Ladies and gentlemen, I haven't been engaged in inscriptions for a long time, so here is an explanation.

The preparation phase for departure was supposed to last a long time, and the main work was to build the apocalyptic RV. However, the plan could not catch up with the change, and a storm broke the balance of the original forces in Lin'an City, and also broke the original rhythm of the Dao Chief.

For safety reasons, the governor plans to set off for the north immediately. The protagonist wants to go north, and I can't do anything about him. So this is the end of the series of chapters to prepare for

the departure, the end of the sprinkling of flowers ~ the end of sprinkling of flowers ~ and since this departure is in the dark night, I will use the topic to play, the "Starry Night Walker" series is officially opened!

- The inscription is

now in the sky, and it has not yet dawned.

The rain continued to fall, neither too much nor too little.

The wipers

, the "creaking"

sound, the constant brushing of the raindrops falling on the front windshield, I silently said a word in my heart.

"I don't know when it's going to rain. "

Although it was still very dark, it was almost 8 o'clock after all, and although the sky was blocked by dark clouds, there was still a lot of light coming through it.

Shining on the provincial road to Lin'an, the entire outline of the provincial road is revealed.

The fat man drove not far in front of the car, not very fast, because he didn't turn on the lights, and it is estimated that his vision must not be as good as mine.

I'm covered with a plastic bag for the headlights, and I've reworked them with tape, so I can still see some way.

When you drive, it is naturally much easier than the fat man who steps on the pit in front.

Just now we were carrying things in the rain, and the three of us were all a little damp now, although the inside of the car was dry, but now it still feels a little cold.

Waiting for the water temperature of the car to go up, I turned on the air conditioner of the car and turned on the heater to the maximum.

After all, if the two girls are frozen later, it will be a big loss.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian have been active in Xiangyun Hotel these days, and they have not come out to do activities.

Xiangyun Hotel has many floors, it is also big, and there is also a vegetable garden, otherwise, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, the two little girls, are afraid that they will be bored to death.

And now, it is the first time that they have stepped out of the base of our Xiangyun Hotel and embarked on a strange road.

Now these two little girls were timid and scared for a while, and now, after a period of adaptation, both of them are curious about the outside world.

Zheng Qian stood up in the back row, pressed my desk and chair with her left hand, pressed the co-pilot's table and chair with her right hand, and leaned her head forward.

With his eyes through the windshield, he looked intently at the front and asked me

, "Dao Chief, you said that there are a lot of zombies on the provincial road, why are there no of them now?"

After I looked around to both sides boredly, I returned softly

: "It's really not

~" At this time, Zheng Yan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also looked around, turned his head and said with a smile

: "It's not good if there is~ If there is, we will be in trouble

~" At this time, Zheng Qian also smiled, and then sat back down, muttering:

"Haha~." That's right, God forbid, don't be bumped into by us!" As

soon as Zheng Qian's words fell, the fat man in front of him suddenly braked and stopped the car.

Since the brakes are directly connected to the battery, even if you don't turn on the headlights, or even if you don't start the vehicle, as long as you step on the brakes, the rear brake lights will turn on.

And the fat man's car is a relatively high-end pickup truck, and naturally the brake lights behind it are also quite bright, which blinded my eyes all of a sudden, and our car is also shining bright red.

I hurriedly followed and stepped on the brakes

, and with a "squeak~"

sound, the tires made an ugly sound from the ground, and finally stopped after sliding for almost 20 meters.

It was less than 1cm away from the fat man's car, and looking at it like this, it was almost rear-ended.

After the car was very good, I was also shocked into a cold sweat

, "numb, almost died before leaving the school, and the hero burst into tears!"

This also greatly slowed down my reaction speed to scolding the street. As

soon as the words fell, a fat man with a smile on his face popped out of the window of the pickup truck in front

of him, and returned: "Damn, who knows when a tree will pop up on this road!"

I'm too lazy to listen to the fat man's exaggerated description, it's only been a long time since the end came, and it's not so barren that the provincial road can be barren enough to grow trees.

So I just grabbed the flashlight and got out of the car.

And just when I got out

of the car, I suddenly heard a metal impact sound of "click~"

inside the car, which I am very familiar with.

That is the sound of pulling the bolt with the hand AK47 and the bullet being loaded.

I hurriedly turned around and saw that Zheng Yan had now picked up an AK rifle in his hand, looked at me who was stunned, and said innocently:

"I'll cover you~" "Okay~ It's okay to cover up, when the time comes, don't hit me~ Haha~"

Zheng Yan's marksmanship, I haven't seen it, but this kid said that she was trained by a shooting team, and I don't

know if it's true or not.

There should be such a thing, though. As long as it is trained, then no matter what the marksmanship is, the friend and the enemy can still be distinguished. I'm relieved.

As for killing the enemy, covering me and the like, I don't dare to expect much. If you don't hit me, if you protect yourself, it's not me who brags, I'm still fine.

After looking back, I jumped out of the car and looked at the tree that the fat man had said had grown out of the middle of the road.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the old brother "Lin 17706178992~

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