The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1031: Take you to worship heaven!

Lingyuan mainland stronghold.

Li Qingyang, haunted by thunder and lightning, was fighting with dozens of ghosts in the yellow battlefield.

Although he was surrounded by enemies, he had exclusive soldiers in hand, not only without any danger, but also anti-killing at the appropriate time.

The same is true of Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sinji.

However, as many as 5,000 ghosts of the battlefield came to punish the Lingyuan continent this time. On the other hand, there are only four or fifty ghosts in Wanguzong. On average, one person is about to fight hundreds!

"Boom boom!"

At a high altitude, Jun Chang laughed that the mechanical armed wings were fighting fiercely with a ghost in the battlefield of Tianzi, and sometimes his thoughts permeated below him, and his brows frowned slightly: "Too many ghosts on the battlefield of Lingyuan mainland?

As an astral continent that has been punished N times, the number of ghosts on the battlefield who attacked is at most a few hundred, which is completely incomparable with such a few thousand.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "I didn't act enough to die, so I didn't really get the attention of the upper bound?"

"..." The system was silent.

In order to unseal the hard-to-reach knife, tens of thousands of facial warriors were killed, and then the opportunity was stolen, so that the level of the ground was stolen.

Choose one of these two casually, both are extreme hard work!

The system said: "In fact, I have always wondered why the host is so dead and so waves on the battlefield. Why is the punishment from the upper world so light?"

"Is this something strange?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

The system states: "The pretence of death in the killing Shura field was planned by the host. If you want to punish, you must also punish the starfall continent. Why would you come to punish the Lingyuan continent first?"


Jun Chang smiled and broke the light of the sickle flying with a punch, and said, "Maybe the upper world is blind."


"Count it blind."

Systemically said: "But the punishment Lingyuan mainland sent so many battlefield ghosts, it is completely in **** mode. Why is there only a few hundred people in the punishment Lingyuan mainland, simpler than the simple mode?"

"This one……"

Jun Chang spread his hands with a smile and said, "When something cannot be explained scientifically, it can only be attributed to ... I am so handsome."

"Please, I'm talking about business!"

"Please, I'm talking about business!"


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The ghost of the Tianzi battlefield that was blown out rushed again, and the sickle in his hand cut out the streamer that tore the space.

With a smile, Jun Chang immediately regained his mind, sternly, "I must deal with this guy as soon as possible, so that the disciples will not be in danger."

For now, Wan Guzong has not fallen behind, but sooner or later he will be suppressed by thousands of battlefield ghosts, so what he has to do is to solve the word of the sky, and then share more of the words for his disciples.

Don't say it.

Lao Ding and Jiang Lao were a bit overwhelmed.

After all, there are four or five hundred ghosts in the two-level battlefield of Dixuan. It would have been cold if not equipped with a blessing!



Gongsun Haohai, who was fighting fiercely, was bombarded by dozens of ghosts on the battlefield.

"Oh shit!"

Jun Changxiao puts on the mask of Zhenyang, then holds the sword of Zhenyang in his left hand, and the blade of the dragon's tooth in his right hand.


Under the blessing of suits and weapons, powerful air waves erupt!

"call out!"

Jun Chang flew away with a laugh, Zhenyang Sword and Dragonfang Blade tore the space, and immediately welcomed the incoming streamer!

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two forces exploded at high altitude, and suddenly started to billow dust and power.

"call out----------"

Jun Chang laughed out of it, then approached instantly, raised his sword and slashed at the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield in angrily, and snarled in a fight-like roar.



The light of the sword instantly shone in the sky and was chopped on the thick armor in a crisscross pattern.


"call out--------"

Jianguang knife light, splashing out.

Jun Chang smiled and flickered, appearing out of nowhere behind the ghost on the battlefield and counting, his sword held down naturally.

His head was slightly lowered, and a few strands of black hair were dancing in the wind.

This is not an artificial wind, it is a natural wind brought by the psionic riot.

The warriors who were watching the battles of the Wan Guzong disciples, looked up after hearing the movement.

what's the situation?

How could that guy and the ghost of the battlefield stand still.

"Ka ———————”

Suddenly, a cracking noise came.

The ghost armor of Tianzi Battlefield with his back facing Jun Changxiao suddenly cracked, and the marks of crooked cross swords appeared.

Everyone's eyes widened.


The armor's cracking speed accelerated, and in the end, many small fragments were completely cracked under the eyes of everyone, and then scattered on the ground.


"The ghost of Tianzi battlefield was killed by Jun Changxiao!"

"My God, this is too fast!"

When the crowd was shocked, Jun Chang laughed into a streamer and flew away at a rapid speed. Between his hands and swords, he wiped out dozens of ghosts of the Xuanzi battlefield who besieged Jiang Jiang!

"All die for this seat!"



The light of the sword permeates the air, and wherever you go, the ghosts of the battlefield, whether they are earth characters, xuan characters, or yellow characters, are all unloaded!

The warriors of the plane sucked in the air.

This massacre with a crushing attitude instantly reminded many people of the previous opportunity to shoot. The guy was carrying a weapon with engraved words to start a sad killing scene!


The demon who slaughtered 20,000 is back!

At this time, if the warrior who fights with it is certain, he will be scared by Jun Changxiao.

However, the battlefield ghosts that are fighting with Wanguzong are unconcerned. As long as the upper world does not issue an evacuation order, they will fight to the end, even to death!



It seemed to realize that Jun Chang laughed so powerfully that the ghosts around the battlefield gave up attacking Li Qingyang and others, and gathered weapons to gather power to kill the past.

For a while, thousands of battlefield ghosts came down from all sides.

Jun Chang laughed and stood in place, instead of evading, he retracted the dragon's blade.


Suddenly, the whole body released a strong sword, spreading around.

After feeling the momentum, Zhou Hong's eyes widened.

"What a strong sword!"

"This guy ... is it also sword repair ?!"


At this moment, the sword was pervasive, and fragments of armor, stones, dust, and branches and leaves scattered on the ground were touched, as if shrouded by some force, and then floated slowly.

"what's the situation!"

"Why are all the things on the ground floating?"

"What does this have to do with Kendo?"

The plane warrior was aggressive.

The sword repair is a sword, why does the sharp sword interfere with every tree!


Jun Chang laughed and raised the Zhenyang sword lightly, flying debris, stones and other objects flew in, and suddenly formed a cloth-like glow in the air!

Zhou Hong exclaimed: "The second style of Wanjian return to Zong, everything is a sword!"

There are not many powerful sword skills of Wan Guzong. There are only two kinds of real sword practice. One is Ling Jianshenjue, and the other is Wan Jianzong.

Zhou Hong has always been contemplating the Ling Jian Shen Jue meditation and rarely enlightened Wan Jian, because it is very difficult to practice only a high-level sword skill. There are two kinds of minds.



The dense sword light flew like a locust.

Although the warriors face each other far enough, they saw the streamer shrouded by the sword, and all their hairs stood up.

This quantity, this intensity!

If you come to attack yourself, you will surely be stabbed into a sieve!



The ghosts on the battlefield did not realize how horrible the dense sword lights were, and still gathered all kinds of energy to kill them.

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "This is the first time that I have cast all things into a sword. I will take you today to sacrifice heaven!"


"Uh ---"

Thousands of streamers burst away, and space left a faint sword mark!

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly ~ ~ countless Jianguang shot through, the crisp sound sounded like a beautiful rhythm.

Face-to-face warriors gradually opened their mouths because they saw with their own eyes how nearly a thousand armored battlefield ghosts were stabbed into a sieve!

The picture is too gorgeous and too spectacular!



A battlefield phantom fell to the ground.


The expression on the face warrior's face remained dull.

Previously Zhou Hongyi wiped hundreds of people with a sword, which has shocked them. Now Jun Chang laughs and wipes thousands of people, surely shocking the mind and soul again!

Damn it!

too terrifying!

To come back as an audience in the future, you must prepare your elixir to protect your heart!

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