The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1018: Heart is higher than the sky


Ke Jinnan hung in the air, his face burst into a sudden spit of blood.

Yulong asked that although Tian Jian penetrated his chest without hurting the vitals, the pain he brought was real, and it was by no means a pure performance.


A strong man in appearance battle solemnly.

The two planes fought, and the kill of one of the strongholds was basically the end, because it would affect morale and other aspects.

"Ah ---"

At this moment, Ke Jin's pretend exhausted his whole body strength and slammed into the past with a sudden palm.


Jun Chang burst out laughing, covered his chest with one hand, and couldn't restrain the blood in his throat.

Two acting skills, one better than the other!

Not to mention long distance, even if you watch the game from close distance, you will not be noticed.

Ke Jinnan, who had exhausted his whole body strength, fell to the ground, and Yulong asked Tianjian in his chest. Blood flowed down the gap, and his eyes gradually became dark.


In the end, it went backwards.


All the martial artists who witnessed this scene outside shook their heads and sighed.

The principal of the base on duty of the Lingyuan continent died in the hands of Jun Changxiao, and I knew that it was necessary to fight.

"Valley owner!"

The senior officials and disciples around the Baiye Valley growled sorrowfully.



Suddenly, dozens of strong characters like Huang and Xuan rushed over.

From their angry eyes, it was clear that the murderer who killed the owner of the valley was killed by a random sword!


It's all acting!

"Two hundred thousand six-pointed star stones have no white flowers!"

Jun Chang raised his hand with a smile, and then slammed his fingers with a slam and said, "One finger strikes the sky."



Ripples of energy ripple instantly.

Dozens of martial arts killed came into contact with them, and they were fixed in the air.

They were horrified, and then they spurted out in a collective ‘噗’, falling like a kite with a broken wire, until they contacted the ground, and they all lost their breath of life!

This scene was seen by outside martial arts.

Raise a hand and hit a ring finger. Dozens of Huang Xuan words will be erased instantly. Such a terrifying strength can only be achieved by the strong Tianzi?

Do not.

As long as the psionic energy can be released, any warrior can do it.

But the premise is that it must be accompanied by a group of excellent acting.

Dozens of Lingyuan mainland warriors lying on the ground cooperated seamlessly. After Jun Changxiao slammed his finger, he deliberately pretended to be standing still, vomiting blood and falling, and swallowed Huang Quandan silently.

Don't look at the simple steps, it is difficult to implement.

They pretended to be killed by a deep-seated attack by some terrorist force, and they repeatedly practiced in the stronghold many times before they had a flawless performance today.

As it is called.

One minute on stage, ten years off stage!

The best group performance of the year, Lingyuan Continent must be nominated and must win a grand prize!




Hundreds of strong survivors on the starfall continent witnessed the fall of the enemy's boss, and the warfare soared, and then they launched a crazy bombardment.

The morale of the Lingyuan continent was greatly diminished, and soon it was oppressed.

After killing dozens of martial arts soldiers, Jun Chang smiled and held the blood-stained jade dragon to ask Tian Jian to stand in midair.

He looked up at the sky, his black hair was blown away in the wind, revealing a grim face, and his cold gaze seemed to penetrate the endless void.

Upper Bound!

Are you satisfied?

Although acting again, there were no casualties.

But being in the killing field of Shura made him feel like a clown and a chess piece.

Very upset.

Really upset!

"Oh shit!"

Jun Chang laughed and shook his fist, and growled angrily: "When this seat soars to the upper bound, you crying father will cry!"

The corners of Ziyu Demon King and Ye Xingchen pumped slightly.

For them, the upper world is definitely a world of bulls.

The suzerain had to call their crying father, how arrogant, how **** it!


Seems a bit irritating!


Endless starry sky.


The old man said: "This is a bit arrogant."

A beautiful woman stood proudly in front of him, surrounded by clouds and mists, and could only see endless majesty and pride, unable to see clearly.

"Every warrior has no shortage of people who are higher than the sky, and there are only a few that can truly do it." She looked at the night stars in Shura field and continued: "So, in the face of absolute power, even if you shout your throat, After all, it is not a cricket ant, leaving the strong at will. "

The elder said, "It is a world that never has such an extraordinary person."

"The success of the starfall continent has been determined, and the situation will be informed to the Jietang." The woman said lightly.


The old man quietly disappeared into the void.

The woman continued to look down at the Shura field, and secretly said, "Jun Chang laughs this person a little bit, it is no wonder that the night emperor will condescend to be a disciple without his dignity."

The last word said that people had disappeared out of thin air, leaving only bursts of fragrance in the air.


Although the starburst continent and Lingyuan continent were acting, the two sides played for a few hours until the end of the evening.

This battle.

Lingyuan Continent together with Ke Jinnan, a total of 2,000 people were killed!

Starfall continent is also severely injured.

Hancheng died in the main battle.

Mu Changhong was killed.

Tai Xuan Shengzong, Hao Guang Shengzong and other high-level deaths!


The Purple King Demon King sat on the ground with his buttocks. He had been bruised all over, exhausted, breathing in a big mouth.

Ye Xingchen is alive.

With this guy's arrogant character, war battles are not allowed to die.

His body was stained with blood, his hands were shaking violently, and his entire face was extremely pale. It can be seen that although he was alive, he also paid a small price.

Although it is acting, hitting is really hitting.

A few hours down, definitely collapsed.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others are relatively smart. Find a time to spoof directly and be a lying actor throughout the process without any effort.


Ding Lao also survived. He stood at a low altitude, his hands were hanging down, and his face was difficult to squeeze a smile, but because of the blood covering, he looked quite eerie.


In the sunset.

Countless corpses are scattered like the purgatory on earth.

This is just just acting. If you are really enemies and fight desperately, maybe ... Jun Changxiao will unseal the difficult sword and turn the battle into a mowing game ~ ~ Go! "

"Hurry up!"

When Starfall Continent won the victory of Shura battlefield, before the teleportation, the warriors on the plane disappeared collectively, for fear that Jun often laughed and took advantage of the opportunity to blackmail him again.

Furthermore, the fight was over, and it didn't make sense to stay here.

However, what made Hong Yao and others very puzzled was that Jun Changxiao had previously offered a weapon to kill tens of thousands of people. Why didn't he use it today and let the star warriors and disciples on the continent die seriously?

There is only one possibility.

That guy ’s weapon belongs to the super hole card. After using it once, there is a time limit and you cannot continue to use it!

I want to stop here.

Many people do not jealous of Jun Jun laughing. Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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