The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1033: Babes, take out your hole cards

Five thousand battlefield ghosts were wiped out by Wanzong under the leadership of Jun Changxiao.

The shock caused was so strong that all the warriors stood as if they were standing in the distance.

When they came, they decided that Lingyuan's continent was going to be flattened, but in the end, it was so unpredictable!

In particular, the performance of Jun Chang laughs, let the warriors on the plane really realize that even without the engraved weapons, they still have the strength of mad killing!


"Who dares to provoke such an opponent!"

Face-to-face warriors' fears of Jun Changxiao and Wan Guzong became more and more intense.

"Guzhu ..." An elder from Baiyegu said slowly after a long time of devotion: "The danger ... the crisis has been lifted, and our base is safe!"

When speaking, he could obviously feel that his voice and his hands were shaking to varying degrees.

"It's safe ... safe ..."

Ke Jinnan closed his eyes and tried to calm the stormy sea.

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Chang laughed and said: "Because I starred the continent and caused the Lingyuan continent to be punished by the upper bound, Jun apologizes."

Ke Jinnan hurriedly arched, "Junzong's words are heavy!"

It is undeniable that the punishment above was due to pretending to be dead in conjunction with the starfall continent acting, but also obtained 200,000 six-pointed star stones, so subsequent problems should be borne alone.

Jun Chang laughs and brings support, which is definitely a great kindness.

The fighters in the distance were beaten, because most of them thought that the Starfall continent sent people over to rob and take advantage of the fire, but it was rescue!

The two planes have been madly killed in the killing of Shura field, and the relationship should be like water and fire. How can they help?

Thinking of this, many warriors are depressed again.

Why did the host and even the seniors and disciples of the Baiye Gugu who died during the battle obviously live?

Too many puzzles made everyone look aggressive.

These things, Jun Changxiao and Ke Jinnan naturally will not talk about it, so it is destined to become an unsolved mystery on the battlefield.




Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others landed on the ground to collect various pieces of armor scattered on the ground.

Although the equipment is destroyed, but the material is special, it is completely valuable to re-melt and create equipment.

Licking the bag to this extent is really heartbroken!

In this battle, Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others were frightened and short of breath, but also very refreshing and very exciting.

If you come every once in a while, the martial arts improvement will definitely be very significant!

After taking away all the recyclable pieces of equipment, Jun Chang smiled and turned to look at all the martial arts spectators in the distance, and said, "Watching a big show, don't you give me a reward?"


Everyone's face changed slightly.

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Not much, just a few jins of ore per person."


Li Qingyang cooperated to take out the wooden boards that had appeared outside the platform before, and still listed a lot of ore on it.


The Purple King Demon King has appeared in the area where the warriors gathered the most. He held his chest with his hands and stared at a pair of big bulls' eyes.


The threat of red fruit!

Seeing the lively warrior suddenly remorse.

When the battle has been determined, why don't you want to hurry up?


A warrior shook his head and took out dozens of pounds of ore.

The strength that Jun Changxiao and Wan Guzong just showed has deeply shocked him. Naturally, he dare not touch the anger, but can only accept the fact that he was captive.

Someone took the lead, and others took out the ore one after another, unwilling to throw it away.

The Lingyuan continent was punished and attracted at least 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers. One person gave dozens of catties, which is also a huge number.

"Before you leave, you can save some ore, which is definitely very cool." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

The system saw the stitches interjected: "The host finally admits that this is blackmail!"


A moment of effort.

Tens of thousands of warriors at the scene threw all the ore over.

Although they are very depressed, they are not many, so they are not so sad.

Some even comforted themselves, witnessing the Tianzi level fight at the scene, and it seemed quite cost-effective to give some ore.

"Master Ke Gu."

After putting all things into the space ring, Jun Chang smiled and arched and said, "Jun will leave first ..."

"call out!"

"call out!"

Without saying a word, in the open space outside the base, the Ambilight flickered, and a ghost on the battlefield appeared again.

"Why are you here again?" The warriors on the plane who were about to leave saw the situation and settled in place, their eyes widening.

Jun Chang laughed very unexpectedly.

It is said that to destroy the ghosts on the battlefield, even if you come again, you have to wait for tomorrow.


The streamers flickered frequently, and the number of ghosts on the battlefield appeared more and more. They quickly broke through from thousands to 10,000. They were neatly arranged in a square matrix, just like a legion waiting to be treated!

"Oh my God!"

"More than just now!"

"From the point of view of breath, it's all about the level of Dixuan!"

The crowd was shocked.

There were thousands of battlefield ghosts in the past, and there were many levels of yellow characters. Now there are not only a large number of people, but no yellow characters, all of them are more than black characters. This is a bit shocking!

Ke Jinnan, who had just put his mind down, saw the most terrifying battle, and his mouth twitched.

My Lingyuan continent has violated the rules. Can you punish me once, and do I have to punish me again?

"The starfall continent violated the rules in the killing of Shura field, and sent special punishment to the effect." A thick, old voice sounded in the sky.

Ke Jinnan heard that he almost spit out old blood.

The starburst continent violated the rules, the ghost of the battlefield should go to the starfall continent stronghold, sent to my door is what it means!


Jun Chang smiled at the 10,000 battlefield ghosts with the lowest level of mystery, smiling at the corners of his mouth: "The lineup is quite strong."


Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others have sacrificed their weapons and entered a combat state, but their hearts are a little panicked. After all, the ghosts on the battlefield are strong and there are many thieves!

Jun Chang also knows that the disciples have already fought one battle. If they fight again in the second game, they must be more fierce, so they slammed their fingers and said, "Baby, take out your hole cards!"



Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others put various weapons into the space ring, then carried the magic vacuum cleaner on their backs, took the flat nozzle with one hand, and their eyes flashed with war.

The last time the contribution value overflowed, the dog left to buy a lot of facilities, and also bought a lot of magic modified vacuum cleaners ~ ~, so that after encountering unclean things, the disciples can come out to compete.

This is the real hole card.

The 5,000 ghosts on the battlefield just played as experience packs. If you really want to end quickly, you can just offer a vacuum cleaner.


With a single hand, Jun Chang laughed, and immediately picked up the two magical vacuum cleaners, holding the flat nozzles on both the left and right hands, and grinning, "Let's honey you guys."

"Ding! The side mission is triggered."


Coming to the task at this time is definitely a reward!

Jun Chang smiled quickly to open the data panel, but after seeing the task, his face suddenly changed, then he took the vacuum cleaner back into the space ring, and said in a deep voice, "You all back down, this garbage is handed over to this seat!"


PS, this chapter says that the third day of comments closed, I miss you.

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