Since I'm relatively close to the helicopter here, I've already run to the edge of the helicopter hatch by two.

And now Fat Man and Alice are still some distance away from the house to the north.

So before the two of them arrived, I was already ahead of the curve.

Before I could make another move

, there was a "squeak~"

sound from behind me, and then the helicopter's hatch was suddenly pushed open.

Frightened, I hurriedly took a step back

from behind, "Dao Chief, where are the fat men and Alice going?"

Zheng Yan's voice came from behind.

I turned my head and saw Zheng Yan whispering to me in the direction of looking at the fat man in the north.

Hearing Zheng Yan's voice, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least Zheng Yan is here, then Zheng Qian is also there, and now everyone is safe.

I didn't have time to answer, so I climbed onto the helicopter with one foot, and then closed the helicopter hatch with

a "pull~"


Then he turned on a flashlight and shook around the helicopter cabin slightly.

I saw that Zheng Qian was sitting in the seat in the second row of the cabin, still holding an AK47 rifle in her hand, and Zheng Qian was now nestled in the corner of the cargo compartment at the end of the cabin, covering herself tightly with a sheet.

When I saw that everyone was all right, I looked outside and said,

"There seems to be someone in the house to the north." "

Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan were originally concerned about our whereabouts, but now that they see the fat man and Alice, they naturally want to look north through the glass.

But because she was afraid of being discovered by others, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian also kept hiding behind.

Now that I've heard that said, I'm coming to my side one after another.

The three of them lay down on the side of the helicopter's hatch and looked north through the window glass of the cabin.

Now the shadow in the square outside is some distance away from us. Although his clothes were a little blurry under the moonlight,

it could be seen from this figure and the crowbar on his shoulders that this must be a fat man.

On the other side, Alice, who has now touched the corner of the wall, is a different picture, I saw that she is now close to the wall with her ears

, listening very carefully, looking at her appearance, it seems that she also senses something.

Suddenly stood up and gestured towards the fat man.

Alice raised her right hand in the air, her index finger pointing upwards, and the other fingers were fists pointing to the sky.

Then he pointed to the inside of the house.

If you just point to the sky, that meaning is more rampant, that is-Lao Tzu's name is Zhao Ritian, first there is Lao Tzu and then there is heaven!

But the current meaning is obviously not the same meaning, but it is reporting to me and the fat man - there is a person in the room in front.

I naturally understood the meaning of this gesture, but after the fat man saw Alice's gesture, he probably knew it.

If he doesn't know this, then he doesn't have to mix in this apocalyptic world.

I saw that after the fat man saw Alice's gesture, he changed his previous casualness, and the whole person tensed up in an instant.

And the crowbar that was originally on his shoulder was now in his hands.

Now the fat man has arrived at the door, and he saw the light coming out of the room, only to see that he didn't say a word, but

kicked open the door of the house with a "bang~".

This gate was originally in disrepair, and the quality was not good, so it could withstand such a kick from the fat man.

I saw

a scream of

"squeak~", and then a "squeak~"

fell inside.

At the same time, the fat man's other hand was already the high-explosive grenade on his waist in his

hand, and with one hand, he used his thumb to "jump~"

to unlock the insurance, and then he made a gesture when he was about to throw it inside.

And just in the middle of this lightning and flint, suddenly the fat man seemed to see something, and forcibly took back the grenade that was about to be thrown out in his hand.

But the safety paddle on this grenade has been uncovered by the fat man with one hand, and he has long known where it has gone.

It's not a thing to have a grenade about to explode right now.

I saw that the fat man hesitated there for a while, and then he raised his grenade and threw it high at the back of the house.


you don't hit a child, it's not right to hit the flowers and plants!

Before I condemned enough,

the grenade exploded in the back of the house.

However, the fat man threw it a little far, so the shock wave of the explosion was basically gone to me, and I only felt a deafening explosion.

Since this is located in a valley, the sound of grenade explosions echoed in this valley for a long time before gradually disappearing.

When Alice saw the fat man's abnormal behavior, she immediately followed him and walked into the house with the fat man.

"Dao Chief, should we also go over and have a look?" Zheng

Qian asked curiously on the side.

"Hmm. You stay here, I'll just go and see. It's dangerous outside, but it's safe on the plane!" After

saying that, I opened the helicopter hatch, closed the hatch, and rushed towards the house to the north.

The closer I got to the house, the stronger the smell of kerosene became, and sure enough, the smell came from inside the house.

And when I was about to run to the door of this house, the fat man suddenly came out of it, and said to me at a loss:

"Damn, Dao Chief, I don't know when a child came inside, but it seems... Damn, I feel like I'm going to choke!"

"What are you fucing say?"

I hurriedly pushed the fat man away and rushed into the room.

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