The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1039: Natural disaster

Luo Luo's story is simple.

I was in danger when I went to the East China Sea Yuzhou, abandoned my best friend and lived to this day. After decades of torture, I decided to set out on my journey ...

In fact, all these years, he has been waiting for people who brought himself into Yuhai, East China Sea, during which he refused many military invitations.

Not long ago.

A pretty son-in-law and an old man in black robes visited.

The strength of the two was pretty good, but Luo always felt a little insecure, so he flatly refused.

Until Jun Chang laughed and appeared on the Tonggu battleship in high profile, the heart in his body beating to death suddenly jumped frantically.

Check your eyes!

He is who I am waiting for!

Luo Zhilong said earnestly: "I remember the route to Yuhai in the East China Sea, but there will be many natural disasters along this way. If you can resolve it, it will depend on the monarch."

To be honest, there is no shortage of seafarers to Yuzhou in the East China Sea. Even if you have n’t been there, you can find a place with decades of experience, but the key is to be able to resolve various crises on the route!

"The natural disaster is understandable, what does it mean?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Luo Zhilong said: "There are pirates all year round in the waters closest to the East China Sea Yuzhou. Even if people on the mainland escape the natural disaster, they may die in their hands."

"So it is."

Jun Chang laughs very much against natural disasters. After all, natural forces are terrifying, so it doesn't matter.

立 fg.

Who dares to rob me.

I robbed them of the pants they wore!

"Lao Luo, what are the natural disasters?"

"We have not yet entered the deep area of ​​the East China Sea. There is no danger for the time being, but once we enter, we must first experience ..."

Roger Long paused, pointed outside, and collapsed with a look on his face: "Super storm!"

Jun Chang smiled and hurriedly looked away.

At the end of the sky and the sea, the dark clouds condense, as if hanging from the bottom of a large black pot in the sky!


"It's super!"

This is just looking at the farthest place. If you go by boat, you must be in the dark hell.

"call out--------"

The speed of the ancient warships is extremely fast. It was originally thousands of miles away from the storm area, and it soon became infinitely close. The black cloud group was more spectacular and the area was wider. Even lightning can be seen from the clouds. Out.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Luo Zhilong solemnly said: "The super storm is the first disaster in the outer periphery of the deep East China Sea. Once any ship enters, it will not only be harassed by the gale, but also cause thunder and lightning. After thousands of years, the warriors who died here will enter the sand of the Ganges. ! "

He went to the East China Sea Yuzhou for the first time that year, and he had run through it. Although he finally passed through without any surprises, he always felt creepy when he thought of it.

"It's not a big problem," Jungou laughed.

Question ... not big?

That's something you haven't seen before. Dozens of large sailing ships are traveling in parallel, sinking instantly under the blast of waves and thunder and lightning!

Luo Zhilong had seen this scene, and he was almost scared.

"call out-------"

The Tungu warship kept moving at the same speed, and soon approached the super stormy area.



The ship hadn't entered yet, and a gusty wind had swept across.

After Ye Aniu combed her hairstyle, she didn't form an air wall in advance to protect her hair.

"The magic of love goes round and round!"

"Think of you thinking of night and day!"


Although Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others gathered in front of the gas wall in advance, they felt that the wind was sweeping in, and they instantly realized that if they were replaced by ordinary people who were not repaired, they might be torn directly by the wind!

On earth, natural disasters are already very scary. As a high-level starfall continent, it must be strong or not weak, so don't look at the living creatures here that are generally high, that is to say, they die.


The gale was still roaring, and its intensity continued to increase.

"call out------"

The speed of the Tonggu battleship is not affected, and it finally merges into the super storm area covering thousands of miles in an instant like a small sesame!

Although Luo Zhilong was in the cockpit, he was not disturbed, but after entering, he saw the darkness around him, breathing suddenly, like a big stone in his chest.

Only those who have really experienced can understand deeply how many first natural disasters ...

and many more!

Monarch Sovereign!

Jun Chang, who was standing beside him, laughed and disappeared when the ship entered the stormy area. Luo Zhilong hurriedly found it, and then found the guy at the bow!


He even went out and took the lead!


The power of thunder and lightning gathered frantically at high altitudes, and the original dark environment like **** ushered in a short light, and poured on Jun Chang laughed, a pride radiated from his handsome, spitting face.

Undeniably, super storms are much stronger than conventional natural disasters, but as a man who has used his face ... with his body to resist the prints of the upper world, how can he be afraid of it!

that moment.

Under the light of the thunder and lightning, the prince standing on the bow of the ship always smiled, as if blessed by the Buddha's light, giving an extremely sacred feeling.

Sword and martial arts dual holy, can it not be holy?


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the sky, and I saw that the power of thunder and lightning, which had been brewing for a long time, slashed down on the route that the ancient warships had to pass.

Zooming out of the lens, the flashing thunder and lightning is like a huge sword spirit falling from the sky, tearing everything around severely.

Luo Zhilong's eyes were about to stare out.

This has just entered the super storm area, and the thunder and lightning gathered should not be so strong!

The guy must be too arrogant and angered the water god, so it will lower the thunder and lightning more!

Most of the people who live on the sea all year round believe in the **** of water. Every year when they go fishing, they will be worshipped with various sacrifices. They pray for smooth sailing and return safely.


"Zizi ----------"

Howling winds, thunder and lightning.

Jun Changxiao always stood proudly on the bow of the ship, not even watching the thunder and lightning down, as if admiring the scenery below.

"Sovereign King, be careful!" Luo Zhilong exclaimed.


Suddenly, the ancient warship stopped.


Why stop!

How did it stop at this time!

Luo Zhilong's eyes suddenly despair!

According to the speed of the Tonggu warship, it may be possible to fly directly to avoid being bombarded by thunder and lightning. Now it suddenly stops and is still over the sky, then wait for being bombed!


Suddenly, Li Qingyang rushed away, then stopped in the thunderbolt area, his hair spread out, and a smile appeared on his face.


The space was slightly turbulent, and a Thunderbolt pattern stood in front of it.


Li Qingyang waved his right finger lightly, and dashed on the scabbard.

"Uh ---"

"call out----------"

Skyscraper thunder pattern came out of the sheath ~ ~ flashing dazzling light, to meet the lightning force that is about to fall!


A strong lightning strike, as if flooded with high voltage, caused the sword to hang in the air, and suddenly burst into a dazzling gloss.


The darkened area seemed to turn into daylight.

The camera shifted to low altitude, and it was clear that there were many broken ship boards and wooden boards floating on the sea.


Li Qingyang thought about it, recalled the Thunder Strike, then held it in his hand, feeling the internal thunderous thunder and lightning, rejoicing: "Master, you can really use the thunder and lightning to recharge your weapons!"

Jungou laughed and said, "Here, I leave it to you."


Li Qingyang clenched the Skyscraper Thunderbolt, looked up to the thunder and lightning still brewing in the rolling black clouds, his eyes were hot: "Come on, come on!"

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