The Strongest Ryoma in Prince of Tennis

Chapter 598 : Echizenvs Chi Shuanger (Part 1)

"Coach Miura, it's been a long time!"

Just as Echizen and others were standing aside chatting, a strange voice suddenly rang in their ears.

"Ah Shuang!"


Fukasawa Yukichi and Takazaki Nazu looked at the people who walked in and said in surprise.

"Chi Shuang'er, it seems that today's training will be very interesting!

Echizen looked at Chi Shuang'er who waved in, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face inexplicably.

According to the plot trend in the original book, this person seems to have a warm-up training with the people of STC.

Although I have roughly estimated Chi Shuang'er's strength, if I could play against him in person, I would definitely have more confidence in my heart.

"Chi, it's been a long time since January 20"!

"Master, congratulations on your successful debut!"

"Is there any more meat than before?"

"Ah, classmate Chi, miss you so much!"

Ignoring Echizen, who was leaning on the wall and watching the play silently, Chi Shuang'er's arrival obviously caused a sensation. Regardless of men and women, many people present came to say hello one after another.

"I'm so sorry for the late visit!"

After Chi Shuang'er responded one by one, she came to Coach Miura's body, held his hand, and said apologetically.

Chi Shuang'er is also from STC, so the coach who treats him naturally respects him.

"Where is it? It's good to take time out of your busy schedule!" Coach Miura responded with a smile.

He was also very satisfied with this disciple.


At this time, Takazaki Nazu also walked over and said hello.

"Ah, Najin!"

Looking at Takasaki Nazu who waved, Chi Shuang'er was obviously very excited, and opened his arms to pounce at Takasaki Nazu.



A racquet suddenly lay across Chi Shuang'er's chest, stopping his movement in time.

"Ah, you are Echizen classmate!'

Looking at the racquet that suddenly appeared in front of him, Chi Shuang'er was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed after seeing Echizen's appearance.

"I know you, the most creative genius in history. By the way, you watched my match that day. Seeing you and Nazin together, it shocked me. Are you dating?"

There was a snap, Chi Shuang'er's mouth was like a machine gun, and Echizen was talking a lot.

"Great praise!"

Although this replied, but the expression did not deny the title of the so-called'the most creative genius in history'.

As for the relationship between himself and Nazu Takazaki, looking at Nazu Takazaki's blushing face, Echizen did not explain it, let him misunderstand it!

The rest of STC didn't make a fuss about Chi Shuang'er's words, because Echizen and Takazaki Nazu went to watch the match together, everyone knew.

"Chi, how long do you plan to stay in Japan?"

At this time, Coach Miura suddenly interrupted the chat of several people and asked Chi Shuang'er.

"I'm going back tonight!"

Chi Shuang'er now lives in the United States for a long time. This time he will play in Japan, and he will mainly participate in the Japan Open.

"Oh, this is a rare opportunity. Can you accompany them for a little while?" Hearing Chi Shuang'er's answer, Coach Miura suggested again.

When I heard Coach Miura’s suggestion, the people around STC were taken aback, and then they showed eager expressions on their faces, even Echizen was no exception. Although there was no change in appearance, there was a move in his heart: "Come!"

"Ah, am I okay?"

Chi Shuang'er replied readily, but she glanced at the three people behind her, and then said, "But the coach, doctor, and agent are all here, so I can't agree to it!

After speaking, he walked to the three tall men and began to negotiate!

After a while, he turned around and said to Coach Miura: "They said it would be OK if they just hit twice!"

"Well, those who want to fight immediately start to prepare, and each person will take turns after ten minutes!" Coach Miura heard, and immediately turned to the many students behind him.

"Yes, it's been a long time since I discussed with the master!"

A crowd of people happily and eagerly rushing to warm up

"What's wrong, Echizen, don't you go to warm up?"

Seeing the people leaving one after another, Coach Miura suddenly looked at Echizen, who still didn't mean to go to warm up, and asked.

"It doesn't matter if you warm up, generally speaking, I like to warm up in a match!

Echizen smiled faintly at Miura Kao, carrying racquet and walking to the court's position.

Chi Shuang'er, let me see the strength of this world's top professional player!

"Facing professional players, are you still so calm?"

Coach Miura looked at Echizen's back and muttered in his heart. He was even more looking forward to the match between Echizen and Chi Shuang'er, who was coming soon.

"Echizen RyomaVS Chi Shuang'er, ten minutes of warm-up training, start now!"

Coach Miura was okay, and took the initiative to make a referee for the two warm-up training.

"The coach is also true. Isn't it just a warm-up training? Is it necessary to use a referee?" Nazu Takazaki looked at the over-enthusiastic coach Miura and said strangely.

"It's a bit too serious, but"

Shenze Yuji looked at Echizen and Chi Shuang'er who entered the arena, and said with some excitement: "The duel between these two people is really exciting!"

"Well, genius like Echizen student 4.8, what will happen to the professional player Ji student? I am curious!"

Maruo Eiichiro was holding a notebook on the side, his eyes fixed on the court.

"It's really exciting, no wonder Coach Miura is so eager!'

Jiang Chuan also nodded secretly, looking solemnly at Echizen and Chi Shuang'er on the court.

Although it was just a warm-up training, Jiang Chuan, who knew more or less the personalities of the two men, did it. Knowing that this matchup is definitely not a simple ten-minute warm-up training.

ps: There is a visitor at home tonight, so the update is late!

Pin, the second one is a bit late, it should be updated before one point!

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