The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1016: 1 group of dramas!

Three days later.

Kill the entrance to Shura Field.

Jun Changxiao took the high level and disciples of Zongmen and 2,000 strong men from the starry continent, and flew over the mighty.


Thousands of warriors from the Lingyuan continent headed by Ke Jinnan also came.

The two sides glared, their eyes were almost sore.

Some daring warriors hid in the distance, seeing the intense fighting and killing at the entrance, they realized that there must be deep hatred between the two planes. Once entering the Shura field, you will surely fight without words!

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Chang sneered, "I thought you were afraid to come."


Ke Jinnan said: "Although the Lingyuan continent is not the first echelon in the battlefield, it is also believed that since it is scheduled to kill Shura field, it will not escape."

Jun Chang smiled, raised his finger and shook, and said lightly, "Since it's here, don't leave."

Arrogant and arrogant.

It feels like it is deep into the bone marrow!

Li Qingyang and others secretly marveled that the main acting skill of the suzerain is a cow, even if one look is an act.

By comparison.

Although Ke Jinnan performed well, it was obviously a bit different.

The faceless warriors who do not know the truth see in their eyes, it is even more certain that as long as the two sides enter the Shura field, it must be an endless battle, and its fierceness is not inferior to the previous totem continent and star-moon continent!


There are good shows to watch again!

Although many warriors on the plane are optimistic about the starfall continent, in fact they hope that the Lingyuan continent will cause them trouble, and the best result is a terrible victory!

In the battlefield of planes, there are many enemies left by dogs.

Due to their great strength, they dared to provoke in the open and could only fantasize about it.


Ke Jinnan sneered and said, "It's useless to say more, declare war!"

Jun often laughed without saying a word, and raised his hand at the same time as him before the streamer enchantment.

This is the start of the declaration of war mode. Only the master of the stronghold representing the plane can do it. Until he is allowed by the upper bound, he will be eligible to enter the battlefield of Shura.

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Everything goes according to plan."


Ke Jinnan responded.

Although the two communicated with each other by voice, they apparently glared at each other with a look of deep hatred.

In fact, they have entered the performance state since they left the stronghold.


Slightly, the streamer enchantment flickered, and then gradually torn apart, forming an archway that could lead to the interior.


Seeing this, the warrior hiding in the distance suddenly understood that the two planes had declared war successfully, and it was too late to regret it at this moment!


Jun Chang laughed and took the star warrior mainland warrior first, followed by Ke Jinnan and Lingyuan mainland warrior.

Both sides went in, and the torn streamer barrier was stitched again.

"Have a quick notice to the suzerain, and the battle for the killing will begin immediately!" The masked warriors hiding in the distance all used their contact information to notify the companions who were waiting for the news.



For a time, a large number of warriors flew over from different directions, and then gathered before the streamer enchantment, looking at the thousands of warriors standing inside.

Among them are Hong Yao from the Chihai continent, and Lingyun mainland leaders.

Two days ago, they almost jumped up after they got the news that the starfall continent declared war on the Lingyuan continent.

No money was spent.

Otherwise, the declarative war is bound to be yourself!

These two people are afraid of dreaming, even if they don't give money, Jungou will not take the initiative to declare war for their safety.

If you do n’t know, do n’t know, right to use money to buy a peace of mind.


Hong Yao stood with his hands on his shoulders, watching the two people in his arms screaming, and speculated, "This is bound to be a rock-shattering battle."

An elder said: "From the perspective of Jun Changxiao's previous debilitating killing of tens of thousands of people, the thousands of people in Xingyuan mainland were not enough to kill him alone."

Hong Yao said: "At the time, this son was relying on the magic weapon of the soldiers. If this thing is not sacrificed, I am afraid it will be very difficult to achieve.

Regarding Jun Changxiao's previous strength, all major battlefields believed that it was from the blessing of weapons, so later they had a chance to be born. As long as the former took out a pocket knife, he was absolutely shocked.


You can watch the battle at Shura Field, but you cannot hear the sound.

Therefore, the warriors watching the war can only be determined by the expressions and physical movements of the faces of the two sides, how strong each other's anger is.

Very strong!

Jun Changxiao and Ke Jinnan are disdainful at times, sometimes angry, and from the look of their expressions, they have not hated their wives, they must have their father's hatred!

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others are also working hard to anger themselves, and enter the whole heart of acting.

of course.

This is just the beginning.

The real test of acting is combat.

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The outside warrior should not be able to wait, let's act as planned."

"it is good."

Ke Jinnan raised his hand indifferently.

The outside warrior immediately realized that this was about to prepare for the fight, so they looked at each other with a deep breath, clearly not wanting to miss anything.

"let's start!"

Jun Chang smiled coldly, another meaning of this sentence is-slapstick!



Suddenly, the momentum of the high-ranking elders of the ancient ancestors, headed by the King of the Purple Witch, erupted, and then rose into the sky, locking in the high-level forces of the Lingyuan continent.

As for the disciples such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, their eyes are fixed on the yellow characters and the mysterious characters.

of course.

The host Han Cheng, Mu Changhong and others who came to the show were not idle, and Xiu Wei broke out in succession.

Although this is only acting, when I think that I am fighting for the stars and continents, the blood in my body is suddenly uncontrollable.

The momentum of the two sides erupted, and the air in the field was soaring!

"It's off!"

Everyone's eyes glowed.

After practicing, it can be a pleasure to see so many people fighting.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Thousands of warriors flew together in the killing Shura field, and then sought each other's targets, and started a fierce battle instantly, because the outside world could not hear the sound, but could only see the colorful energy flashing!

"A quick answer!"

Jun Chang, the master of the stronghold, rushed to the past, and Yulong asked Tian Jian to flash the light, and instantly shook out the dense shadow of the sword.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Ke Jinnan sacrificed his golden sword of extraordinary quality ~ ~ Although the sword qi was resolved one by one, his heart still couldn't help but exclaim: "This son has a very high understanding of kendo!"



On the other side, the Purple King Demon King is fighting against the five strong land characters with his own strength, showing the sturdy side completely!

Although it is only acting, it must also be false and true, so the abnormal investment of the two sides can completely prevent the warrior from watching the battle.

"They are all desperate!"

"Entering the Shura field, you will die if you don't work hard!"

"It's so **** wonderful!"

Under the stark continent and Lingyuan continent, the war fighters have been completely brought into it. It is totally hard to imagine that this will be a group of drama! Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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