Although this gas mask has a certain poison gas filtering effect, it is now somewhat large due to this concentration.

The air inhaled from inside the mask had a strong, pungent smell.

This is still with a gas mask, and if you don't wear this mask in this environment, it is estimated that it will take less than 30 seconds, and all of them will have to be brought by dogs.

Because the smoke is so loud, we are now facing each other, and we can't even see who is next to us.

"Ahem, Dao Chief, should we retreat a little back, this place smells too big. The

fat man covered the gas mask with his hand to prevent air leakage. He shouted in a daze towards me.

"From here the wind blows towards the cave, and the more it goes inside, the more it gathers. It's better to stay here!"

I shouted at the fat man, but now that he was wearing this mask, he couldn't speak well, so I don't know if the kid could hear clearly.

But what I'm thinking about now is something else - why the exit here is blocked!

Because now we are trapped in this cage and we are being attacked by poison gas.

But fortunately, we have enough gas masks, so for a while, we are not in a hurry.

Now I have enough time to think about this question, that is, why is this iron fence in this position?

From that secret command room to here, there is no second fork in the road.

So, this place must be an exit, and there will be no situation where I have gone the wrong way.

So who would put obstacles and stumbling blocks on themselves on the way to escape?

Iron fences, in addition to the prison, are often installed in the yard of our homes, that is, our courtyard gates.

The function of the courtyard gate is to block the entry of uninvited guests from outside.

So is it possible that this location is designed to prevent people from outside from entering the cave?

In this way, when you are about to go out, you will release poison gas and poison all the people outside, so that you will not be wrapped in dumplings when you go out.

After all, there are gas masks in stock, and if there are people in ambush outside, there must be no gas masks. When the time comes, when the poison gas is released, then the people outside will not receive a boxed lunch in seconds.

But there is a question that is difficult to answer. That is, this design, isolating the outside world, it is a successful isolation, but the question is, how do you get out yourself?

This iron fence is welded to death, and the surrounding area is still made of cement, and it can't be exploded without a few kilograms of C4 explosives.

But in this location, but in the cave, who dares to use C4 explosives in this place, if this is blown up, then they will not bury themselves alive.

Just now, I have carefully inspected this iron fence, which is completely unibody, and there is no place to put a key or button or anything.

Such a fat man's lock-picking skills are simply useless.

The current situation can be said to be that the heavens should not be used, and the earth and the earth are not spiritual.

And just when I was thinking about whether I should wait for a few minutes, wait until the people outside were smoked to death by poisonous gas, and then return the same way, a sound

of "Sisisi~Sisisi~Sisisi~"

came from the position of the big iron gate.

This sound doesn't sound like the sound of gas releasing poison gas, but like the sound of fried chicken cakes.

"Numb, it's not going to be activated, is it?"

A very good premonition slowly rose from my heart.

It seems that I have overlooked one thing just now, and that is time.

As the saying goes, the car is straight to the bow of the ship.

Think about it from another perspective, if I am the big guy who designed it, then the big guy in the past, on the way he left his life, arranged such a design, it must have its reason. Perhaps, everything has been designed a long time ago, I just have to sit and wait!

Then now that there is poison gas outside, this design may not let us go out, but wait inside for a while.

As long as the time is up, I estimate that this big iron fence will be opened automatically.

So, back to myself, what we have to do now is to wait quietly here!


The author has something to say:

Some things are barely coming, and it still takes time to brew~

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