The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1022: 3 weapons

Outside of the Meteorological Continent's stronghold, Page is mobilizing soil properties and constructing a platform model. Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others have prepared a large number of building materials in advance.

I thought I was going to return to the ancient emperor. I didn't expect that the suzerain would have to challenge the strong characters on the platform again, which was a little exciting!

Li Feidao: "Is it just a little too risky if the suzerain has just broken through and challenged the battlefield powerhouse?"

He was mainly worried that when Jun Changxiao had just returned from the Shuluo field, he didn't take a good rest. He would have to play against the strong players the day after tomorrow, for fear that it would be difficult to reach the best state.

"The suzerain always doesn't do unsure things. Since he dares to openly challenge everyone who is strong, he must have the strength to overcome them." Tian Qijian said.

"So too!"

Li Fei was excited: "I'm looking forward to it!"

For them, high-level battles are also an opportunity that they can't find, and they can learn more or less from it.

This is no wonder, even if there is a streamer enchantment isolation, no sound can be heard, every time there are planes fighting in the killing Shura field, always attract a lot of onlookers.

Watching the excitement is just the second reason. The real reason is also hope. It can be inspired by the fierce battle, so that you can better understand martial arts.


Peggy's body soil properties broke out, and then the layer of condensed soil surface was laid on the table for multiple reinforcement.

With more bases built, building a platform is almost effortless!

When everyone is busy.

Jun Chang laughed sitting in the main hall of the main peak, skillfully pulled out the purchased goods, and found that [Seven Xuanxiaguang Broken Remnant Volume III] contributed 20,000 worth of value, and collapsed: "So expensive?"

Volume one 1000.

Volume II 5000.

Volume three turned out to be 20,000!

By analogy, wouldn't volume seven break hundreds of thousands!

Although expensive, Jun Chang laughed to buy it, because the reward given by the epic task just overflowed 20,000 points of contribution value. (The contribution value that overflowed last time, the dog left all to buy the infrastructure, any question that I am negligent, is disguised as handsome.)

"Ding! The host consumes 20,000 points of contribution value, Qi Xuanxia Guang breaks the residual volume by 3 × 1, and has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 70000/70000."

Seeing that the contribution value is equal to the upper limit again, the Jun dog with OCD is more comfortable now.




A certain area of ​​nothingness, there was a loud explosion!

The two energies collided like a ferocious beast of ancient times, crazily destroying the poor space barriers.

In the distance of the battle area, there is a suspended stone platform on which a slightly yellowed ancient book is placed, with the skin written-Qi Xuan Xia Guang broken residual volume III.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the space trembled slightly.

As if there is a big invisible hand holding the cheat directly in his hand, then disappears out of thin air.

"Boom boom!"

Two energies are still colliding!

Judging from the terror, it seems that it is difficult to stop my life without a fight.

However, about a moment after the cheats disappeared, the irritability suddenly dissipated. A middle-aged man in white and a middle-aged man in black stood in front of Shitai and yelled in unison: "My cheats!"

"Bai Raksha, you lie!"

"Hey Rakshasa, you're lying!"


The two spoke in unison.

The warrior who stood watching from a distance whispered secretly: "The cheats are alternately covered by the black and **** of the two, and it is impossible for one party to take it away. Why is it suddenly gone?"

"Black and white Rakshasa is very jealous, and we are watching from a distance, will we be ..." A strong man was talking, and the two middle-aged people who were arguing suddenly turned their heads, one blackened and one whitened, eyes gloomy "Did you steal it!"



"Do not misunderstand!"

"They're here, get back!"



As the stronghold of the starfall continent, Jun Chang laughed and held the hot Qixuanxiaguang broken volume three, although it felt a little strange, but he still couldn't understand it, so he had to throw it into the space ring again, and spend the contribution value to copy out ... 100,000 originally.

Because there are more and more Zongmen, copying martial arts and other things is definitely running 100,000, and more are saved, and then distributed to follow-up disciples.

Jun Changxiao opened the Foundry Pavilion again, and the three Dragon Series weapons have been automatically matched.

You can tell by the name.

One is a knife, one is a bow, and one is a spear.

"All three weapons are more suitable for legion battles. If they are mass-produced, they can be equipped for battle riding halls." Jun Chang laughed.

Don't consider core disciples?

With the Shenbing in the Shenbing Pavilion, Li Qingyang and others may not need other weapons to enhance their hard power.


Some people may not use this weapon with a bow and spear.

For example, Xiao Sin, such as the Purple King Demon King, so a pot and a pink glove are a perfect match for both of them!

"There are ready-made ore, just can refining a few handles, to see the effect first." Jun Changxiao checked the three weapons, and then began to refine.

When certain medicinal materials are needed, the seed level may not be too high, but in terms of ore reserves, there is absolutely no need to question, after all, the Emperor's Gate is not a robbery, and the crossing of the valley is not a disaster!


the next day.

After Li Qingyang and Pecs were busy working overtime, an impressive platform was set up outside the stronghold.

Jun Changxiao blesses with various solid formations, so as not to collapse with unbearable strength.


After finishing the work, a sound came from Foundry Pavilion.

"It was only made one night, and it was a bit slow." Jun Chang smiled and waved the extracted dragon tooth blade out.

The size of this knife is similar to that of the penetrating cloud knife, but in terms of momentum and workmanship, it is obviously stronger than the latter, and it can be replaced and equipped for members of the battle knight.


The dog left it in his hand, and chopped it at will. Satisfied, "This is a good knife."

Systematic Road: "From the perspective of the level, it should be at a high level of Xuanzi level, which is weaker than the ground character machine dug by the host."

"If it is mass-produced and equipped for the battle riding hall, the combat effectiveness will definitely skyrocket." Jun Chang laughed.


At this moment, a sound came from the Foundry Pavilion.

Jun Chang laughed and took out the newly-made Dragontooth Bow, and said silently: "Only a bow and no arrow, how to use it? Do you have to prepare it yourself?"


During the conversation, he put his right hand on a string made of unknown material, but when he was forced, he found that the lines did not move, so he stumbled: "So heavy!"


Jun Changxiao deliberately increased his strength, so he pulled the string apart. After the extreme opening, the two points of the bow chord suddenly flashed, as if an arrow gathered by psionic energy was gathered out of thin air.

The system said: "As long as this bow is pulled away, it will gather arrows from the user's spiritual core."

"So it is."

Jun Chang laughed out of the hall with an open bow, and then aimed at a boulder on a distant mountain peak. He immediately released his hand and listened to the sound of ‘咻’. The psionic arrow flew away.


The explosion came at ~ ~ The locked mountain situation was blasted into powder on the spot!

"A bit strong!" Jun Chang smiled and surprised.

The stones on the battlefield of the plane are much stronger than the stars.

Although the AWM sniper rifle can also be broken at a long distance, the price is that the bullet must be condensed by high-level crystal nuclei or spirit stones!

In contrast, Dragonfang Bow, which can only do this by relying on its own psionic energy to gather arrows, is definitely more practical!


Dragonfang Spear is refined.

This object is about the same size as an ordinary spear and spear, but its level is much stronger than that of an overlord gun, and it is very suitable for charge.

Jun Chang said hotly with a smile: "Three types of weapons, which can be fought near and far away, are absolutely invincible!"

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