The Strongest Ryoma in Prince of Tennis

Chapter 599 :Goodbye matchup [second more]

"Hey, classmate Chi!"

In front of the net, after shaking hands with Chi Shuang'er, Echizen didn't immediately return to the baseline to start the match, but suddenly said to Chi Shuang'er: "Ten minutes is too long, how about one goal?"

Chi Shuang'er, who is following the coach, agent, and doctor, is destined to be unable to play a good match today.

So, in that case, ten minutes is too much, just one ball match.

In this way, not only can the mouths of Chi Shuang'er's agent, coach, and doctor be blocked, but it can also be quickly pulled into the climax of match, why not!

"One ball matchup?"

Hearing Echizen's words, Chi Shuang'er was stunned for a moment, but soon reacted, and he who was restless in his heart suddenly understood Echizen's plan.

Not only secretly praised Echizen in my heart, but also prepared to help Echizen.

"Coach, how about letting me play a good game?" Chi Shuang'er turned to the three men behind him 26 and said.

It's just one goal. They, who don't understand Echizen's strength at all, and who are very confident in Chi Shuang'er, can't refuse this proposal.

In their opinion, a one-goal matchup and a ten-minute matchup are obviously much faster.

"OK! "

Sure enough, after a few eye contacts, Chi Shuang'er's coach and doctors immediately agreed to this proposal.

"Then, Echizen, just like you said, let's have a one-goal matchup!"

Chi Shuang'er smiled heartily and said, but, after finishing speaking, she was a little hesitant, and once again persuaded Echizen, "Is it really going to be a tiebreaker? I heard that Echizen has a lot of incredible stunts, but I want to try each one. Give it a try?"

"One goal is enough. If you don't have the ability to fight back my stunt, then there is no difference between one goal and two goals, because I won't show you the second stunt before you hit back at my previous stunt. Yes!" Echizen said lightly.

"Yes, hehe!"

Chi Shuang'er was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Then the right to serve is given to classmate Echizen. It just so happens that classmate Echizen has a very good serve skill?"

"OK, I'm disrespectful!

In a tennis match, the serving party has the advantage, and in such a one-goal matchup, the right to serve is the key to the exception. However, since Chi Shuang'er voluntarily gave up, I want to see it. Own serve, then he is not welcome.

Maybe it's because you are very confident in your own strength?

But no matter what, he generously gave up the right to serve. In return, he would use this trick to entertain him!

Echizen thought of this in his heart. He took out the tennis ball from his pocket and threw it into the air, his knees bend slightly and his arms raised.

"It's the super high-speed serve!"

Outside the field, Jiang Chuan watched Echizen's posture and action, and immediately reacted.As the serve to start the game, it is not an external spin serve, but a super high-speed serve that is close to 210 kilometers per hour!

"One into the soul!"

Following Echizen's whisper, the racquet in his hand slammed into the tennis ball.


With a muffled noise, the tennis ball quickly swept across the court and bounced from the serve area like lightning.

"So fast!!

Chi Shuang'er's eyes widened, and she sighed in surprise.

Compared to watching the game outside the court and facing it in person in the court, you can feel the swiftness of Echizen serve.

However, although serve is considered a professional level, in Chi Shuang'er's match career, opponents with such serve speed are not absent.



With a muffled sound, with the swing of the racquet in Chi Shuang'er's hand, Echizen's goal to the soul' has been hit back by Chi Shuang'er.

And with the super high speed and powerful force of "a ball into the soul", Chi Shuang'er's counterattack was stronger than Echizen's serve. The tennis ball rubbed against the air and made a harsh sound.

However, with the sound of "That-", the tennis ball that was originally flying at high speed, after hitting Echizen's racquet, suddenly became as slow as a snail, and flew to the front court of Chi Shuang'er court.

"Appeared, Echizen-student's stunt that can completely invalidate all swift and violent attacks!" Seeing Echizen's counterattack, Maruo Eiichiro said excitedly.

"But A sauce, A Shuang is already online!"

As soon as Maruo Eiichiro's words fell, Takazaki Nazu pointed to Chi Sou, who had already ran to the net.

"So fast reaction speed!"

Echizen looked at Chi Shuang'er, who had appeared before tennis, and was slightly surprised.

But at this time it was not a surprise. Echizen stared at Chi Shuang'er's every move, not letting go of all the movements of his wrists, ankles, eyes, and muscles.

The extraordinary eyesight to perceive the opponent's weakness and all the opponent's movements-the insight eye, like the sky eye, thoroughly sees Chi Shuang'er's every move.

And under the operation of Echizen's high-speed brain like a computer, he immediately judged Chi Shuang'er's next 120 actions. At the same time, Chi Shuang'er's weakness was exposed to Echizen's eyes.


With a muffled sound, Chi Shuanger slammed directly in front of the net and hit the tennis ball to the Echizen court mid-court sideline.

Just before Chi Shuang'er, there are three options, a short shot, a normal return shot to Echizen's gap, and a slap just before the net!

Ordinary counterattacks are definitely not acceptable. From Chi Shuang'er's understanding of Echizen, it is impossible to win Echizen with this corner attack.

And short shots are not good, because with Echizen's speed and the action that has already started to move on the Internet, the final effect of short shots is also unsatisfactory.

Moreover, in the intelligence that Chi Shuang'er knows, Echizen is very much in front of the net.

Therefore, in that case, Chi Shuang'er could only hit the outer corner of the serve area on the left of the Echizen court.

The distance here is short enough and the angle is big enough. Under Chi Shuang'er's vigorous strike, the instantaneous speed is extremely fast, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to receive it.

But is Echizen an ordinary person?


The sound of racquet rubbing on the ground suddenly sounded inside the court!

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