The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1002: War will start

The owner of the Purple Church was very resistant to the **** fury at first, because it was not in line with his wild and domineering image, but after experiencing the benefits, he really liked it and even asked for a space ring.

No one hates equipment that enhances strength, even the demon king from the upper world is no exception!

The eyes of the Lord of the Emperor's Gate gradually cooled down, but his heart was shocked and secretly said, "This guy's gloves are probably the most precious treasures of God!"


The Purple King Demon King rushes over again!

Gathering power in the gloves, bursting into fierce fist marks.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two fought again in the air.

The purple prince demon king who was originally in the downwind was hit by the hell's fury, and he played abnormally and vigorously!

The master of the Emperor's Gate is more embarrassed, and even the bombed can only passively defend, unable to launch an effective attack.

In terms of means, he is better than a ghost on the battlefield.

However, there is no such good defensive armor as the other side, so it must not be able to withstand the violent bombardment.


At this moment, the purple king demon king hit a heavy punch on the defensive air wall condensed by the master of the Emperor's Gate, and instantly shattered it to pieces!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Qi Jingxuan couldn't make it: "Your housekeeper is so strong?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The good show has just begun."

He has already communicated the magic vacuum cleaner in the space ring. As long as the Purple King Demon King consumes the Lord of the Demon Gate almost, he will summon it and go straight to it!

Dare to save money at the Emperor's Gate without reckless reliance, not relying on hard-to-receive knives, but this kind of goods that can ingest unclean things!

of course.

After all, the strength of the Emperor's Gate is powerful.

Use magic to change the vacuum cleaner to teach him, must be consumed first, otherwise there is no chance to get close.



The fierce battle is still going on, and the space is under the influence of power, and it has collapsed into sight!

Yuan Gongzi, who stood watching in the outer courtyard, bitter from the corners of his mouth.

A master of the church can be equal to the champion of the gatekeeper, even occupying an advantage. This eternal ancestor is really not simple. It is the best strategy to be against them!


The Purple King Demon King again banged in the void.

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate blasted off, the wolf howled to hold his body, his cold eyes flashing incredible!

He could still develop him in various aspects just now. After putting on his gloves, he was suppressed in turn. Even if he is equipped with magic equipment, he cannot be so strong!

The magical equipment of the starfall continent is not so strong, but the exclusive magical weapon of the Lord of the Purple Church comes from the Shenbing Pavilion, which is naturally better!

come on!

Fight fast!

The purple demon king's eyes were so hot that he rushed forward again and launched a sweeping bombardment.

He was refreshed.

Crossing the Valley was hit!

Because of this high-intensity bombardment, the ground and space continue to crack and spread, and the deepest and most complete destruction is being carried out!



The beasts that live here all year round flee in fear.

Under terrorist forces, all they can do is to witness the destruction of their homes.

"Do not……"

King Tiger and Antlers were in grief.



The Purple King Demon King continued to bombard, and the demon was full of energy.

In the face of absolute power, the gate of the Emperor's Gate had a magical appearance, and he could only passively defend and be beaten until he was hit again for the Nth time. The mask on his face suddenly burst, and his black hair was flying, revealing There was a scarred face.

"So ugly!"

Jun often smiled and frowned.

The face of the Lord of the Emperor's Gate was like the scar left by the burn, and it was distorted because of the blasting hammer by the Purple King Demon King. It looked ugly and scary!

Xu Jingxuan was so scared that she didn't dare to see it, and turned her head in a hurry.


At this moment, the blood of the Emperor Gate spit out.


Yuan Gongzi exclaimed.

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked coldly: "When did the starfall continent have such a strong spirit beast?"



At this moment, the high-level gates of the Emperor's Gate, who had been trained to reach Wusheng and Half-Sacred, flew out of the inner courtyard, and then burst into anger and glared.

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Is this going to be a fight?"

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate said coldly: "Jun always laughs, dare to come and knock on my Demon's Gate, do you think you can leave safely?"



In the inner court, the Emperor Wu and even the Emperor Demon level of the Emperor Wu level all flew out, and the number of them totaled nearly a thousand, and surrounded everyone in Wanguzong.


Yuan Gongzi's heart hurts.

The master dispatched Zongmen's elite all-out, this is to make it clear that he will tear his face with Wan Guzong, completely rigid.

To the extent that this happened, it was the last thing he wanted to see!

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile: "This time I come here, I hope to be able to reason calmly, since you do n’t know how to be so good, don't blame Jun for being so ruthless!"


"Woohoo ——————"

Standing behind him, Ding Xingwang and Gongsun Haohai, Jiang Xie and others released Xiuwei.

In the current picture, the masters of the Emperor's Gate are hanging around, and the senior officials of Wanzong are also ready for battle, indicating that a more fierce battle will be staged in the Crossing Valley!



Thousands of Modimen disciples emerged from the inner courtyard one after another.

From the number of people, Wan Guzong fell behind.

From the overall strength ~ ~ Wan Guzong still falls behind.

After all, the Purple King Demon King was caught by the door of the Demon Emperor. Who will get a few high-level martial arts leaders?

Ding Lao is not weak, but not so evil, one hit two is the limit.

In this way, it can be seen that Wan Guzong is still a bit weak on the top level of combat effectiveness.

In particular, Jun often laughs. As the master of a case, ruling out such big killing tricks as difficult to collect, his strength is not as good as the Purple King Demon King.


Eternity, Demon Gate.

The forces on both sides are out of control!

Qi Jingxuan found that the situation was wrong. She had stood up, subconsciously smiled close to Jun Chang, and the psionic energy in her body gathered in the palm of her hand.

Although she only has the level of Emperor Wu, she has purified mysterious energy, and once excited, she will enter a state of runaway, so the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Wu Jingxuan said, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Jun often laughed.

Xi Jingxuan said: "Because of my Miaohua Palace incident, you and the Emperor's Gate are the enemy."

"We are allies. If we are in trouble with each other, we will definitely come to help." If you are not afraid that readers will take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of other girls, Jun Chang may laugh and talk, and add a fool.

"Monarch Sovereign."

At this time, Yuan Gongzi said: "My host has a bad temper, so please take someone away quickly. When you have time, Yuan will go to Wan Guzong and calm down and talk!"

He wanted to stop the impulse between the two, and didn't want to make things uncontrollable!


Jun Chang smiled and raised his hand, his eyes calmly said, "I have a bad temper."

"Om -------"

The space suddenly trembled and the guidance appeared out of thin air.

The flashing light at the groove means that Nirvana has completely cooled down at a glance!

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