The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1034: I watched another big show.

Imminently fighting with the emerging battlefield ghosts, a side mission suddenly came. According to past experience, Jun Changxiao's judgment may be related to the former.

as expected.

The mission is related to the battlefield ghost, and it must be completely destroyed.


There are conditions attached.

Appearance of the battlefield ghost must be resolved by the host alone, and the time limit is ten minutes.

In other words, this is not only a time-limited task, but Jun Changxiao must be asked to solve it in person, and senior officials and disciples of Wan Guzong must not participate!


Jun Chang laughed and took the magic vacuum cleaner back, and ordered his disciples to step back and face 10,000 battlefield ghosts alone.

"A person?"

"So cruel?"

The face-lifters widened their eyes.

With so many battlefield ghosts, the lowest level of strength is at the level of mystery. Fight alone, unless that guy ...


The space trembled slightly.

A pocket knife appeared between the fingers of Jun Changxiao out of thin air.

Coming, Coming, Hard to Collect!

Faced with so many battlefield ghosts, and must be resolved within 10 minutes, Jun Changxiao can only use the strongest hole card!

He also saw it.

This time-bound and limited task is simply forcing yourself to spend a stamp of printing.

In this case.

Get the contribution you need to complete the mission, as he wishes!

The system said silently: "You don't use this hole card, do you really think you can do it with a vacuum cleaner?"

"This ..." Jun often laughed and remained silent.

If the strength of the disciples is at the semi-sacred level, dozens of people may be able to solve it with a vacuum cleaner, but many of them have just entered the Emperor Wuhuang. If they really fight against the 10,000 mysterious level, it is difficult to say if they can come close!

and so.

Once it doesn't work, it must be unsealed.

"It seems."

Jun Chang laughed and comforted himself: "It takes a stamp of printing to make a steady profit!"

The system whispered, "I haven't seen the host say they have lost it."

"The lord sacrificed the knife again!"

The eyes of Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were locked on the hard-to-reach sword.

They have seen this thing, and they know that it is very powerful, and today they saw it again, and they suddenly began to have infinite fantasy.

The Purple King Demon frowned, and previously seized the opportunity, this guy sacrificed once, and then killed more than 20,000 facial warriors in front of himself!

"That knife, here it is!"

The expressions on the faces of many warriors were wonderful.

Sealed in the heart, the memory of heartbroken killings suddenly came to the sea!



The soldiers who had the privilege of seeing Jun Changxiao's crazy killings swallowed a spit, then stepped back subconsciously, obviously fearing being injured by mistake!

The others didn't know the truth, but when they saw the big guys retreated, they looked up and followed.

"Brother, Jun often laughs and pulls out a toy knife?"

"This is not a toy knife. This is a sickle for death in Hell!"

"Death Scythe?"

"Prior to snatching the opportunity that broke out, Jun Chang laughed and killed him with his heartbroken heart!"


The warrior heard his words and suddenly opened his eyes.

Others backed up faster!

At least half of the tens of thousands of warriors present have not witnessed the previous events, but they have all heard of it, especially knowing that Jun Changxiao has a weapon that kills people, such as chopping vegetables and melons!

It turns out that this is the weapon that killed tens of thousands of people!

But it's too small!


Just as everyone questioned, Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped on the knife handle, and the spiritual thoughts had been integrated into the space ring.


The tens of thousands of battlefield ghosts lined up neatly, awakened from their deep sleep, and the powerful waves roared out.

Although this kind of low-level creature created by the upper world has strong strength, it will not use momentum, otherwise, if it is a real strong person, the gas field alone will be fully opened, and it will deter most of the sky.



The ghosts of the battlefield sacrificed their weapons, gathered their power, and rushed away with a smile.

There are thousands of mysterious levels, even if there is no gas field, but collective action at one time can be described as powerful!

The warrior on the face saw such a sturdy scene, his face changed greatly.

With so many battlefield ghosts and terrifying strength, the first echelon plane will only be abused, right?

"call out!"

"call out!"

Countless streamers flew at high speed from high, low, and air, and the swords and swords gathered together, and instantly produced a gorgeous luster.

Jun Chang smiles proudly.

Behind the camera, there is quite a tendency for a man to be a master!


"Woohoo ——————"

The ghosts of the battlefield have not yet been killed, and the burst of power waves rushed forward because the number was too dense and dense, and the space began to distort.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, who stood behind, changed their faces slightly.

This power, this momentum, even if you have a vacuum cleaner, you can't compete!

"Excuse me!"

Suddenly, Jun Chang, who was standing in front of him, smiled and pinched his fingers on the handle of the knife, his body bent down slightly, and his voice was cold: "Nine days of anger!"

"锵 ————————"

The hard-to-find sword comes out of the sheath, and the light suddenly flashes!

The face-lifters were stabbed by the sudden rising light and couldn't open their eyes, and even raised their arms to block.

After the light had dissipated, they kept their breaths open and opened their eyes, and they saw Jun Changxiao's large sword with a length of five feet and a width of six inches.

Sky, ground, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain, ze.

Qian, Kun, Hu, Li, Zhen, Gen, Yan, Dui.

On both sides of the sword body, eight characters are engraved respectively, revealing a mysterious force from the East!


Weapons for the slaughter of more than 20,000 planes!



At this moment, hundreds of ghosts on the battlefield had rushed over, and they raised their swords and slashed, and the sky shone to tear down the space.

Jun Chang smiled and raised his head gently, his black hair was blown away, his eyes blinked coldly.



The rays of various swords seemed to be locked in midair by some force.


"What happened?"

Not only are the powers of various swords at rest, but also hundreds of battlefield ghosts rushing in. Although their eyes flicker and gleam, they freeze in midair in various flying attitudes.



At this moment, Jun Chang laughed and flew past with an unsuccessful sword, and then slashed in the void, and then presented the words such as heaven, earth, mine, etc. until the last word "hui" converged in midair, sixteen words Suddenly turned into the sky sword light strikes the framed ghost of the battlefield!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Under the impact of the violent amount of violence, the armor broke apart.


Jun Chang laughed without stopping, rushing to kill the sword again, the sword light flashed in the crowd instantly, then extinguished again, and the head and helmet of the sky flew together.

The warrior in the plane could see his eyes widened.

In a short time, thousands of ghosts on the battlefield were slaughtered, and they were completely fixed in the air, just like weeds, waiting for the guy to harvest!




Jianguang flashed frequently, and a headless armor hung in the air.

"call out------"

Suddenly ~ ~ Jun Chang laughs through the shuttle space, appearing behind the ghosts on the battlefield, the hard-to-receive sword is naturally drooping, and the eighteen words carved on the sword body flash dazzling light.



The binding power that exists in mid-air dissipates, and the thousands of battlefield ghosts whose helmets have been cut off suddenly fall like headless flies.

It takes less than a minute from the shot to the total obliteration!

The warrior on the spot saw from afar that none of the ghosts on the battlefield had fallen to the ground, and the three souls and seven souls almost scared.

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled and turned his head, and said, "I watched another big show, aren't you in this wave?"


The expressions on everyone's faces changed again and again.

However, witnessing that guy sacrificed a horrible weapon, and instantly wiped out 10,000 ghosts at the level of the mysterious battlefield, and it seemed that he was not losing a few pounds of ore!

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