The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1017: Going too deep

In the field of killing Shura, thousands of warriors fought fiercely in high school and low altitude, with various psionic lights flashing, blooming like bright fireworks.

Although you can't hear the movement inside, all the face warriors can feel from the picture that the two sides are desperately fighting.


At this moment, Ye Xingchen circled behind a Lingyuan mainland warrior, and the psionic energy infusion fist suddenly blasted off, the latter fell to the ground, first spit out a blood, and then swallowed Huang Quandan along the way. Die 'in the past.

"Shoot clean and don't mess around!"

Outside warriors have talked about the night stars, and even think that ordinary ordinary warriors can hardly be so simple in battle!



Li Qingyang, Xiao Xieji and others are also fighting their opponents. The martial arts were wounded in various areas and then they played the situation, because they rehearsed two months in advance and they were impeccable in performance!

of course.

Not only were the Lingyuan continent dead, but also the warriors on the starfall continent, so after a short fight, hundreds of people have fallen on the two sides.

It's unrealistic to use fists to wipe out. Some people struggled to make the effect more realistic.

The sword is also very particular about it and will never be hurt.

For example Xiao Xiaoji.

At this moment, the body was scaly and blood was dripping, but the skin was injured.

In order to make the effect look more realistic, he also deliberately stimulated the meridians with psionic energy, making the blood spray better.

This kind of performance based on a true attitude of death was so shocking that even the face-to-face warriors watched the battle while they were more fortunate. They had to go to kill Shura field by their own plane, but they did not come in!



The fighting is still continuing, and it is heating up.

Pushing the drama to the zenith, it was Xiao Xiao who pretended to be injured and finally couldn't support it. His body fell straight upright and completely lost his breath of life.

"Brother Xiao!"

The closest Li Qingyang blasted his opponent out, growling in tears.

This look, this look.

It's like the same door really fell!

"call out--------"

Ye Xingchen flew over from a distance carrying the wrath of the sky, and punched out the warrior who killed Xiao Xinji.


The other person fell dozens of feet, and a blood spurted out, his face paled and growled in his heart, "This guy is also very heavy!"

No, no.

I'll pretend to die!


Secretly swallowing Huang Quandan, there was no breath on the spot.


When Xiao Xie died in battle, the outrage and murderous intentions of the elders of Wan Guzong became more intense, pushing the performance to a more realistic level.

Even Lu Yan also became involved in the drama, witnessing the fall of his brother, his cold eyes flashing cold, and holding a three-foot sword into the crowd. Layers of ice permeated the air, which slowed down many martial artists instantly.

"It's cold!"

"This woman is an ice-based martial art!"

Lingyuan mainland warriors exclaimed one after another, and then broke away from the ice-covered area as soon as possible to avoid being affected by speed.

"It's OK."

Jun Chang, who was fighting Ke Jinnan, laughed, and Lun Min locked Lu Yan, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time to kill Shura Field, although it is an act, it is also a test. If Lu Yan can be fully integrated into it, he will definitely benefit a lot.

The system was speechless: "What would this benefit?"

Jun Chang smiled and said solemnly: "Emotions between the same door!"


System said: "Does this work?"


Star warrior continent and Lingyuan continent martial arts strangled fiercely, then fell down one after another, although in a state of false death, they were all wounded.

Li Fei, Tian Qi, Long Ziyang and others fell down one after another.

Jun Chang laughed and saw a famous disciple fall, his eyes became hotter.

Although it's just acting.

Will one day happen similarly?

Not allowed!

No one can hurt this baby!

"Master!" Just then, a cold voice came: "Be careful!"


Jun Chang smiled back to God, turned his head suddenly, and saw Lu Ying standing in front of him, catching the palm print of Ke Jinnan with his body.


Blood splattered like fireworks in full bloom.


Jun Chang smiled with tears.


Lu Yan's face was extremely pale, and the three-foot sword held in his hand fell off, and then the blue silk fluttered and fell, like a Hanmei gradually dying in the snow.

When the outside martial arts saw this, they all sighed.

At the critical moment, the master is blocking the move. Such a disciple can be described as loyal!


Lu Yan fell to the ground, Han Mang sword stuck in his side.

Qing Si covered her cheeks, it was difficult to see her face, and her whole body had no life breath.

Jun Changxiao's heart seemed to be stung by a sharp blade, and the pain that deeply affected the soul suddenly spread throughout his body!


He growled angrily.


"Woohoo ——————"

The two energies of Jian Wu broke out in a frenzy, infused Yulong asked Tianjian!

"call out!"

Jun often laughed and rushed forward as if rushing away, his eyes flashed with anger, as if to destroy the world.


The sky is filled with sword energy

The countless sword lights cast under the fury, instantly intertwined with the terrifying Tian Luo Di net!

At that moment, Jungou's left eyes were flushed and his face was like a devil unsealed from hell. A glance can make people shudder!

"The acting lead is too strong!"

The surviving Li Qingyang immediately admired it.


The Purple King Demon King blasted his opponent out, looked at the angry monarch and laughed, and whispered in his heart, "Is this acting or is it crazy?"

"Woohoo ————————————”

Ke Tiannan was cut down by the space where the sky and the shadow of the sky fell, and Ke Jinnan hurriedly hurried backwards and broke down. He said, "King Sovereign, we are just acting. Be calm!"

As soon as this remark was made, Jun Chang laughed and immediately became clear.


This is just acting, I can't be too entertaining!

The system said silently: "When the sinner and Li Fei fell, they didn't see the host like this, apparently he emphasized female disciples and discerned male disciples."

"To shut up!"

"Oh, haha, angry?"


Jun Chang laughed without paying attention to the system, quietly weakening the released sword energy, and said, "Ke Gu, it is almost time to end the battle."

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Ke Jinnan broke the weakened sword, gave a comprehensible look, and then passed on the surviving subordinates to let them speed up and die.


At this moment, Jun Changxiao standing in the midst of the air inspired the battle form, his strength increased again, and then he furiously attacked with a sword.

When the outside warrior saw this ~ ~, he realized immediately that the eternal Zongzong took the initiative, and I am afraid that the victory and defeat of the two sides will be separated soon!



At high altitude, Jun Changxiao and Ke Jinnan fought dozens of tricks.

On the ground, more and more dead bodies were lying, and blood gathered into a river, which was extremely desolate.

"It's terrible!"

Witnessing just one or two hours, the Shura field is a scene of corpses traversing the wild, and even if all the warriors faced battles, they would feel cold.

At this moment, Jun Changxiao in the sky seemed to be transformed into an indestructible sharp sword and stabbed directly, until the light dissipated, the three-foot sword directly penetrated through Ke Jin's chest!


ps: Let ’s go. When my blood comes back, please ask Baidu to "throw the book network" Thank you for your support!

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