From just now, after I threw the smoke bomb, the sound of the knock on the window, the mysterious sound disappeared, and it was never seen again.

And the fat man and I are now lying in the car, playing with Hatche.

I thought that everything would be fine now, but it didn't take long, and it was estimated that in less than 3 minutes, another headache sound came from not far down the mountain - a sound of zombies walking. Zombies below.

At this time, the fat man also heard the sound of zombies rushing and panting from a distance, and whispered to me:

"Dao Chief, do you want to go out and climb the mountain?" "

What's the panic, this shouldn't have found us yet, the car is so high, the zombies can't see what is inside when they stand there." We'll just lie down later, remember to be quiet. "

Haha~Mmmm, okay~"

The fat man snorted, turned his head again, and continued to sleep.

Of course, I also have an element of gambling this time, I just bet that the zombie army didn't find us, but just a few zombies that fell behind and happened to climb up from here.

To put it simply, I bet that there are not a few zombies coming up from below the mountain! Since there are not

many zombies, just hide here obscenely.

Of course, I don't have the mood or the courage to actually sleep, because the sound from below indicates that there are at least a dozen zombies moving along this road towards me.

I sat up and looked in the rearview mirror. Through the bright moonlight, seeing the scattered zombie crowds on this mountain road, the situation was a little more serious than I imagined.

I saw that on this road in the entire mountain col, from top to bottom, sparse and sparse, it was full of zombies.

But the good news is that these zombies are moving now, not very fast, like a walk after dinner, walking leisurely, step by step, towards the front, which is where I parked.

It seems that I lost the bet, this one,

but now it's too late to think about running away. Because if you go out

, as soon as you come, those zombies will immediately find you, and they will immediately spread their legs and chase after you, forming a trend of siege, which is very bad.

Second, the guy who was hiding in the shadows and pretending to be a ghost is squatting outside now, just waiting for us to go out. Once you get out of the car and enter someone's territory, you can't figure it out and be put inside.

So this one, I can only bet again!

I bet - although these zombies came up, but because there were smoke bombs on my side, their lines were smoked by the thick fog of smoke bombs and they were not sensitive, so they would not find me and the fat man on the car.

After about 5 or 10 minutes, the walking zombies finally ran to the side of my car and began to hit my car slightly.

And the zombies who came first didn't seem to be leaving, and they just gathered around my car.

The smoke grenades still had the last bit of ammunition left, and they were burning in the slightest.

The zombies swayed around my car, smoke bombs bewildering their sense of smell, but their sense of hearing was still preserved.

I also guess that these zombies are not gathering here because they found me and the fat man gathering here in the car, but because of the sound of the two smoke bombs I threw out.

In the face of this matter, I really don't know what to say, I just hope that this smoke bomb will not be filled with too much medicine, otherwise it will not be a good thing to surround us so honestly.

Judging from the sound of this smoke bomb, there should be little medicine left, and it will be used up soon, and when the time comes, there will be no more noise, and these zombies around my car will naturally go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers.

The fat man and I are now lying in the car, not daring to move, quietly listening to the movement of the zombies outside.

And at this moment, the receiving signal light of

my walkie-talkie suddenly turned on, "I'll copy! It's not good!"

I hurriedly stretched out my hand to turn off the walkie-talkie, but it was too late, and the walkie-talkie


"Dao Chief, can you receive it?".

Zheng Yan's somewhat hoarse and tired voice came from the walkie-talkie, probably because she found that she couldn't contact us, so she climbed to the roof of the building and turned the receiver satellite pot to find our signal and worked all night.

These zombies outside, as soon as they heard the voice of such a sweet and lovely girl inside, immediately became excited, and began to continuously hit and bite our car.

I don't have time to pay attention to these crazy zombies now, so I quickly pressed the voice send button and returned

: "Zheng Yan hasn't slept yet?"

After less than 1 second, the walkie-talkie immediately rang:

"Haha~ I finally found you!" "

You won't run to the roof to turn the antenna again, it's too cold in the middle of the night, you hurry down." "

I'm thinking, in this weather, it's easy to catch a cold and catch a cold when you go to the rooftop to blow the wind.

"Uh-huh, oh yes, you're embarrassed to say, where did you and the fat man go tonight, why haven't you come back yet, I don't know if people are for you... "

Zheng Yan, I guess I wanted to say two words of worry, but the little girl is thin-skinned, and I can't say it anymore when I talk about it, so I hurriedly returned:

"Haha~ It's all our bad, it's all our bad, we'll come back and apologize to you later."

"There's no need to apologize, just come back to me quickly." "


I replied softly.

And at this time, a zombie seemed to have found the door pedal on the outside of this car, and suddenly climbed up, and yelled at Lao Tzu who was cooking porridge

on the phone~"Wow~Wow~Wow~

" "What was the sound just now?Is it a zombie?"

Since I have been pressing the signal transmission button here, the shouts of the zombies here have also reached Zheng Yan's ears, and Zheng Yan asked from the walkie-talkie.

I hurried back

, "Mmmm, there's a lot of people gathered outside the car." Now the fat man is holding a meeting with these zombies, catching up with the zombies, and arguing with someone. "

By the way, a black fat man, no loss.

"Haha~ Seeing that you are talking and laughing, it should be

no problem, right?" "Of course it's no problem, but I don't want to take down these zombies now, for fear of attracting more zombies." "

Oh, oh, didn't you make that huge movement in the north just now, I'm afraid you have... "

It is estimated that Zheng Yan wanted to say, I was afraid that you were already hanging, but this kind of thing naturally couldn't be said, so I hurriedly continued:

"It's a long story, but what I can tell you is that this mountain collapsed by itself." I'll talk about that later. Let's continue to talk like this, I'm afraid that these zombies will stand up and say that they smell the rancid smell of love! You sleep with Zheng Qian first, and the fat man and I will come back at dawn. "

I'm not wrong to say that. The mountain did collapse on its own, and the rocket I called the fat man fired was just a fuse.

"Cut, who is in love with you, self-inflicted!Then I'll sleep!You guys be careful

!886""Mmmm, go to bed early!886!

" From the rancid smell of love, the fat man is already holding an AK rifle in his hand at this time, and if I don't do it, I will be envious and jealous and hate Lao Tzu to give me a shot, I hurriedly said:

"Fatty, what are you doing?"

Dao Chief, do you want to give these zombies a shuttle and make sure that one bullet kills a zombie?"

"Fatty, don't shoot. As soon as this gunfire rang out, the movement was too loud, and the shelter that was finally found was not exposed to the zombie army

?" "Shall I get out of the car with a crowbar and do these zombies?" "

No need, these zombies can't get in, let's learn from Sima Yi this time! There is no way to take us in these ways, and in the end, if you don't do it, you will vomit blood and die!" "

I'll copy it! It's really fake! This idea still sounds quite tempting, haha~"

After speaking, the fat man really began to interact with the zombies around him. However, most of them are uncivilized words, and occasionally a stick will be thrown out of the crack in the window on my side, poking zombies. Hopefully, this will make the zombies vomit blood and die.

And I'm not in the same good mood as a fat man.

No matter what these zombies were doing next to my car, I was too lazy to care, closed my eyes, and rested.

For these zombies outside, or dozens of zombies, I don't panic at all. Keep sleeping with me.

I also have deep consideration for not running this time, because judging from the sound of walking, there are not many zombies coming up, and I guess it is a few zombies who have lost their way, just looking for my footprints and crawling up this way.

And in our current situation, it is better to be patient. Because although there are a few zombies here, it is difficult to say about the following and other places. If this happens, and the zombie armies from other places come to support, it will be a big mistake.

The forbearance on my side, of course, is not endured like this all the time, I am waiting for an opportunity. Wait for a star to rise in the corner of the sky in the east—the morning star.

"Eh, what's so angry with ants~"

After I sighed, I found a pillow in the back of the car and put it behind my head, so that I could sleep much more comfortably.

From the original fear, to the current brother and brother with the zombies. For a while, I feel that zombies are not as terrible as before, or rather, I am not as weak as before. Or rather, I'm stronger now.

However, there are people outside the people, there are mountains outside the mountains, and in addition to the zombies, there are more powerful zombies, so in the face of these things, it is better to be cautious.

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