The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1030: Vanguard VS5000 Battlefield Ghost

Zhou Hong, who had just broken through not long ago, chopped off hundreds of yellow-word battlefield ghosts with a shocking sword, and suddenly stunned everyone.

Under the same level of situation, the strength of the sword emperor is definitely far better than Wu Sheng, not to mention, when the opponent attacks, find the flawless Ling Jianshen technique.

The reason why Jun Changxiao often can fight over the ranks is also related to his own sword repair qualifications, and he is also the two kings of swords and martial arts.

"So strong?"

Xiao Xiaoji, who resisted various energies, looked surprised.


At this moment, a finger flew through the ear suddenly, and then pierced the helmet of the battlefield ghost directly.

"How many times have you said, don't be half-hearted when fighting."

Ye Xingchen flew from a distance with a look of arrogance.


Xiao Sin said nothing and raised Yun Mengxia in secret: "I'm here to attract firepower, you are responsible for the attack."

"No need to."

Ye Xingchen suddenly rushed over, Zhenyang Jian appeared out of thin air and said, "This is very troublesome."

"call out!"

"call out!"

Wrist waving, sword light flashing!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the heads of the four or five battlefield ghosts who passed from the left and right sides were cut off instantly.

Yedi also practiced Ling Jian Shen Jue. Although the power of the word Jian Jue is not as good as Zhou Hong's, he has a good understanding and it is easy to kill.



On the other side, the Purple Demon King rushed in.

With every punch of this guy, the clothes and pants burst, and in the end only one red **** was left.


The corners of the mouth twitched.

Many warriors have seen the Purple King Demon King. Whenever he sees his clothes bursting, he growls madly in his heart: "This is a super big change!"

This pervert is not just a single finger bursting out of clothes, but also strength.

It didn't take long for the main owner of Zitang to enter the battlefield. He immediately entangled the ghosts of the eight battlefields in the battlefield.


"Boom boom!"

The Ziqi Demon King's purple gas broke out around the body, and the three ghosts on the battlefield were directly flew out.

Domineering, domineering!

Although Xiao Zizi did not practice the martial arts skills of all ages, but after a variety of physical training and restoration to a little recovery, the strength is obviously stronger than ever!

"Boom boom boom ——————"

After another battle, several other powerful land characters were also flew away!

"It's fierce!"

The face warriors opened their mouths in shock.


The Purple King Demon King raised his hand, locked his eyes on the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield, and smiled with an evil charm in the corner of his mouth.

"call out---"

Purple light beam drags streamer up!


The ghost of Tianzi battlefield flickered with dim light, two broken short knives appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly cut through the void and cut over.


The shadow of the sword is like light, cutting the space!

The burst of light beams were immediately broken down, and then disappeared.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Daoguang pressed down again, and a loud noise came.


The strange laugh came from the energy of the smoke, only to see that the Purple King Demon King stood proudly in the air, and the incoming knife light had been broken by the **** fury carried in his fists.

Equip him with pink gloves to make him look wary!

So really fragrant!



The purple fist king's double fists frequently bombarded in the void, and the shadows of the sky fist pressed like storms.

All the face-to-face warriors looked scared, and then turned their eyes to Li Qingyang and others who later joined the battlefield.

It is not that the master of the Purple Church and the ghosts in the battlefield are not exciting enough, but that they are fighting at this level, regardless of their strength or shooting speed, and the level is not high.

On the contrary, the battle of the disciples of Wanguzong, can clearly capture every action with spiritual thoughts.

"Look!" Someone said in surprise.

The crowd mobilized their minds, and saw Li Qingyang, who had just rushed in, raised the Skyscraper Thunderstroke pattern, his left fingers were stuck to the sword body and slid from the hilt to the tip.



Lightning lines suddenly appeared on both sides of the sword body, revealing powerful and explosive lightning energy.

This is also a function of the exclusive magic soldier. Although it is not necessary to kill, it is similar to enchanting the weapon.


Li Qingyang's body of thunder and punishment erupted, sinking into the thunderbolt of thunder, and lifted his sword to cut off a ghost on the battlefield that came.

"Tear ————————”

The swordman passed by, Razer splattered.

The battlefield ghost's helmet and armour were split in half and fell to the ground.

"This person's weapon is absolutely extraordinary!" The warrior in surprise said.



After Li Qingyang succeeded, he didn't stay for a while, and the soldiers with the blessing of the thunder rushed into the crowd and launched the coldest fight.



Lightning and sword energy staggered!

After a while, Li Qingyang stood in midair with a sword, and more than a dozen battlefield ghosts behind him suddenly burst into pieces and fell into pieces.


"It's so wicked!"

All face-to-face warriors were deeply shocked by the strength and equipment of Wan Guzong disciples.

Ke Jinnan was stunned.

If at the time the killing of Shura field was not acting, killing with the monarch and his disciples, I am afraid it will be completely destroyed!

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "You first enter the stronghold, and here is over to Jun."

The five thousand battlefield ghosts are all experience points. Gouyu naturally hopes that his disciples can engage in actual combat instead of being shared by others.

"it is good!"

Ke Jinnan did not give up, and hurried back.

The rushed Baiye Valley leaders and disciples also stopped and instantly changed from a state of **** fighting to a mass of people eating watermelon.

"The disciples obey!"

Jun Chang smiled and turned around, standing outside the Lingyuan mainland stronghold, and said, "Destroy all these garbage!"


The disciples of Wanzong who flew from the distance one after another put on the true sun set, sacrificing the Dragon Tooth Blade and Dragon Tooth Spear just given by the Sovereign, rushing in like the same beast.



For a moment, the mid-air light outside the Lingyuan mainland base flickered, and a visual feast like a firework was staged.

"call out-----"

Suddenly, a streamer arrow cut through the void and penetrated the helmet of a yellow-character battlefield ghost with great precision, and then the consciousness fell and fell.


Looking at the dragon's tooth bow in his hand, Li Shangtian was surprised: "The bow given by the lord is so strong?"

As a member of Xiyutang ~ ~, he has already used the guns in the mall, so he used the traditional bow to catch them naturally.

Among the disciples, the strongest in using long-range weapons is naturally Xiao Xiao.

At this moment, he has hidden Yun Mengxia behind him, holding the bow of the dragon tooth, frequently pulling the strings in his left hand, and a stream of arrows that gather together psionic energy flew out, only to see a ghost on the battlefield headshot and die.

"Brush! Brush!"

"Boom boom boom ——————"

Among the crowd, Long Ziyang was wearing a true sun suit, holding Zhenyang County on the left, and the spear of the dragon tooth on the right, chopping for a while, stabbing for a while, and it was a whistle!



Li Fei, Tian Qi, Huo Ling, and others have also rushed over, and locked the yellow characters on the battlefield ghosts to kill them. As for the mysterious and earthy levels, they were given to Ding Lao and Jiang Xie.

Up and down Van Gouzong and 5,000 battlefield ghosts, fierce battles have now begun!

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