When I stormed into the house, I saw Alice crouching on the edge of the fire, carefully surveying a small child lying on the ground.

A kerosene-soaked garment appeared to have been thrown into the fire, and was now blazing, emitting black smoke outward.

When Alice saw me come in, she turned her head, frowned, and said to me in confusion

, "Dao Chief, come and have a look."

I hurriedly ran over with five by two, and in a blink of an eye I came to this child.

I saw that the child was lying motionless on the ground, as if in a coma.

The fat man's grenade just now was not small, and if he had fallen asleep, he would have been awakened a long time ago.

But now it is not, which means that it is not a problem of falling asleep at all, but a deep coma caused by unknown causes.

I hurriedly reached out a finger under his nose.

When Alice saw me stretch out her finger, she grabbed me and warned me with her eyes, as if telling me to be careful and not act rashly. After all, whether this child is a child or a zombie is still difficult to say.

I hurriedly smiled at her and said

, "It's okay~"

and then continued, my fingers reached under the child's nose, and a stream of air blew out of his nose, but fortunately, the breath was still there, and I didn't get a box lunch.

"Uh-huh, it looks like he's still alive!Alice, when did you find out about this kid?"

"Just now, when we came in, we were inside.

At this time, the fat man also walked in, because the smell of kerosene in the house and the burning of shabby clothes was a bit big, the fat man covered his nose and said:

"Dao Chief, this child will not be stunned by this poisonous smoke, do you want us to transport this child out first?"

I glanced out of the door, and now the danger outside is much higher than the danger of the poisonous smoke inside the house.

The smoke from burning and burning clothes is not without poison, but this toxicity is far from the point where it can stun a person, but it smells uncomfortable and the nose suffers a little.

So I replied

, "There's no need, this bit of smoke doesn't matter!" After

saying that, I hurriedly picked out the clothes in the fire with a burning stick, and then picked up some firewood again on the side and threw it into the fire.

In this way, the poisonous gas in the room will gradually decrease, and the air will be slightly better.

While I was doing this, Alice was doing a check-up on the kid by herself.

But Alice wasn't a doctor or a nurse, so she didn't know how to treat the child.

So after checking that this child is

not a zombie, he said to himself: "Zheng Yan is fine here~

" and then stood up suddenly, and said to me with some dissatisfaction:

"Dao Chief, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are gone, how do you see that you are still here and are not in a hurry at all?"

I also stood up and said with a smile

"Alice, take it easy. Zheng Yan Zheng Qian is now in a safe place. I didn't say it just now, because I saw behind us, at the intersection where we came, and there seemed to be a dark shadow looking at us at the entrance not far away. Zheng Yan Zheng Qian's self-protection ability is not strong, and I am afraid that they will be vulnerable to injury if they expose their targets, so I will also take a false shot. But it's not that I'm lying to you, I'm lying to the one in the dark.

When the fat man heard what I said, he replied with some indignation:

"What? This kid still dares to come back?

It seems that the man in black outside gave the fat man a walk in this village, and he didn't play lightly, which would make the fat man react so violently.

As the saying goes, no matter how good your kung fu is, you are afraid of kitchen knives.

Alice is the kind of person who observes in the shadows and slowly lurks close to the enemy.

The fat man came by surprise this time, and then the speed of the 100-meter sprint was clearly rushing towards you.

Although the fat man is easy to expose the target in this way, it should be said that the movement is too big, and the target is exposed at the first time.

But the fat man clearly didn't want to do anything with the black shadow in my mouth, but came directly to a 100-meter sprint race.

What if I let you see me? I'll compete with you to see who can run fastest.

The fat man adhered to this simple and simple idea, and rushed out with a big iron rod.

At this time, I was too lazy to keep up, just let the fat man handle it alone.

After all, he still seems to have a few high-explosive grenades in his hand right now. It's enough to use this to deal with the stuff in this weird village.

After listening to my words, Alice stared at me with her hands on her hips and said,

"It's not that you're lying to me, a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost. You know how to talk to me!Mmmm, do you want to call Zheng Yan over and show this kid?"

I don't want Zheng Yan to be involved in this matter for the time being, after all, the origin of this child is a big problem.

Just when I was about to politely refuse Alice's kindness, there was a sudden coughing sound behind us:

"cough ~ cough ~ "

Alice and I hurriedly turned around to the back, only to see the child lying on the ground just now seems to have woken up and is coughing with his mouth covered.

When I saw that Alice was there, I didn't have time to cough, so I hurriedly got up and slowly leaned towards the corner.

But because his body was relatively weak, he didn't go far, and he collapsed again.

I hurriedly ran over, kept a distance of more than a meter and stopped, and said,

"Don't be afraid, child, I'm a good person!"

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