At this time, the fat man also jumped out of the car in a panic.

"Fatty, what kind of tree can grow out of the road, is it really fake?"

"Isn't it right here, it's almost going to crash!"

the fat man walked to the front of the car and pointed to a tree and said to me.

I walked to the front of the car and looked, Nima, where is this going to crash, but it has already crashed!

Fortunately, this pickup truck is a heavy-duty pickup, so it's just that the paint on the outside of the front bumper is a little off.

And that tree, however, was not so lucky, it was directly hit into the dent, and if it was at a violent point, it was estimated that it would be broken by the waist.

I touched the tree, and I felt very strange, so I said

, "Strange, there is a tree growing in the middle of the road! I thought it was a tree that had washed down from the mountain." "

But the tree is really standing upright in the middle of the road, not like it has fallen down in the wind.

I took another step towards the position of the tree

, "crackling~"

Suddenly, I seemed to stumble and stepped into a puddle. And this puddle seems to be quite deep, anyway, it has already reached my shoes, and the muddy water is pouring into it in an instant.

Really, one misstep becomes a thousand hatreds.

"Nima's! Who built the road, how can there be such a big pothole!" I

hurriedly pulled my foot behind me, hoping that if I could go faster than the water could flow into my shoes, my shoes would not get wet.

But actually, I failed, even if I reacted quickly, when I felt that it was a pit, and the cold water was in close contact with my feet, the water was already in it.

I hurriedly turned on my flashlight and shone it towards the puddle.

What appeared in front of me was not a dark and shiny asphalt road, but a yellow-colored dirt with large and small particles of stones and weeds.

Some of the dirt is still freshly turned out.

I turned on the flashlight again, searched all the perimeter of this tree, and found that this piece of the road, it seems...

Immediately afterward, I didn't dare to delay and jumped the aperture of the flashlight to the minimum, so that the light was the most concentrated and could shine farthest.

I flashed my flashlight to the side of the road near the river and shone it into the river.

I was obedient, the original road was now lying quietly in the river, and the river was constantly rushing at the asphalt roadbed that had fallen into the river.

And the road in front of us is no longer the original road, but a mound of loess.

As he flashed his flashlight and shone on the other side of the mountain, half of the mountain had collapsed, revealing bare rocks and yellow dirt.

Now the rain was washing, and the dirt and rocks were still falling down below.

At this time, the fat man also reacted and said:

"Damn, the road in front of me seems to have collapsed."

"It's like, it's a TMD collapse, numb, driving at night, it doesn't seem to work without turning on the lights, if it weren't for this tree this time, maybe we'd have driven into the river below!" "Last time

, the fat man and I went back to the Xiangyun Hotel at night, for fear of exposing the target, so we didn't turn on the lights, and drove the car in the wrong way, and drove directly to Dr. Charlie's villa, and I almost had to stay with the zombie lady, and I almost couldn't come back.

And this time it was even more thrilling, if it weren't for this tree in the way, we would have both been heroic.

I walked to the back, tore open the plastic bag and tape that had been glued to the front of the headlights, and threw them on the car.

At this time, Zheng Yan also saw the situation in front of him from the car and asked

, "Dao Chief, are we going back, it seems that this road can't be crossed." "

Mm-hmm, but I can't go back. As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, let's change the road and see if we can get around.

At this time, Zheng Qian, who was sitting in the back row and had not spoken, suddenly spoke

: "Oh~ Dao Chief, I have an atlas here, I'll look for

it~" I hurriedly returned:

"No, no, I have a baby mobile phone map! Hehe~"

After listening to my words, Zheng Yan cast a disdainful look. Survival enthusiasts like her are naturally the most scoffing at these electronic devices.

However, for a novice like me, I am still glad that when I was in the strategic reserve, I left a mobile phone, and I also downloaded the offline map of the whole country, as well as offline navigation, even if there is no Internet, it can be used.

I turned on my phone in the car in a hurry, and then took a little time to locate it.

Finally, this map of the degree of 100 gave me the location where we are now.

After setting the destination, we planned a route.

This route is very scientific and the shortest distance, but now it is not very useful, he actually told us to pass through Lin'an from this provincial road.

But now this provincial road is obviously impassable...

I had to turn off the navigation and check the map for myself to find any other routes to the north of the Yangtze River.

Although, I know, if you don't listen to the navigation, you will suffer in front of you. But I have no choice but to make my own decisions and find another way.

After rummaging around the map for about 3 minutes, I finally found another path to Hui Province.

Like this provincial highway in Lin'an, it also has to pass through a large mountain range at the junction of Zhejiang Province and Hui Province - the West Zhejiang Mountain Range.

However, the Lin'an road is going north, and the other road I found is going west.

After passing through, they all passed through Xuanshi, then through Wushi, and then to the Yangtze River.

As long as you pass through the western Zhejiang Mountains, the roads in the future will almost coincide.

Ordinary roads will have a name, but this road does not have any name, on the map, I zoomed in and out several times, but still did not see any place to mark the name of the road.

There are only two narrow parallel lines, which means that this is a road that can be driven.

"Dao Chief, have you found your way?" Zheng

Yan asked me while holding a gun and looking warily out of the window.

"Found it, but it's a nameless path. "

How does it sound unreliable!" "

If you don't try it, how do you know." After

saying that, I jumped out of the car, said hello to the fat man, and told him to turn on the lights directly.

Compared with the harm of turning on the lights and not turning on the lights, it is safer to turn on the lights. Expose the target and expose the target. Those who measure UBMs, or other doom hunters, don't go out and about in this weather.

The Kuangzhuang Avenue I found started at a three-way intersection in the middle of the mountain road from Xiaoya Village to Lin'an.

I told the fat man about my destination, then I got into the car, turned around, and drove back the way I came.

Now because of the headlights, so, unconsciously, our speed is also faster.

Looking at the scenery moving towards the back on both sides of the road, Zheng Yan suddenly smiled and joked with

Zheng Qian on the side: "Zheng Qian, this time I went back to your hometown~haha~ Do you have anything to bring?"

But Zheng Qian, who was sitting in the back, didn't speak, and returned after a while:

"It's nothing." It

is estimated that Zheng Qian is also a person who sees things, and when Zheng Yan mentioned it like this, she thought of her parents, so she was a little sad and depressed.

Zheng Yan also felt that she had made a mistake, and hurriedly returned:

"I'm sorry, I'll say it casually." Don't take it to heart~

" "No, said Xiaoya Village. Now that I think about it, I'm really lucky. Not only was I not eaten by zombies, but I also met the fat brother, and I also met the Taoist and Sister Zheng Yan, I was really lucky to meet you. Without you, I would have been ...

Zheng Yan counted lightly in the back.

And when I heard this, my heart was also warm, and I hurriedly returned:

"Don't say that, we will all be a family in the future."

At this time, Zheng Yan immediately turned her face and didn't recognize anyone, and returned:

"Who is your family... At

this time, I also wanted to tease Zheng Yan, and by the way, I soothed the atmosphere

, that is, I returned: "Then what am

I you?" I still hoped that Zheng Yan would follow my train of thought at this time, saying that I was her milk tea, and then I asked why? She was saying, then I can hold you in the palm of my hand.

But unexpectedly, Zheng Yan held back for a long time and said:

"You... You're my driver!"

Well, the title of old driver, I still say it's barely acceptable.

After all, I drive steadily.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for your support! It seems that there has been no trick to ask for a reward for a long time~ How to ask for a reward?

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