The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1035: Plane battlefield, here is the matter

What to watch in a world dominated by martial arts?

Of course, it's wonderful and special effects!

The warrior on the plane watched two big shows in succession, and suddenly felt that he spent dozens of pounds of ore, which was very good value for money!

In particular, Jun Chang laughed and sacrificed the terrible weapon, killing 10,000 ghosts in the battlefield in a very short time, which was quite shocking and super visual impact!

This wave is not lost, absolutely not lost!

Seeing the expression of relief on everyone's faces, Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Am I blackmailing?"

"..." The system was silent.

Obviously it is blackmailing and threatening, but as a result, the warrior of the plane thinks that the value is spent, and it is taken for granted, which is a bit shameless.



Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji flew down after the emperor pretended to be forced, and equipped the battlefield armor and other armored rings with full income.

Previously five thousand, now ten thousand.

There are many pieces of equipment and even complete ones.

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Chang smiled and turned, arching his hand: "It's over here, Jun left first!"


Shocked, Ke Jinnan forgot to salute, and stunned to see him and his disciples from Wanguzong leave.

The upper world punished twice in succession, and the sentimental battlefield ghosts were all easily destroyed. This picture will be printed deep inside the spectator!


Jun Changxiao, who returned to the stronghold of Starfall Continent, had a smile on his face, because after destroying the second batch of ghosts on the battlefield, the hidden mission was completed, which gave him 20,000 contributions and two experience signs!

Things on the battlefield of the plane have basically come to an end. Before leaving, the upper world can still send experience packs, which is great for yourself!



In the empty space, the old man was a bit difficult to say: "The guy's weapon is a bit strong."

The woman shrouded in clouds and mists whispered: "This time, the emperor came strictly in accordance with the regulations, but he still couldn't help Hexing to fall to the continent, and Jietang must have nothing to say.

Previously, many punishments were sent for experience packages.

This time directly dispatched 10,000 senior battlefield ghosts, which can be said to increase the difficulty from simple to hell.


The old man looked dignifiedly: "The guy who always laughs is not easy, maybe in the future ..."

The Yunwu woman interrupted: "There are a lot of people who are not simple in the world. It is only successful if you really survive and do something."

"Let's go."

"Let's go back."


They disappeared silently into the endless void.


Starfall continent stronghold.

After Jun Changxiao flew in, he retracted the hard-to-receive knife, and then he lifted his sleeves to wipe the sweat from the forehead.

With some big kills, the psionic energy in the body can quickly consume the thief. If the realm is not elevated and the foundation is good, I am afraid that I will be completely exhausted at the moment.

Starting the second form of the hard-to-reach knife will be weak for two hours and unable to use psionic power for one month, so when the dog has left the sheath, the person will be weak again.

"it's okay no problem."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "You can go to the space and time to recover."

"The disciples obey orders and return to Wanguzong!"


The mission of the Astral Continent has been completed, unless there is occasional combat, there is no meaning here for a long time.


Before leaving, Jun Chang laughed and came to the Battlefield Meritorious Store to exchange all the merit values ​​he obtained into Ning Yuandan and various martial arts.

Although the effect of Ningyuandan is not as good as that of Qiqidan, at least it can be taken at the same time to enhance the effect. It is also good to put it in the medicine machine for students to exchange. .

After all was done, Jun Chang laughed and stopped at the portal.

I glanced back at the gloomy sky and the hard-built large city-level stronghold, and said, "I will come to see it occasionally."


The whole person disappeared instantly.

If you see the warriors, you will definitely breathe a sigh of relief.

Because this terrible demon has finally gone, and finally no longer puts his mind on the battlefield, everyone need not worry about living in the future!


Ancient altar filled with vine branches and leaves.

An old man with white hair kneels on his cane, as if praying.


Suddenly, the pattern similar to the five elements and the gossip in front of him flickered slightly.

The white-haired old man opened his eyes and saw the copy above, his face changed in shock: "Omen of disaster!"

The camera extends from the altar, and then looks down, and finds that this is an island surrounded by endless seas. In a very far and far sea, a leafy boat is struggling.

"Two people."

The man in charge of the ship laughed: "We have successfully passed the squall zone. As long as we go eastward, we can reach the East China Sea in two months."

Yuan Gongzi in the cabin, looking at the scenery of the sky and the sea outside, secretly said: "As long as you stay away from that guy, it doesn't matter if you drive for two years."



When Jun Chang, who was in a state of weakness, came back with a smile, he didn't enter the space-time secret for the first time, but asked about the recent events on the rivers and lakes.

Li Luoqiu said: "Two thousand strong men who came to the battlefield of the plane came back without incident, and the entire continent was boiling."

"Expected." Jun Chang laughed.


Li Luoqiu said quite silently: "Civil strife has occurred in the big families in all states and counties. The reason is that many strong men who went to the battlefield passed the position of their homeowners to their son-in-law.


Jun often laughs and is very speechless.

"And." Li Luoqiu said: "Many strong people have passed on to others, and started to let go of themselves without the supervision of the master, drinking and playing all day, not thinking about progress."

"Speaking like this," Jun Chang laughed, "this time the battlefield and his party made many strong people understand a lot of truth."


Li Luoqiu said: "Xiao Mo has broken through to the Emperor Wu."

"This is good news," Jungou said with a smile. "It also shows that Taixuan Shengzong is a bit patient."

Li Luoqiu also said: "The bad news is that the high-level Emperor Taixuan returned from the battlefield, and Xiao Mo was afraid it would be difficult to get into the elder position.

"tell him."

Jun Chang smiled, "It's really not working, just come back."

With the strength of Wan Guzong, he can directly bring people to justice, so Su Xiaomo continues to be undercover, which has no meaning.

Moreover, that Fang Lingyu had humiliated her disciples, so no matter what contradiction was with Lu Yan, arrangements must be made.


Taixuan Shengzong.

A few days ago, Su Xiaomo, who came out of the Shiquan Lingyu Tower, sat in the room.

He had learned that the suzerain told him not to force himself, and it was time to go back and go back. Now he was in a tangle.

Would you like to return to Eternity?


Su Xiaomo secretly said: "I haven't gotten to the level of elders, just go back like this, what face to see the same door!"


Li Luoqiu said: "Xiao Mo has the news and intends to remain undercover."

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "This kid can't help himself in the undercover game ~ ~ Since Su Xiaomo is willing to continue to be undercover, he definitely has no objection, after all, the other party can mix in Taixuan Shengzong At the high level, they prove that they have a good leadership.

"Oh!" Said the system.


Li Luoqiu said: "There are a lot of drifting bottles on the seashore in southeast Shizhou, all of which are written by Master Fan for help, and the notes are urgent."

"One hundred thousand in a hurry?"

Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together and secretly said, "Get a lot of equipment pieces from the ghosts on the battlefield, because they are not in the category of ore, it is difficult to refine the equipment in the foundry. If you give them to Master Fan, you should be able to turn waste into treasure?

The system said: "If you want to go to the East China Sea Yuzhou, you have to go, you have to make an excuse for yourself?"

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "With excuses, I will be famous."


PS, there is still in the afternoon, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets.

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