The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1001: Lord of the Demon Gate

A group of people in black masks jumped out of the courtyard outside the gate of the Demon Emperor.

They stood in two rows, shaking their right arms lightly, carrying a three-foot sword behind them, unsheathing and flying out, connected to each other in the air, extending to the gate in the shape of a '1', like paved roads.

"Greetings to the host!"


A strong man in black flew out of the inner courtyard.

He stepped on the sword with his feet lightly, and landed like a dragonfly on the gate with the three-word plaque on it.


Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes.

This way of playing, it's simply going to the sky!

If I have time, I have to study the way of playing, so that there is a compelling case for the master of the case!


Yuan Gongzi and the old man in black robes hurriedly saluted.


The Lord of the Emperor's Gate nodded his head, because it was difficult to see the appearance because he was wearing a mask.

"Monarch Sovereign."

He stood on the mountain gate, like a high king, and said, "The monarch and his lord come to ask for money one after another. When I am the emperor gate is money bank?"

Jun Chang smiled rather unpleasantly, "This is what it sounds like, this place deliberately saved money?"

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate sneered and said: "Sovereign King, my Lord of the Emperor's Gate has hurt your allies. I apologize for this, as long as compensation is not needed."

The corner of Yuan Gongzi's mouth was slightly drawn.

I also planned to laugh and bargain with Jun Chang. As soon as the owner came out, the plan was completely messed up!

If the two sides fail to reach an agreement, the contradiction will definitely continue to worsen, thus reaching the point of irreconcilability!

My heart.

So tired, so tired, so tired.

"Yuan Gongzi."

Jun Chang looked at it with a smile, and frowned slightly: "Your family owner is very sorry, so you don't plan to compensate?"

Yuan Gongzi: "..."

"Monarch Sovereign."

The master of the Emperor's Gate said lightly: "I apologize for this seat, I have given you enough face, and if you are acquaintances, leave quickly. From now on, everyone will not commit river water."

"If I don't leave?" Jun Chang smiled coldly.

Da Lao Yuan came to the Lingling Valley, and the master of Miaohua Palace was beside him. If he returned empty-handed, where would he leave this handsome face?

"Sovereign monarch, it is not easy for you to have today's achievements. Fortunately, because of greed and cheapness, you have a great future."

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "Are you threatening me?"


The powerful magic of the Emperor Menmen erupted all over his body, and it instantly permeated, and said lightly: "This seat is to let the monarch master recognize the reality."


The threat of red fruit!

"Ding! The side mission is triggered."

Jun Chang smiled and opened the task panel, which said-Lesson for the Emperor Gate Master [Elite Mission].

It's simple and straightforward!

"Yuan Gongzi." Jun Chang smiled and retrieved the panel data that he could only see, and said lightly: "The owner of your house is a bit walkless."


Yuan Gongzi was silent.

He is only a sub-host and has no right to interfere with the decisions made by the host.


What kind of teammates are I?


Jun Chang laughed: "Since you don't give money and threaten this seat, then there is only ..." His eyes froze suddenly: "Let's go to war!"

"Go to war?"

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate sneered, "Monarch Sovereign, you take yourself too seriously."

"is it?"

Jun often laughed at the sky, and said, "Look, gray machine."


Everyone looked stunned, and looked up subconsciously.


At this moment, the purple demon king who burst open his clothes was hanging in the air, his right hand suddenly protruded, and the powerful demon turned into a weird big hand, and pressed down relentlessly towards the mountain gate.


The Lord of the Emperor's Gate gave a cold drink, his hands suddenly held up, the magical energy appeared like a wave, and instantly met the enchanting palm print.


Two powerful forces violently collided in mid-air, and the ripples visible to the naked eye instantly rippled in all directions, and then a big bang burst!

In the courtyard outside the gate of the Emperor's Gate, a hundred disciples were harassed and backed away, their eyes suddenly startled!

Yuan Gongzi's heart is cool!

This is the end, the confrontation between the Emperor's Gate and the Vanguard Sect will be irreversible!

I have been working hard to avoid laughing with Jun Chang, and in the end I still have to step in to meet soldiers, which is undoubtedly very painful!



Demon and magic air permeated the area, and two more explosions came out one after another. I saw the Purple King Demon King and the Emperor Gate master flying out, hitting from low to high in an instant, each punch was enough to smash the void.

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang Xiaoling can be released and form a defensive air wall in front of him, saying: "Are you all right?"

"No ... it's okay ..." Jun Jingxuan said.

She only has the strength of the King of War. Without the air wall protector, the coercion released by the master of the Emperor's Gate alone would be difficult to counteract.



Above the sky, the battle is still going on. This level of engagement is truly rock-shattering, and all the high-level officials and disciples of the Demon Gate are foolish.

"Boom —————"

The Purple King Demon King and the Emperor's Gate Master fought one another, and the latter suddenly came flying first, then fell to the ground.

It can be seen that the wind is falling again!

The Purple King Demon King was not frustrated, but the corner of his mouth raised his disdain.

Judging from the strength, the master of the Demon Gate is far less powerful than the ghost on the battlefield. Even if he can't beat him, he will not lose too much.

"Zhutang Lord."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "You consume it first, and when it's almost the same, give it to this seat."


The corner of the mouth of the Ziying Demon twitched violently.

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate sneered: "No wonder dare to come to this place to save money. It turns out that there is such a powerful man."

"Less nonsense!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two fought fiercely in the air again, and the space collapsed in a large area under the outbreak of power.



The beasts of the Crossing Valley felt two terrorist forces and fled in panic.

The space barriers on the battlefield of the Plane are very strong, and they still can't stand the battle between the Purple King Demon King and the battlefield ghosts, and they break apart.

Therefore, there are only dozens of moves between the two sides ~ ~ The collapsed area in the sky has spread hundreds of feet, and the evil spirit and the magic energy are frantically raging.

"Magic Seal!"

"嘭 ————————"


The Purple King Demon King fell down like a cannonball again, and the ground suddenly sank.

The tying Tiger King and Antler King are in tears, after all, this is their own place, and let them fight unscrupulously, sooner or later, they will be completely destroyed!


The purple prince demon king rose slowly, his eyes flickered with anger.

From the point of view of strength, the gate of this Emperor's Gate is not as good as the ghost of the battlefield of Tianzi.

Because they are a demon who has thinking, masters all kinds of martial arts, and has rich experience in combat. The ghosts of the battlefield that he previously fought with are not the powerful lower creatures of Kong Wu.


The Purple King Demon King raised his hand.

The space ring worn on the little finger shone, and Hell's fury appeared out of thin air.

Witnessing the pink gloves with the heart pattern on his eyes, the disciples of the Emperor's Gate suddenly became messy in the wind.

Bare body, not to mention, even bring the stuff used only by girls, this guy with purple hair is definitely a big, changeable, and stately!

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate frowned, "Nausea!"


At this moment, the King of Purple Hairpin appeared in front of him, and smashed with fists carrying thousands of love.


The Lord of the Emperor's Gate burst out and crashed into a distant mountain peak.

"call out!"

The Purple King Demon King flew over, and the pink fist print broke out instantly, blasting over the mountain.

"Boom boom!"

There is a constant explosion, and the dust is flying!

The Purple Demon King stopped and the wind blew away everything.

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate had his hands hung staggered, and the whole body was protected by the enchantment. The mountains behind him were blasted to the ground under power!

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