The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1023: Serious businessman


On the battle riding peak, Zhong Yi cut off with the blade of the dragon's tooth, and the ground suddenly cracked, showing a deep ditch.


He excitedly closed the sword, and he couldn't help but say, "This weapon is better than a penetrating sword!"

A top quality, a high quality, is worse than grade.

"From now on."

Jungou smiled and said, "This Dragontooth Blade is yours. Be sure to drive the Wolf Riding Team better."


Zhong Yi saluted.

Zhanqitang is now divided into many groups.

The most elite of them is the wolf cavalry. After all, it was established early and training was early.

As the head of the wolf cavalry, Zhong Yi is undoubtedly very qualified. He has fought many times in the past, and he has always been a soldier!

Of course, he also temporarily served as head of tiger cavalry, lion cavalry and other regiments, which is considered to be the most trusted general of Xue Rengui and Tao Yuan.

Jun Chang wasn't sure if he could use Zhanqitang in the future.

But since it is established, it will definitely plan ahead and let the strength and equipment advance with the times so that it can face any unexpected situation.

Therefore, Zhong Yi relied on the surge of talisman to break through the Empress Wu, and never went to the battlefield again, mainly responsible for the daily training of the members of the wolf riding church.

After giving the sword, Jun Changxiao found Xue Rengui and Tao Yuan again, took out the dragon tooth bow and dragon tooth spear, and let them test it.


Xue Tangzhu said excitedly: "If I can equip such bows and spears in large quantities, the combat effectiveness will skyrocket!"

Jun Changxiao also wanted to equip his disciples with limited resources such as ore.

"No, no."

Returning to the main hall of the battlefield again, Jun Chang laughed and began to think: "You have to find a way to get some higher ore."

The three weapons are not only suitable for battle riding halls, but also for other internal and external disciples. If you have a hand, it is best.

The system said: "The host didn't even have a real condom, and he wanted more than 70,000 disciples to have one super weapon, which was a bit difficult."

"That's why I figured it out!"

Jun Chang rubbed his temples with a smile, and said, "I don't know if the other planes have the ore I need. When someone comes to challenge tomorrow, they can be defeated for discussion."


Put down the platform to lose to 260,000 Astral Stones, and win people to take out various ore, this style is very doggies!

The strongest man with unknown truth clearly did not think about it. If he loses, what will happen? At this moment, he has sharpened his sword, and wait for tomorrow!


The next day.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Streams of light, flying at high speed, or moving through space at high speed.

"Oh my god, are you so powerful?"

"It seems that they all went to the stronghold of the starfall continent to challenge Jun Changxiao and earn 200,000 six-pointed star stones."

"This kind of spirit stone is several times stronger than our continent. 200,000 pieces are equal to millions. Even if the value of battlefield merit is not exchanged, the strong character of the earth must be heartbeat."

"Shall we go and see?"

"Farewell, Yi Jun often laughs and pisses, and must save us money again."

"Fighting with Lingyuan Continent in the killing of Shura Field, the starfall continent suffered heavy casualties. The guy may not dare to come."

"Besides, this time he blatantly laid down the ring and challenged the strong players in various places. Shouldn't he do such a shameless thing?"

"It makes sense, let's go! Let's go and see!"

The face-to-face warriors really want to see the excitement, especially the battle at the level of the ground, so after comforting myself, I followed the risk regardless of risk.


Tens of miles away from the base of the starfall continent, many warriors rushed in from all directions and found a hill in front of them. When I got closer, I realized that it was Bidoutai.

"This is bigger than Doutai and bigger than our Zongmen Yanwu Stadium!"

"There is an array of breathing around, and it should be strengthened in all directions."

"It seems that Jun Chang laughs really want to fight the strong man of the earth."

When everyone was discussing, they found that there was a surrounding building outside the beating platform with a row of seats on it, so they were surprised: "Are there seats for watching?"

"You all."

At this moment, Jun Chang, who was standing on the main peak, laughed, holding a loudspeaker and said, "Welcome to watch the battle of the warrior singled out the strong word. Drinks for everyone to enjoy. "


The corners of their mouths were slightly drawn.

However, my heart also relaxed.

Since this guy has such a thorough arrangement, there should be no bad ideas.

"Of course." Jun Chang laughed and said, "If you want to watch the war, you need to pay fixed ore, otherwise, please leave quickly."


The face-lifters widened their eyes.

The dog left no bad idea this time, and didn't plan to blackmail, because he moved the idea directly to the bright side, and wanted to see himself fighting with the ground character?

Row! Give the ore!

This is because of the urgent need for three types of weapon materials, otherwise, it will definitely use a variety of spirits to price.

Jun often laughed at this move, depressing to see the lively martial arts.

Someone asked with a voice, "Sovereign monarch, what kind of ore do I need to pay, and how much should I pay?"

Jun Chang laughed: "What kind of ore is needed to be certified." He paused, pointed to the base, and said, "Everyone can queue up for review."

Below the stronghold, the Purple King Demon King stood proudly with many hands beside him, with Li Qingyang and others sitting in it, like a rigorous trained ore inspector.

"Go and see."

A warrior was very brave, first walked over, and took out the ore in his space ring for inspection one by one.

Li Qingyang informed the lord of the ore's name and appearance previously arranged, and then selected from it, and said, "Twenty pounds of Hanxi stone and twenty pounds of rhyme stone are qualified, and they can enter the spectator seat."

Anyway, the unselected ore was pushed back.

"Is that all right?"

The warrior's expression was a little stunned.

Adding together a total of forty pounds of Hanxi stone and rhyme stone, the price is not high, which can enter the spectator seat, it is a bit cheap.

"I try too."

Another warrior came along and, after certifying dozens of catties of ore, got the qualification to enter the viewing seat ~ ~ Is this too easy? "

"Let's go!"

Warriors from all walks of life rushed in, lining up to take out their own hidden ore. Although the categories were diverse, two or three were always adopted.

Moreover, not much, fifty catties in the sky, for a warrior who collects hundreds or thousands of catties, it is totally nine cattle and one hair.


Ding Xingwang said: "They are willing to trade ore for the qualification to enter the viewing seat."

Jun Chang laughed and said: "This seat is not robbed, not stubborn. It is nothing more than a way to make money by doing business. They will definitely not resist."

Blackmailing is played too much and it is easy to cause negative effects, so the dog left this time to be a serious businessman!

Just pay and watch the battle!

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