The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1032: Finally, there are disciples in Wanguzong who are about to die!

Everything is strong and not strong, you can see from the thousands of battlefield ghosts that have been killed.

Jun Chang laughed and was surprised.

Before breaking through, he always stopped at the level of Wanjian. Until he took Kendo's qualification fluid and broke through the sword sage, he didn't understand the second type of everything as a sword. I did not expect that the effect of group killing was so explosive!


Jun Chang's eyes glowed with laughter, and the sword in his body spread again, spreading to farther areas.

call out! call out! call out!

Stones, trees, dirt, and shrouds are shrouded, floating by themselves and flying over, and then hanging behind him, like a sword with indestructible handles!

"Come again!"

Exclaimed everyone.

This powerful sword technique, due to the extremely high energy consumption, can be used twice in succession!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Wan Jian flies, the light shines on the world!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

A burst of violent slaying killed hundreds of phantoms on the battlefield, and then lost their minds and fell down.


The warrior's face was expressionless.

At this moment, they really have little action to set off Jun Chang's powerful killing!

After annihilating a yellow-character battlefield ghost, Ye Xingchen looked back at the lord who stood like a sharp sword, and secretly said, "If you enter the emperor level, he should be able to break the void!"

From ancient times to the present, the star-strapped continent's strong power has broken very little, even if the emperor of the previous days did not do it. He can make such an evaluation, and we can see that Jun Chang laughs really strong!

"call out!"

Jianguang flickered again, as if running through the world.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

A battlefield ghost, no matter how high it is, is harvested like a lowly weed, then falls off with its head and hands broken.

The battle that originally belonged to the upper and lower ancestors completely became the stage where he performed alone after Jun Changxiao broke out.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Xieji and others cooperated as much as possible, either widening their eyes or opening their mouths, and some of them had no brain worship of the suzerain!



The Purple King Demon King was deeply stimulated by Jun Chang's laugh, and the majestic demon exploded, launching an unprecedented fierce fight with the ghosts of the Tianzi battlefield.

That guy is so strong, how can he fall behind?



After a short time, Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others broke away from the spectator mode and waved their respective weapons and martial arts to kill the ghosts on the battlefield!

this moment.

Although the number of people in Wanguzong is small, the momentum has prevailed!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Various martial arts erupted in midair, and a ghost with a battlefield fell.

"It's so wicked!"

"It's so different, so bad!"

The witnesses who watched the whole process were completely shocked.

In their eyes, all the ancient and ancient ancestors were out of the category of human beings, and they were all transformed into demons!



At this moment, Li Qingyang, surrounded by enemies, was bombarded by more than a dozen mysterious battlefield ghosts. After holding his body, he suddenly spurted out.

With a blessing of equipment, he could have been safe and sound, but He Ling could be consumed badly, and finally fell into siege.



More than twenty yellow-character battlefield ghosts came down from the left and right!

With Li Qingyang's current injury, it is tantamount to the absence of any fighting ability. If the same door does not provide timely assistance, it is necessary to fight the battlefield properly.



All kinds of energy are pressed down from above.

"At last, there are disciples in Wanguzong who are about to die!"

In this case, the warrior who watched the battle thought it was normal.

They are like some readers think, dozens of people are fighting thousands of people, if they do n’t sacrifice, they will be nonsense, or there is some kind of dirty deal!


The various forces that pressed down blew away Li Qingyang's black hair, and a smile appeared on his pale face.

"He is laughing?"


At this moment, Li Qingyang waved with his left hand, and the elixir appeared between the fingers, and then hesitated into the mouth without hesitation. The originally damaged meridian was restored instantly, and the psionic energy in the spiritual core reached full state!

"Zizi ----------"

With psionic blessings again, the Skyscraper Thunderblink flashes again!


Each of the face martials was stunned.

The disciples of Wan Guzong were seriously injured and obviously lost their combat power. Why did it suddenly seem to recover and the war-like spirit of war broke out?

"call out------"

Li Qingyang got up and flew away, torn the space by the day-thunder lightning pattern, forming the arc blasting sword awn, arbitrarily breaking all kinds of energy, and then harvesting all the ghosts on both sides of the battlefield!

"not human!"

"Absolutely no one!"

There were incredible expressions on the faces of the warriors.

When you are seriously injured, you suddenly have potential, which is understandable!

However, Li Qingyang's ruddy complexion and clean and quick action were not exciting potential at all, but ... there was no fart!



The battle continues and the intensity is still escalating!

Although Li Fei, Tian Qi, and others have a blessing of equipment, they have inexhaustible psionic powers, so they are hung up after being consumed, and they are fighting again after taking the healing Dan!

From the number of people, Wan Guzong is not dominant.

However, they are equipped with top-quality healing Dan!

This object can not only recover from the moment of dying, but also recover the lost psionic energy, which is exactly equal to two lives!

The battlefield is normal.

However, Jun Changxiao prepared in advance before entering the battlefield of the plane.

Unless the situation is extremely bad and irreversible, it is impossible to let the disciples of Wanguzong die!

of course.

Shangpin Dandan is by no means invincible, only one can be effective every day.

Therefore, the disciples who have eaten may still face the possibility of death, but I am afraid that they cannot wait until then.

Because Jun Chang laughed to prevent this possibility, the power of sword force broke out in an all-round way, the two weapons seemed to be turned into death sickles, and the ghosts of the battlefield were madly harvested. The number of reductions was calculated by hundreds.



Mantian Sword intended to erupt in midair, tearing space to kill!

A ghost on the battlefield fell into pieces without symbolic opposition.

About a moment.

Outside the Lingyuan mainland stronghold, the number of scattered corpses has reached more than 4,000. The worst casualties are at the Xuan and Earth levels.

The ghost of another Tianzi battlefield was dragged by the Purple King Demon King, and the backbone was smashed and killed by the ruler. Therefore, although there are still hundreds of yellow characters, they will not bring any disciples to Wangu. Substantial threat.

Every disciple is his sweetheart, naturally it is not allowed to fall.


Jun Chang smiled and put his sword in the air.

The threatening battlefield ghost has almost disappeared, and the rest will be left to the disciples to enjoy the actual combat.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xinji and others were not disappointed by him, all kinds of energies were running frantically, and they were exciting.


At this moment, the King of the Purple Falcon was blasted out by the ghosts of the Tianzi battlefield. When the wolf howl stabilized his body, he turned back and smiled and shouted, "Not yet come to help!"

With his current strength, it can only be reluctantly involved.

"call out----"

Jun Chang laughed and flew over, Zhenyang Sword and Dragonfang Blade appeared again!

Without the blessing of various weapons and equipment, it is difficult for the dog left to use a pair of fists to solve the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield. After all, they are at least as complete as Wu Sheng!



The light of the sword erupted and filled most of the sky.

Under the suppression of absolute equipment, although the battlefield ghosts resisted a lot of moves, they were eventually chopped up and shattered like their previous companions.

With the ghosts of two Tianzi-level battlefields falling, this upper-bound punishment has basically ended, and the remaining yellow characters will be consumed by the disciples of Wanzong slowly to death.

"Valley owner!"

Inside the stronghold, an elder shook his hands and said, "The monarch and his disciples are terrible!"


Ke Jinnan was silent.

The whole person is still in high shock.

Five thousand battlefield ghosts appeared, and he was desperate, and even prepared for death.

But when Chang often laughed and brought people to the rescue, when nearly 90% of the enemies were wiped out, he realized that he and his base had turned into danger!

Great favor!

Absolutely great!



Fighting outside the stronghold continues!

Until half an hour later, Ye Xingchen wiped out the last ghost on the battlefield.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task.

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 90,000 / 70000."

"Ding! Contribution value overflow ..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [together with the sweetness], trigger the hidden reward, get the intermediate thick soil technique × 1, the sign of experience ~ ~ After hearing the prompt, Jun Chang smiled and rolled his eyes, saying : "I thought the hidden mission was forcibly canceled. It turned out that his meow existed! "

The last hidden mission was to help Jingjing Xuan to return to light, and now it is almost two hundred chapters apart!


PS, I've already gone home and will resume normal updates tomorrow.

In May, 11th and 2nd, 25th and 2nd, 26th and 1st, 27, 28., 29th and 2nd, 30th and 1st, and 31 and 2th and 10th and less.

In June, 1, 2, 3 and 2 changed, and 3 lost.

A total of 13 missing, I feel a bit panic, can you wipe a zero and remove the front 1?

Reader: "Yes, no comment."

(Yes, I dare to be so arrogant because of the starting point and the creation and the comment section of this chapter is temporarily closed, so dare to be so arrogant, have the ability to come and hit me ... Laika Kai Lang Master Doctor &% ¥% ¥ * ……)

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