“Alice。 Truth be told, I have another partner. I had a car accident on the road just now, and now my life and death are unknown, and I don't know where I ran to, did you see it?"

I saw such a girl fighting with the undead warrior just now, so I suspected that she might know the whereabouts of some fat man, so I asked.

"Oh, is it the tall and strong man named Wu Yanzu of Zhexi

?" "Yes yes, did you see that?"

I don't know when the fat man became tall and strong, wasn't he tall and fat? Maybe in foreign countries, the fat man's physique has not yet reached the point of obesity... Forget it, this kid also made up a name of Wu Yanzu in western Zhejiang, Nima, this is my special title, this fat man is really shameless to the extreme. It is estimated that only this foreign girl believes that this is a name. . .

"Oh, he's pretty good. He said he had lured away another Berserker zombie and told me to come here to help you. "

Hearing this girl's words, I feel that this fat man has grown a lot of light on my face. can get the affirmation of this girl, so it shows that the fat kid must have hidden a lot of fierce material in his daily life. This kid ... Damn! By the way, isn't this saying from the side that Lao Tzu is not powerful?

But now it's not about these jealous things, and now the most worrying thing has happened, according to this girl, there are definitely no less than two undead warriors here. I hurriedly asked

, "Damn, there are two undead warrior

zombies?" "Mmmm, there are two berserker zombies. I don't know why you call them undead warrior zombies, they will also die~" "

Oh, this is because, so far, it is difficult for us to kill this kind of zombie, so it is called so." "

So where did he go?"

"Oh, he didn't say that. Let's worry about ourselves first~"

After speaking, this girl raised her head and glanced at me.

What do you mean? Do you think Lao Tzu eats dry rice? Hehe, that's right! You guessed right! Lao Tzu eats dry rice!

I pointed to the tranquilizer gun hanging on this girl's belt, and said with a smile: "Aren't you always here, this tranquilizer gun

is so powerful, one shot at a time, and when the time comes, whether it's an undead soldier or a berserker, come and do one by one!" When the time comes, I will be beaten on your back by you, just pinch your legs, with you always taking care of

it, I'm still worried about something~" After listening to this, Alice smiled and pointed to the anesthetic gun hanging on her belt, and said:

"Oh? You are talking about this, although this antibody injection is powerful, fast-acting, and effective, but I don't have bullets for this, the one I shot just now is the last shot, and it is useless to keep this thing now." You can lose it. After

saying that, this girl took off the anesthetic gun from her waist and handed it to me.

I took a look at the shiny anesthetic gun, and said with a smile:

"Feelings, that's the last shot~ This thing, don't lose it for the time being, I'll keep it for you first, in case you find a bullet, you can still use it." "

With that, I pinned the tranquilizer gun to my belt.

Although I have lost face now, I don't care about losing a little, I just cheekily said:

"Where are we going next?"

I said this, in fact, I didn't ask where to go, I didn't care where to go, I asked this to remind such a girl that she could get off.

Sure enough, after I said this, the girl immediately squatted down, let me lie on her back, and said

, "Almost, come, I'll carry you, it's coming soon." "

Well, thank you!" The

eldest husband can stretch and contract, and now he is living under Alice's roof for the time being, and when Lao Tzu's legs are healed, he will earn back face.

Once I had made up my mind, I didn't care about anything anymore, and I just got on Alice's back and let her carry me somewhere.

We walked around the alley for about three minutes until we came to a basement.

It was pitch black as it was already under the building, and I could tell that it was a basement just by the gradual lowering of the terrain.

"Where's this?" I

asked from behind.

"The second basement level of the base.

Alice returned.

With that, she put me down and continued,

"This place should be safe for now.

"Can I turn on the lights

?" Before Alice could answer me, a familiar voice came from not far

away: "Dao Chief

, is it you?" As soon as I heard this voice, this must be Zheng Qian, I hurriedly returned:

"It's me, Zheng Qian, are you here?"

"Mmmm, Sister Zheng Yan is also there~

" "Great!".

Nima, although there is no light in this place, but listening to the sound, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are all safe now, this can be regarded as a reunion.

Fat boy, I believe he can run away, so don't worry, so rounding up, we can be considered a reunion.

"They insisted that I help you, I didn't want to go out.

Alice said softly, listening to the tone, as if there was something unsatisfactory about me and the fat man.

After listening to Alice's words, I probably guessed that I and the fat man must have offended this girl in something, so she was reluctant to go out.

But he couldn't stand Zheng Qian's soft grinding and hard bubbles, so he let go and went out to save us.

And the person who offended this little femme fatale girl was definitely not me, and if you used the elimination method, it must be the fat boy!

I hurried back:

"Miss Alice, there have been many misunderstandings and offends in the past. I saved us this time, and I, the head of Nanyang Dao, owe you a favor!"

"It's not necessary, you also saved me." We're leveling it out~"

Speaking of which, I just remembered that Lao Tzu was not useless, and he was so good that he also saved this girl, and it was Lao Tzu who saved her first, so speaking of which, Lao Tzu is still big on face, haha.

I just laughed and said

, "It's a trivial matter, why worry about it." "

Just as I was about to make a tirade to show off my literary prowess, a bright flashlight suddenly shone through the hallway.

Zombies shouldn't be able to use flashlights, so this is definitely a human being!

"Damn, someone is in!"

I hurriedly signaled to this little femme fatale.

Unexpectedly, this little femme fatale, before waiting for my code, stood up directly, hid behind the pillar, pulled out the half-moon scimitar and took it to his hand. (The latter is my guess.)

After a burst of trivial footsteps, there was a man's rough broken thought

: "Numb, this dog's leg is running so fast!"

and then there was a burst of shouting:

"Yang Meinu, are you inside?"

At this time, Alice put down the half-moon scimitar in his hand and said softly

, "Don't shout here, be careful of being heard by zombies." "

Oh, are you?" said

the fat man, and then shone his flashlight directly in our direction.

Because my eyes were already adapted to the dark environment, I was illuminated by such a strong flashlight from the fat man, and I almost lost my blindness permanently.

Hurriedly blocked it with his hand.

The fat man saw that there was this little femme fatale in this room, and there was me, and he covered his face with his hand, he was stunned for a moment

, and then said: "Oh, the Taoist chief is also there?"

Then, while walking towards this side, he pretended to be serious and said:

"Damn, did I come at the wrong time just now."

At this time, a stiff female voice sounded:

"You are talking nonsense, I will cut out your tongue."

Although the fat man was flamboyant, he was still a little in awe of this girl, and hurriedly returned:

"Don't dare, don't dare." Oh, by the way, Dao Chief, are you okay~

" "The leg was pressed down, and it was a little numb. I was slapped by a zombie. The

fat man hurriedly walked over, took a flashlight and shone my leg, did a check, and said,

"The bones should be fine, I don't see if they are broken, and Zheng Yan will come over to take a look at the rest."

After the fat man finished speaking, he raised his head, shone a flashlight at Alice

and said, "Yang Beauty, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, the two beauties were also abducted by you, right?"

Alice said disdainfully:

"Hehe, if it weren't for me, they would be two white bones by now."

I saw that the smell of gunpowder was a little strong now, so I hurriedly played a round and said:

"They are here, here~"

At this time, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian also followed this bright light.

Zheng Yan examined my leg and said,

"This is a squeezing blood vein disorder, which should be recovered under massage." "

I can't say it, and after that, I massaged my thighs.


" I was still a little embarrassed, I was a little uncooperative, Zheng Yan felt it, and then said:

"It's awkward, if you don't cooperate, the musculature will die later, and you will have to amputate." "

I'll rely on~ that Dr. Zheng, it's all up to you!" When

I heard it, something was wrong, so I hurriedly put aside the etiquette and face, and let Zheng Yan massage and treat me.

Well, we'll talk about the rest later. It's important to keep your legs!


The author has something to say:

It's a reunion, sprinkle flowers, scatter flowers! Weakly ask, is there a big guy who gives a reward?

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