he is leaning against the dirt slope and there is a car blocking it.

In this darkness, I tried to find something different, something black outline or something.

However, I can't see anything clearly.

"This thing, hiding, is it really like the fat man said, trying to induce us to open the door and get out of the car?"

I thought to myself.

Indeed, if ordinary people, in this kind of place, hear this kind of knocking sound, it is estimated that the first reaction is to be startled, and the second reaction is to get out of the car to see what is going on.

And once you get out of the car, you are completely in someone else's trap.

Now, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just in the car.

I recalled that I took the wrong road in front of me, on the edge of the bridge, and it seemed that at that time, the strange laughter under the car almost lured me and the fat man to get out of the car.

Fortunately, at that time, the fat man saw the zombie lady in time, otherwise, if he ran into the monster with a strange smile under the car, he would really not be able to eat and walk around.

This time, however, it was different.

Because, this time, the voice is still very polite. Zombies are polite, I don't agree.

Zombies are low-level creatures, and their roots are driven by biological instincts, or in other words, the control of the virus, and doing something in order to reproduce the virus.

These zombies have no civilization to speak of, only survival, only animal nature.

And this time, this knock on the door 3 or 4 times in a row, I don't think it should be the work of zombies.

Because if it is a zombie, there should be a unique roaring sound of zombies, but at this time, this place is exceptionally quiet.

In fact, it has been so quiet from just now to now, without any other discordant sounds.

I watched for a while, resisted my curiosity, and lay down with the fat man.

Eliminate all impossibilities, and what remains is the truth.

Sometimes, I may have preconceived notions. Mess everything up on the zombies, on the UBM.

However, there are always some things, or most things, in the world that have nothing to do with zombies, and they have nothing to do with UBM.

Thinking about these two aside, my mind suddenly opened.

First of all, this thing around us, in this way, there is only one possibility—that is, the fat man, the thing that the magic stick often hangs on his lips—ghosts!

Only ghosts can be so quiet, so quiet, and so pretending to be ghosts.

However, to say that he is a ghost, I do not believe it. Why don't you believe it, because if ghosts can exist, then I am God, and I will become God. But am I God?

Excluding this only possibility, then the rest

is the truth, what is the truth, and I think this truth may be very terrible, that is, the voice just now, maybe it wasn't the sound of knocking on our window, or maybe the sound just now, it didn't exist!

Maybe it was just some kind of chance that caused me and the fat man to have a misunderstanding at the same time, or a hallucination.

This matter may be beyond our comprehension.

I prayed in my heart, time is too fast, early dawn, early back to Xiangyun Hotel for dinner, early to build the doomsday RV. Just when I was about to ignore the things outside and prepare to take a nap, suddenly,


My watch instantly tore open the original silence and sounded very crisply in the car.

The fat man lying next to him was also startled by

this alarm clock, and muttered: "Damn! Dao Chief, you also ordered an

alarm clock, scared Lao Tzu to death!" I hurriedly pinched the alarm clock and returned:

"Now half an hour has passed, if the zombies climb up this mountain col, it should be almost there, let's try to keep quiet." I wanted to throw two smoke bombs outside to cover up our smell. With

that, I untied the two remaining smoke bombs from my belt and threw them through the cracks in my windows, both of which were thrown behind the car, one under the car, and the other on the side of the wheel.

Then, the slightest smoke rose outside.

Fortunately, the wind is blowing downwards now, otherwise, the fat man and I probably won't be able to stay inside, and we will have to be smoked out by the grenades we lost.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for "If you are sad and hold my hand", the old brother gave two gifts in a row! Thank you for your support!

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