I thought this girl was just talking, but I didn't expect to run over quickly, and then squatted down, telling me to hold her neck with both hands, and plan to carry me and run.

Since ancient times, it has been men who carry girls on their backs, or children on their backs, how can there be no men on their backs?

Although it is not a very urgent moment, it is also a very dangerous time, and I am no longer polite, I just hugged this girl's neck with one hand, and then the whole person leaned towards this girl's back.

"You're pretty decent, just hold me with one hand, and you're not afraid of falling off when the time comes?"

"Hehe, as the saying goes, men and women don't kiss, I'm a gentleman!" Actually, it's

the other hand that is now holding a grenade, if the other hand holds it, it is estimated that this grenade will explode.

But since

the girl praised me so much, I was embarrassed to accept it.

After saying this, the girl glanced at the fallen zombie, then stretched out her hands, dragged me, stood up sharply, and ran into the depths of the alley.

My weight, after the devastation of the apocalypse, is estimated to have decreased a lot, and it is estimated that it is about 150 pounds.

But such a weight is still a bit big for a girl, especially this curvaceous girl.

From what I feel, this girl weighs in her early 100s, and her height is in her early 170s.

Carrying me on my back, my legs were only a few centimeters off the ground, and from time to time I had to touch the rubble on the ground.

But, I've put up with it, after all... It's important to run.

Ordinary girls, carrying me, it is probably impossible, let alone running away on our backs.

And this girl, if I'm not mistaken, is the femme fatale in my mouth just now.

Her strength, I have seen, a person with bare hands, with only a knife, can win a platoon of zombies, combat quality, is definitely not inferior to me.

However, compared to fat people, it is difficult to say. The fat man is a person who prefers to hide his strength. Or relatively lazy, until the critical moment, not easy to show 100% of their strength.

So, at present, it seems that this girl's strength is almost higher than mine, but lower than that of the fat man.

But a girl is a girl after all, after running on my back for almost 300 meters.

The girl is a little out of breath and panting. I glanced behind me and found that there were no

zombies chasing after us now, so I said, "Beauty, why don't we rest, see that you are tired, there don't seem to be zombies chasing after us." "

This beauty still doesn't seem to want to rest, but unfortunately, my weight is not covered, and I was forced to be helpless, so I had to agree with my bad idea.

Stopped, put me down, leaned my ass against the wall, and said

, "Uh-huh, okay, rest." "

Since I was carrying this girl just now, I just took advantage of that time to rest on it, and now my spirit is much better.

I talked to this little girl:

"Beauty, your surname?"

"I don't have a noble surname!"

This girl's answer was very unexpected.

If it were an ordinary person, I would have thought it was a joke with me, but from such a girl's tone, it was a real conversation with me.

From this girl's words and accent, I also roughly guessed that this girl doesn't seem to be from the Celestial Empire!"

I asked you what your name was.

The girl took a deep breath before returning,

"My name is Alice-Yang.


The author has something to say:

Since this chapter is inexplicably gone, it is said that it will be republished here.

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