Zheng Yan massaged me for a while, and my legs finally felt something.

Alice saved my life and got me back from God.

And Zheng Yan helped me pull me back from the brink of cripplement.

With the help of these two little girls, now I am finally back in a lively state. Otherwise, I'm going to do a good job.

Of course, it is also inseparable from the fat man and Zheng Qian.

Without the fat man's firepower to attract me to another undead warrior, it would be difficult for me and this femme fatale to deal with the flanking attack of two undead warriors.

And without Zheng Qian's hard bubble, this little femme fatale may not be willing to go out to help me and the fat man.

So, without any member of our team, I probably wouldn't have come back.

After this incident, the weight of all the people in this team has increased to a new level in my mind.

Perhaps, we are only a part of the other people,

but you are all I have.

Of course, these sensual words, I just thought about it in my heart, and I didn't say it.

The massage was almost over, I looked at the table below, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning, and it stands to reason that it was already dawn.

But now we seem to be on the second basement floor, and no sunlight can shine in here, so it's still dark here.

In order to save electricity, the fat man turned off the flashlight after checking my thighs with Zheng Yan shortly after coming down. So it's all an operation to dredge the blood in the dark.

I looked at the time, it was already morning, and after a long night's travel, I was already exhausted.

But on new thought, I'm still the same person who lies here.

Zheng Yan's family still had to treat me for almost 1 hour, and I guess I was hungry.

I saw that the massage was almost done, so I said:

"Zheng Yan, I think it's almost the same now, I seem to be able to." You take a break.

"Well, that's good! I'll help you get up and take two steps to see~"

After speaking, Zheng Yan helped me stand up and took two steps.

It's still a bit difficult, but I'm glad I can walk on my own.

"Oh, by the way, Zheng Yan, when you came down, did you bring any dry food?"

"I was in a hurry, so I brought an AK rifle and a few magazines with me, but I didn't bring anything to eat. "

Oh oh~ I have to get something to eat. Fatty, wake up~

" After speaking, I just touched the blind and shook the fat man, the fat man was estimated to have fallen asleep just now, and after I woke up, he asked in a daze:

"What's wrong?" "Did you bring anything to eat?"

"No, it's

all in the car, and some are in our bunker." "

It's going to be hard work.

"Eh, it's a little thing, I'll go.

After saying that, the fat man was about to go out, and at this time, Alice, who was sitting against the wall, suddenly said

, "If you don't want to die, you can go out." "

How?" I

hurriedly asked.

"Now it's all UBM people out there, doing a carpet search for us. If you go out, you will surely die.

"Oh, why are we going to die?" I

asked, in a troll-like tone. Why are we going to die, and will it be all right for you to go out?"

because there are so many of them, ,,, them!" said

Alice, after a pause.

I know this kid is definitely hiding something from us.


is, Alice is the carrier of the progenitor virus that UBM is looking for, and the person who has successfully fused the progenitor virus.

So she is now a treasure in the eyes of UBM, so when she goes out, at most she will be caught, and she will definitely not die.

And if we go out, we will surely die.

Although this kid is hiding it from us, but now, she is talking to the fat man about it, which shows that this little femme fatale has a good heart.

I also pretended to be confused and said

, "Oh, that fat man, don't go out yet."

Then he turned around and asked

Alice, "Alice, do you have anything to eat here?" Alice

, as the head snake here, seems to know something about having spent a lot of time in this base.

Alice immediately replied:

"No~ I haven't eaten for a long time.

The fat man laughed at this

time and said: "I feel that you have survived by hunger these days!" I

was afraid that the fat boy would anger the little beauty again later, so I hurriedly interrupted the fat man's words and said:

"The boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and we have eaten a lot of fish and meat in the end of the day for some days, so let's stay up for the time being." Now it's true that the outside is like Alice said, it's all UBM people, it's not easy to go out, and we're waiting for an opportunity. Fatty, go around this basement, I suspect there must be storage rooms in some places. "

I am an expert in strategic reserves, and I have a deep understanding of the reserve rooms of these bases.

This second basement floor, instead of the slightest accumulation of water, is very dry.

This environment is unusual. This environment is perfect for storing things.

In the basement of the valley in such a damp deep mountain forest, it must have been specially treated to be so dry.

Then there must be a purpose for spending a lot of money to do this, that is, to reserve strategic resources! After

listening to my words, the fat man returned:

"Well, okay, don't run around, wait for my good news!"

After speaking, he turned on the flashlight and walked towards the depths of this basement.

When the fat man was far away, I walked up to Alice's side, sat down against the corner, and said to Alice:

"We are hiding here, it is safe now, but if the UBM does not retreat and continue to search, then sooner or later we will still be found." So what should I do then?

" I thought that this little beauty would have any high opinions, but I didn't expect her to reply to me:

"I don't know, let's talk about it then~ I'm going to sleep!" I don't know

if this kid is really confused or pretending to be confused, and I can't verify it. After touching the ash of my nose, I didn't bother to continue talking, so I just lay down and closed my eyes to recuperate.


The author has something to say:

Dao Chief, after touching a nose of ash, will you be discouraged or will you go upstream? Thank you for the two gifts from "Lin 17706178992", and thank you for the gift from "Note14188689247"~ Thank you for your support!

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