The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1021: Who else is willing to fight Jun 1?

After breaking through the Sword and Martial Saints, Jun Chang laughed that the temperament of the whole person was fully sublimated, and the person was even more impressed by the fact that Yushu was in the breeze.


Just stepping out of the hall, Li Fei laughed and said, "I am more handsome than before!"

Jun Chang put his hand on his disciple's shoulder with a smile, and smiled, "My eyes are getting more and more spicy, and I like it very much."



Li Qingyang came and said, "Are we going to stay here?"

"No need to."

Jun Chang laughed: "Clean up and get ready to leave."

All the tasks were completed. He planned to let Jiang Xie, Ge Lao and others take turns on duty here, and then wait for the disciples to break through the peak Wuwang and take the surge of astrology for training.

And also discussed with Ke Jinnan.

Conduct friendly consultations at regular intervals to enhance mutual affection.


Jun Chang laughed and stopped at Yanwu Stadium, the power of space was mobilized.

"call out------"

Appearing out of nowhere dozens of miles away, he said, "Find a strong player and have a good fight."

Now that you're entering the Sword and Sword of Heaven, you must find a good opponent to measure how strong you are.


Lingyuan mainland stronghold.

Ke Jinan, who was awakened from death, had bandages around his chest, and several elders sitting in the inner core of the hall discussed the matter.

Seriously, it was a little unexpected to think about it with the fake death Dan Meng.


An elder said bitterly: "Hundreds of years ago, if we had such an elixir in the Lingyuan continent and cooperated with each other, how would we win at the killing Shura field at almost the cost of extermination.

As a veteran plane, he was forced to declare war with other planes that year.

Although the victory was achieved, it also suffered heavy casualties, which eventually led to the weakening of the mainland's top forces, and it has only barely eased.

"Valley owner."

Another elder was worried: "We have fallen in the eyes of the soldiers. If we are found alive, how can we explain it?"


Ke Jinnan fell into silence.

For the 200,000 natural spirit stones, he chose to bet on one. Although the bet was won, the follow-up matter was not considered at all.

In fact, he was not worried about being discovered by the warrior on the plane, but fearing that the upper world would know it, thus reducing punishment.

"Valley owner!"

One of his men hurriedly reported: "As soon as I got the news, the monarch sued the few strong characters and defeated them in just a few moves."

The corners of the elders twitched.

Just one day after coming out of the killing Shura battlefield, Jun Chang laughed and went out, not afraid to show his feet?

Ke Jinnan didn't consider this matter, but asked, "Junzong took the initiative?"

He, like everyone in the face, thinks that Jun Chang laughs so well. It all comes from the blessing of the magic soldier. If not, the level of strength is nothing more than the word between the Xuan word and the land.


Before breaking through the double sages, the real strength of the dog left is at this level. If you want to get a strong character, you can only rely on a piece of equipment to suppress it.

His subordinate said: "According to eyewitnesses, the monarch ruler fought barefooted with the ground strong, even ..." He paused: "One punch blasted the opponent more than twenty miles away."


Ke Jinnan and the elders suddenly widened their eyes.

At their level of characters, attacking low-level martial arts can be done, but Jun Chang laughs with his fists and flies as far as his strongman at the same level, how horrible his power is!



A certain area of ​​the battlefield suddenly heard a terrible explosion. Just watching a figure flew from the other end to the other end like a shell, and the middle distance had reached more than ten miles!

"Kakaka ——————"

At the source of the outbreak of power, the space is difficult to load directly to collapse, and spreads infinitely around.

Because of being at a low altitude, the ground was affected, as if being severely suppressed by an invisible mountain, and the area of ​​hundreds of feet suddenly collapsed collectively.

This picture, if seen by lower-level martial arts, will definitely scare the leg.


The middle-aged man who was beaten flying for more than ten miles covered his chest and spurted blood on the spot, his eyes horrified.

Jun Chang smiled standing at a low altitude, his whole body was shrouded in suffocation, giving an unstoppable feeling.

"Too weak." He shook his head.

The system remained silent, and secretly fortunately, at that time, it had to be determined without a bite, otherwise it was properly and severely beaten!

how do I say this?

Because, the middle-aged person who was struck for more than ten miles is already comparable in strength to the Wupin Wusheng in the starfall continent.

The strong man at this level was beaten so far by Jun Chang with a punch, even vomiting blood, showing how terrible the power is!

If the system was replaced by the second and third grade martial arts previously mentioned in the system, I am afraid that one punch will be able to strike from the East Tutang to the Xitian.

"too terrifying!"

"As soon as I came out of the Shura field, I didn't take a break, and I came to bully my brother, who is strong, isn't he tired?"

There are many warriors around, and at this moment they have completely rounded their eyes, especially looking at Jun Changxiao, as if looking at a monster.

"Monarch Sovereign."

The middle-aged man pressed his injury, his face paled slightly: "Are you satisfied?"


Jun Chang laughed: "You can leave."


The middle-aged man arched his hands, and then flew away without looking back, until he disappeared in front of everyone. Then he vomited blood again and secretly said, "This child's strength is not inferior to high-level words!"

"Who else is willing to fight against Jun?"

Jun Chang smiled and turned around, sweeping away all the fighters who were shocked in the distance.

Everyone stared at them, their faces suddenly startled, and then hurriedly said: "The monarch is too strong, I am not an opponent!"


Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "Go back and tell others that this seat will set down the ring outside the Starfall Continent base the day after tomorrow, and welcome the strong players from various places to fight. If you can win this seat, you will get 100,000 six-pointed star stones. "

Finding an opponent on the battlefield is too difficult, he can only seduce with a spirit stone.

"One hundred thousand six-pointed star stones?" The warrior with wide eyes widened.

This martial arts resource comes from the Jiutian continent. If you obtain it yourself, it will definitely improve the realm!

of course.

They also believe that Jun Changxiao definitely has the strength to grasp, otherwise, the brain would be dared to play like this if he was kicked by the donkey, so a waste of Liumangxing Stone.



Everyone dared not stay longer ~ ~ left as soon as possible. Regarding Jun Changxiao setting up the ring outside the stronghold, it spread quickly on the battlefield.

The martial artist who is not strong enough just joins in a lively discussion, and the strong man who reaches the ground word is excited when he learns.

With their strength, in the battlefield, they can only pray for luck to meet opportunities, so as to obtain martial arts resources. If you often laugh at the king, you can get 106 million star stones, which is undoubtedly very tempting!


After thinking about it repeatedly, a strong ground character said, "The day after tomorrow, go to the stronghold of the starfall continent!"

"For one hundred and sixty-six celestial stones, fight for them anyway!"

"It's been a long time since the old man was so passionate. It feels like when he was young. Now that Jun Chang laughs so arrogantly, he puts down the platform to challenge the ground, naturally he can't let him down!"

More and more Chinese characters decided to go to the stronghold of the starfall continent and see for themselves how strong that guy is. Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!

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