Since chlorine is heavier than air, once it is released, it will accumulate on low-lying ground and will not easily disperse.

The entrance to the cave is positioned upwards.

So the position we are in now is the highest position in the whole cave.

Chlorine will be deposited down the road we came from, towards the back.

Thinking of this, I also have to admire the wisdom of the immortals

! In this way, I can use the sinking chlorine gas to poison all the pursuers behind!

And I have an iron fence in front of me as a barrier, so if there is an enemy outside, I can directly knock him down.

And they can't get in and hurt themselves.

Just watch from the wall here.

Of course, this is all foreplay, and the climax should be in the - breaking the door!

When I think about this stubble, the poisonous gas sprayed in front of me also slowly decreases.

The voice of "Sisisi~Sisi~Sisi~"

gradually became smaller, looking at this look, the poison gas was about to run out.

Then it seems that the next big drama will be staged immediately-break the door

!"Damn! It's not good! Everyone go back!"

Zheng Yan Zheng Qian didn't want to stay in this place for long, and before she could hear what I was talking about, she retreated to the back.

Alice, who was at the rear, had already run more than ten meters behind the turn and squatted down.

Some of the air inside is worse than the outside.

Maybe it's because this canister is nearing its expiration date, so it's not very easy to use.

Now I feel that the smell of this poisonous gas is gradually getting stronger.

"Why don't you leave?" the

fat man asked me from behind.

"Here's the time to witness the miracle, what's the walk?" I

replied to the fat man.

Then he took out a flashlight from his pocket, lit it and shone

it towards the hole, and said, "Look, the door will open by itself later!" The fat man looked towards the hole, and probably didn't hear what I was talking about, so he asked

, "Who opened it?"

I replied with a smile:

"This thing will open by itself! There is a mechanism hidden in it, and I don't understand it!"



The rest is easy to do.

When the concentration of chlorine is at its highest, it is when the chlorine gas is released, and once it reaches this concentration, the concentration of chlorine will gradually decrease.

And I guess this mechanism will open when the concentration gradually decreases.

After all, this poison filter canister has a limited time to filter poison gas, and it is impossible for the big guy to be trapped in it all the time.

And whether there is a switch here, then it can only show that when this big guy designed it, it was designed as an automatic mode.

No matter what mode he is, he will just turn it on by himself anyway. We'll just trust this big guy for a while, and he won't trap us!

But I don't know how big the movement will be at that time, so for the sake of safety, it's better to hide inside.

Prevent the time from eating a dumb loss.

I just turned on the light and shone it for about 3 or 5 minutes.

As time passed, the dark green chlorine gas that had been floating in the cave drifted deeper into the cave.

The amount of chlorine around us is gradually decreasing.

And the big iron fence that runs through the entrance of the cave is gradually becoming clearer in front of our eyes.

"Dao Chief, this big iron gate, which was swarthy just now, has turned green now?

Who painted it?" said the fat man while staring at the big iron fence.

After the fat man said this, I also remembered that when the hole first began to spray poison, there seemed to be bursts of dark green liquid spraying towards my face.

Could it be that this liquid came for the big iron gate, not for

Lao Tzu? but because Lao Tzu was too close, so it was affected by the pond fish?

As soon as I thought of

it, I shouted: "Damn! Fat man, you are really a genius! That liquid is not paint, if I guess correctly, it is a corrosive liquid."

In other words, it is liquid chlorine!

Spraying on

the iron fence can release poisonous gas,

and second, it can also use the strong corrosiveness of this liquid to destroy the structure of this big iron fence and let the big guy inside.

The thickness of this iron fence is also designed, and it can probably carry this chlorine gas to the maximum concentration.

And once this point in time has passed, then this iron fence will be completely destroyed, as long as you kick it lightly in the past, it can be directly destroyed!"

But because of this environment, everyone has been inhaling poison gas for about 7 or 8 minutes, so their heads are not very clear, and their reactions are also half a beat slower.

After I finished speaking, everyone didn't seem to figure out what I was talking about, and the fat man was the first to react.

I guess I just praised him, so the brain cells have been activated a lot.

I saw him snort and say,

"Looks like it's my turn!"

After saying that, he dragged a pine stick and walked forward.

I hurriedly followed.

This time the chlorine is no small feat. It's not that we're afraid of inhaling poisonous gas, and now we have gas masks, so we're not afraid of this at all, but the liquid sticking to the iron fence now may be poisonous to people.

So I also hurriedly followed, to prevent the fat boy from being reckless, and when the time comes, it will hurt himself, which will be very bad, and then I will have to do the hard work.

"Numb, this liquid is poisonous, fat man, be careful, don't fall on yourself!" I

shouted as I crawled forward.

Just after I finished saying this,

with a "bang~",

the iron fence in front of me suddenly collapsed.

I hurriedly raised my head and shouted:

"Fatty, are you okay?"


" "Damn, you kid is so efficient, why did you dismantle it so quickly

!" "This ,,, seems to have fallen on its own! Fortunately, we are one step slower, otherwise, we will be smashed, but it is not covered!" "

Yes, Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, Alice, you guys should come over quickly!".

After saying that, I and the fat man Alice Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, through this piece of iron fence with white smoke towards the outside, drilled out of this hole in turn.

But I didn't wait long for me to be happy, and I looked out through the two holes of the gas mask covered with mist, and the entrance of this cave was not the blue sky and white clouds we imagined, but another cave, a real cave full of craggy rocks, Longtan Tiger's Den.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the inspiration capsule sent by "Ahri and his little peach" ~ Thanks to the "Lin 17706178992" brother for the heart ~ Monday to Friday, the sand grains have to work remotely, and the update is late~ Thank you for your support~

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